The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 941 Hold me, please (33)


"Look at him. Since he was with you, he has been delaying you. Has he ever helped you in any way?"

"Sister Wang, that's not called delay."

Fu Sheng was a little unhappy.

"We never care about these things between us. Also, he is very good to me, not hypocritical."

"In a word, I just called you to inform you about the marriage. I didn't ask for your opinion. I will marry you whether you agree or not."

Sister Wang: "..."

How much ecstasy soup did this male vixen pour into this heartless girl?

She is like an old mother at the moment, she can't be beaten, and she can't listen to scolding.

Sighing, she asked helplessly,

"You want to get married, does the company know? In the contract we signed, it is forbidden for you to decide the marriage without permission."

"'s okay, I'll just terminate the contract."

Fu Sheng behaved very grandly.

Sister Wang: "..."

This girl is no longer short-sighted,

This is completely careless.

"Sister Wang, that's it. You should prepare to terminate the contract first. After I get the certificate, I will go to the company to deal with this matter."

Miss Wang was quiet for a while,

"...In that case, I have nothing to say, I can only say, I hope you don't regret it."

What she insists on doing, she can't persuade her.

Fu Sheng responded, and then hung up the phone.

In the villa,

Mu Li is quietly tidying up the house and putting things in order.

On the table,

Fusheng's ID card and household registration book were packed in a small bag and placed quietly on it.

Fu Sheng came back from the balcony.

"Lili, is the mask ready? Let's go?"

Mu Li's movements suddenly slowed down.

He looked at her with dark eyes,

"Really, are you married?"

He fears,

Tying her together will only harm her.

Fu Sheng was taken aback,

She came over and hugged him funny, rubbed his head,

"You do not want?"

"Let me tell you~ I'm a celebrity, and I'll meet many, many male celebrities in the future, in case I'm abducted one day—"

"..." The man grabbed her wrist all of a sudden, his tone slightly cold.

"My dear Sheng, don't be joking."

Fu Sheng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Don't you want to marry me? Then—"

"I don't want to."

Mu Li hugged her waist and lowered his eyes slightly.

He's a murderer,

His hands were covered in blood.

He was just afraid, she regretted...

It was the first time for a man to feel so uncertain.

Fu Sheng paused.

Looking at his restless eyes,

She flicked his forehead suddenly, smiled softly,

"Stupid or not? Where is the former fearless Mu Li?"

"You should say, even if I regret it, it's useless, because I can't run away."

"..." Mu Li's eyes trembled slightly.

"It should also be said that if I cheat, break my leg."

Fu Sheng taught him with a smile.

Mu Li was slightly silent.

He lowered his eyes slowly, and a strange dark color flashed across his eyes.


she is impossible,

To interrupt, interrupt the other party.

The man smiled calmly.

"Let's go~" Fusheng pulled him.

After tiptoeing to put on the mask and hat for him,

Fusheng gave him the household registration book and ID card.

The two held hands and walked out.

not far away,

A few paparazzi are hiding behind the bushes, holding up their cameras, and secretly filming,

Mu Li looked over in an instant.

The instinct of high vigilance allows him to easily sense the people hiding nearby.

His phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, thoughtfully.

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