The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 944 Hold me, please (36)


Now it seems……

Same with the hospital.

But there are just a lot of specimens.

Mu Li stared at her closely, not letting go of every trace of emotion on her face.

Fu Sheng turned to look at him,

She touched his face with a smile, her tone remained the same,

"Okay~ Hurry up and get the certificate, we still have to go to get the certificate."

Fearing that he would be uneasy, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him very gently,

"Don't worry about Lili, I'm not afraid, and I don't mind your past."

"Since we are going to get married, then we are husband and wife, right?"

"Why do husbands and wives care about this?"

She stroked his head reassuringly.

Mu Li looked at her quietly.

for a while,

He slightly bent his lips and said "hmm".


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After getting the certificate,

Fu Sheng took Mu Li's hand, looked around, and said softly,

"Mu Li, shall we destroy all the things here? It will be bad if the police find out."

Mu Li thought for a while and nodded.

He wants to start a new life with her,

Here, of course, will not come back.

The man watched all this without any regrets.

half an hour later,

The two got back into the car.

Fu Sheng looked at the building in the distance, and quietly used his magic power to destroy it again.


The car leaves.


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"Tuanzi, how many people died in the place where Mu Li lived just now?"

【two. 】

[Including those who Da Da casually killed at night before, a total of eight people were killed. 】

"..." Fu Sheng pursed her lips.

These are innocent victims,

No matter what, Mu Li had to apologize to them.

As for going to jail... that's out of the question,

killed so many people,

He must be sentenced to death by law.

She will never allow it.


It can only be that Mu Li sincerely apologizes,



"Tuanzi, make a list of these eight people and see if...their souls can still be found."

This life is a miserable death,

I can only ask Mu Li to pay for their safety in the next few lives as an apology.

Fu Sheng pondered slightly.

【Okay madam, I'll go find it right away. 】

The dumpling left.

Fusheng looked at the man driving the car, then lowered his head and fiddled with the two ID cards, slightly bent his lips,

do not care,

Get married today.

The matter of making an apology will be discussed another day.


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The two went to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

When taking ID photos,

Fu Sheng took off his mask.

The surrounding staff fell silent for a moment.

The cameraman was stunned, and poked his head out from behind the curtain.

"Jiang...Jiang Yuesheng!?"

Fuck! star! ! !

Everyone has not had time to get excited,

I saw Fusheng "hush" to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Today is my wedding day, everyone can cooperate, don't get excited?"

She earnestly begged.

Mu Li looked at her, and in the next second, followed her movements and tone in a manner, and spoke gently,

"Cooperate, don't get excited."


Everyone was instantly blushed.

"Shhh—everyone be quiet."

The staff resisted the excitement of gossip and stood aside watching.

The glamorous girl and the wickedly handsome man are simply pleasing to the eye sitting together.

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