The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 958 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (6)


The fiery red wedding gown, worn on her body, made her little daughter's charming and bright even more,

Like a rose that is about to bloom, it is beautiful and dazzling.

Fu Sheng stared at herself for a while,

at last,

she is sleepy

Go to the big bed and lie down.

next second,


She sat up again.

the quilt is lifted,

Underneath, there were peanuts and red dates all over the place, hugging her like they were laying stones.

Fusheng tidied up again resignedly.

at last,

She finally lay down and fell asleep comfortably.

I don't know what I dreamed about,

She showed her pointed little canine teeth and smiled.



in the dark night sky,

A bright meteor passed by and approached Beichen Star.

Qin Huang sat on the viewing platform, drinking tea,

Qin Tianjian stood outside, constantly observing the night phenomenon and recording the data.

at last,

He didn't know what he had figured out, he was overjoyed and ran over,

"Your Majesty, the sky shows that Princess Xiyun must be His Majesty's beloved."

Qin Huang paused while drinking tea, "My beloved?"

Qin Tianjian knelt down, "Yes, Your Majesty."

"The sky shows that His Royal Highness Chen Wang will have a heaven-sent marriage with Princess Xiyun."

Qin Huang raised his eyebrows.

celestial phenomenon?

Is it really a godsend...

Still have to look at his brother.

After so many years, I don't know if he has ever touched a woman.

My brother can't be pure-hearted and ascetic,

As an older brother, he is really sad...



next morning,

Fusheng finally met her little maid, Linglong.

She ran back crying and whimpering, looking aggrieved,

Fu Sheng was sitting in front of the dressing table, fiddling with her messy hair,

Seeing her come in, he knelt down and was startled for an instant,

"Princess... woo woo woo, they are too deceptive..."

"They searched me and locked me in the woodshed all night... woo woo woo..."

The little maid who has followed the princess since she was a child has always been arrogant, how has she ever been insulted like this by others?

Linglong complained to her crying.

Fu Sheng patted her head sympathetically, sighed,

"We are living under the fence now, bear with it"

"In the future, be careful when you talk and do things, and bear as much as you can."

"... Woo..." Linglong looked at her aggrieved.

but soon,

She wiped her tears, nodded, and held back her grievance.

The princess is not having a good time now,

All she can do is try not to cause trouble to the princess.

Seeing that Fusheng's hair was a little messy, she hurriedly stood up, picked up the comb,

"Princess, Linglong will help you dress up."

"Okay." Fu Sheng smiled.

Finally came a maid who can comb hair,


She's going to have messy hair all day long.

"Linglong, don't wear too much jewelry, it's heavy."

" are a princess, if there are too few jewelry, it doesn't fit your status..."

"It's okay, they don't treat me as a princess anyway."

Fu Sheng understood it.

People in the entire palace did not welcome her arrival.

Not only were they all motionless, but they also kept a straight face, afraid that she wouldn't see the same thing.

Fusheng held her chin, stared at the little girl in the mirror, sighed faintly,

It's okay not to like her,

She couldn't stay long anyway.

After she has verified who is the one who understands,

She packed up and prepared to run.



a quarter of an hour later,


There was a knock on the door.

The voice of the maid came from outside,

"Your Highness, my servant is here to bring you breakfast."

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