The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 942 Hold me, please (34)


"What's wrong?"

Fusheng got into the car and asked him casually.

Mu Li smiled slowly, as if nothing had happened.


made a bid,

It's also very good.

Anyway, sooner or later it will be made public.

as she said,

Now that we are together, we can no longer let others take advantage of it.

he doesn't want to

There is another chance to peel the skin, cramps, and bones.

The man smiled calmly, faintly, revealing a strangeness.



while driving,

Mu Li drove the car slowly, looking at the rearview mirror from time to time.

Although he no longer kills, he still has strong anti-detection capabilities.

He can clearly see how many bedbugs are following behind his buttocks.

Mu Li stepped on the gas pedal calmly.

Turning around, the speed is extremely fast.

Fu Sheng grabbed the armrest tightly and looked behind.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, greenness emerged from her palm, got out of the car, and hid on the ground.


A few following cars pass by,

Just listen to "Puff-Puff--" a few times,

The wheels blew out at the same time, and began to slide uncontrollably to one side,


The car stopped urgently.

Fu Sheng turned her head in satisfaction.

"Li Li, they can't keep up, please drive slowly."


Mu Li slowly eased off the accelerator.

The car moved quickly and smoothly through traffic.


Several people came out of the car with a flat tire,

They looked at the car that was nowhere to be seen, and uttered a foul language, quite out of breath.

"Fuck it, lost it."

This is big news,

Actress Jiang Yuesheng stopped work to fall in love with her boyish boy friend, regardless of her old mother who was still dead,


Some netizens sprayed.

Several people rubbed their hands, eager to try.



twenty minutes later,

The white car stopped in an extremely remote alley.

Fu Sheng wore a mask and a hat to completely block herself.

After getting out of the car,

Mu Li led her and walked slowly into the alley.

Because it is daytime,

So the scene in the alley can be clearly seen.

Both sides are full of flies flying garbage, piled together, almost burying the road.

The street lamps were dilapidated, and half of the lampshades were broken, exposing the circuits inside.

It's dirty and nobody seems to live here.

The doors of every household are almost covered with rusty rust, black, black and yellow, and the quietness is scary.

Occasionally there are a few buildings that are not blocked by iron gates.

It was so dark inside that I couldn't see anything clearly.

There is also a faint wind, with some inexplicable stench.

Fu Sheng held Mu Li tightly.

Mu Li grabbed her shoulders,

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Fu Sheng shook his head, but said nothing.

She is not afraid,

But, it hurts a little.

Where does her big baby live?

If she never comes,

Doesn't he want to live here all the time?

Fu Sheng felt very uncomfortable.

The two walked for a while,

The alley is deep,

The further you go inside, the lower the temperature inside.

It was cold, and there were dilapidated empty buildings everywhere.

A few fat mice were hiding in the garbage dump, constantly pawing at the rotten food.


Mu Li embraced her and stopped in front of one of the empty buildings.

There is no door under the building, so you can go in directly.

It was dark inside, and only a slightly dirty staircase could be seen.

Mu Li was afraid that she would be afraid, so he handed her a flashlight.


He knelt down, patted himself on the back, and motioned her to come up,

"It's very dark up there, around... there are some things I arranged, I'll carry you up there, so you won't be afraid."

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