The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 957 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (5)


And the maid who was ordered to look at her, bowed her head, remained motionless,

He obviously didn't pay attention to her words.

Fu Sheng repeated it patiently again,

"All of you, go out."

"..." Everyone remained motionless.

Fusheng was quiet for a moment, then smiled angrily,

"Okay, you stand if you like."

She sat on the stool, picked up the pastries on the plate, and ate them without hesitation,

One of the maids looked up at her quietly, then ran out quickly.




the bedroom on the other side,

Qin Zikuo was sitting in a wheelchair, wearing a light unlined garment, reading a book by candlelight,

He coughed lightly from time to time, curled his fingertips, put them on his lips, and breathed lightly.

Three thousand crow feather-colored blue hairs fell down, softly resting on both sides of his cheeks,

The handsome and profound face, under the warm candlelight, looks even more cool and charming,

The dark purple eyes in the depths of the pupils are like the flawless aurora in the middle of the night, deep and beautiful.

Remove the disability of the leg,

This is a very charming man, elegant but not vulgar, cold but not cold.

outside the quiet bedroom,

Gradually, whispers came.

Qin Zikuo's long eyelashes did not move, his face remained calm.


The butler knocked on the door cautiously, and said softly,

"My lord, the princess... she lifted her hijab by herself."

"Eat something."

by candlelight,

The man raised his eyes slightly.

Indifferent and a little impatient.

"Let her do whatever she wants, and don't need to report unnecessary things in the future."


The butler responded and left quickly.

Qin Zikuo coughed a few more times, the cough was a bit severe,

He covered his lips and frowned slightly.

Qin Huang's words seemed to be still in his ears,

He said that woman was his lucky star.



The man slowly raised a cool arc.

Just a woman,

into his palace,

Just do it well...

Don't live long be prepared.



When the messenger-maid returns,

Fusheng has been eaten.

She wants to take a bath,

But looking at the maids who were reticent and didn't want to listen to her, she wisely didn't open her mouth, not intending to seek humiliation.

Entering the Chenwang Mansion,

Everyone up and down is obviously that person's person.

It's normal for her to not move.

Fu Sheng was too lazy to make fun of herself, and lay on the bed directly with her clothes on.

The matchmaker looked left and right, not knowing what to do for a while,


The leading maid took her out.

Got Qin Zikuo's loose mouth,

Everyone stopped looking at Fusheng all the time,


She was alone in the room.

She lay for a while,

at last,

suddenly sat up,

"No! Isn't there usually a personal servant girl by the princess' side? What about mine?"

【Oh, I was detained by them, saying they wanted to check whether I had brought any prohibited items. 】

Fu Sheng: "..."


Do you dare to lose your human rights?

Fu Sheng complained silently for a while,

Finally, resigned to his fate, he got up and started tossing the jewelry on his head,

Wearing too much jewelry,

Her neck was so sore.

Take off the jewellery,

Fu Sheng's long hair fell loose.

through the mirror,

The sixteen-year-old girl has exquisite facial features and curved willow eyebrows, she looks gentle and cute,

The two small tiger teeth on the lips are sharp and small, and when they smile, they look extra sweet.

The apricot pupils are big and round, clear and bright, turning round and round, like a cunning fox.


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