The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 943 Hold me, please (35)


Fusheng blinked her eyes, and said oh,

She leaned on his back obediently and hugged his neck.

Mu Li easily carried her on his back.

"Shall I show you the way?"

Fu Sheng pressed his face against him and asked softly,

Mu Li paused, "No, I'm'll be scared."

The above are all things he was interested in doing,

It's going to be a little... bloody.

He was afraid that she would be frightened, and then, leave a shadow.

"Okay~ Don't worry, I'll just close my eyes."

Fu Sheng kissed him.

She knows even if he doesn't tell,

In the past, he would arrange something at home.

Fu Sheng thinks that her psychological quality is not bad, but she is still not sure whether she will feel sick after seeing it.

She closed her eyes and pointed the flashlight at him to show him the way.

Mu Li glanced at her,

After confirming that she really closed her eyes,

Then he pursed his lips and went upstairs steadily.


Fu Sheng could feel the darkness around him.

Mu Li's steps were steady and light,

Even carrying her on his back, he didn't feel the slightest heaviness.

in the air,

Gradually, it became dull,

An inexplicable smell began to pervade, with a faint smell of formalin.

A faint smell of blood came, depressing and unpleasant.

Fu Sheng shrank her nose unconsciously.

I don't know how many floors up,

Mu Li's footsteps stopped.


The sound of the iron door being pushed open sounded.

He put her down slowly, and then covered her eyes.

"Promise me, don't leave me, okay?"

The man's slightly hoarse voice became a little cautious.

Fu Sheng nodded obediently, "Yes."

Mu Li pursed her lips, stood behind her, and hugged her.

Slowly, the hand covering her eyes came down.

Fu Sheng opened his eyes.

Under the light of a flashlight,

In the dilapidated room, everything is clearly presented.

There are no beds here,

There is only a simple quilt, which is spread on the ground and acts as a place to lie down.

On the closet facing the futon,

It's full of big jars,

In the jar, there are various parts of the human body—skull, hand bones, toes, all pale in color, suspended in the liquid, and slowly moving.

If you look closely, it seems that there are still fish in it, which are constantly gnawing on the meat on the human skeleton, and the meat foam is floating all over the jar.

On the other side,

A person-shaped thing wrapped in gauze dangled from the ceiling, emitting a faint stench.

Where the gauze is exposed,

It's dried flesh, shriveled on the bone, and turned a dark color, somewhat similar to...



A row of sharp knives are neatly placed in the place where the bone frame is placed.

The tip of the knife is sharp, the knife edge is silver and bright, except for the different size, the rest are exactly the same style.

In addition to knives, there are also axes and large hammers on the side.

It only takes one hard blow to smash the human head and burst the brain.

The whole room is bright red,

On the ground, there is also a huge and strange smiling face,

Like a spell, it made the legs of those who saw it go limp.

Fu Sheng was stunned.

Mu Li hugged her tightly, his tone was low,

"As you said, you can't leave me."

Fu Sheng was silent and breathed a sigh of relief,

so far so good,

Not very gory either.

She rubbed the head of the man behind her with a soft voice,

"Don't be afraid, I won't leave."

"Your's okay, it's quite clean."

Fu Sheng originally thought that there would be some rotting corpses here.

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