The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 959 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (7)


Fu Sheng looked over.

Linglong hurriedly walked over to open the door.

The maid didn't come in either, she just stuffed the plate into her hand and said indifferently,

"Please tell Her Majesty the princess that the meals will be delivered by a special person in the future, and the princess does not need to sit in the hall."

finished speaking,

She turned and walked away without even looking inside.

"..." Linglong bit her lip,

She stomped her feet, trying to say something,

But thinking about something, she didn't dare to curse, and silently closed the door,

Fu Sheng also heard what the maid said,

She touched her nose and walked over, but she was not angry.

Although still an insult,

But... she is not a real princess,

It's no use getting angry.

"What did you have for breakfast?"

Linglong opened the food box angrily,

In the big food box,

There is a dish of side dishes, two steamed buns, and a bowl of porridge.

It's too simple,

Although Fusheng is already full enough,


Is that a little too insulting?

Fusheng was silent,

How can I say that she still has the halo of a princess of a great country on her body?

It's fine if you don't let me eat at the table.

Eat what is delivered here?

Fu Sheng sighed slightly.

"Princess, they are so insulting!"

Linglong stamped her feet angrily.

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes, and was about to comfort her,

In no mood,

The dumpling was caught off guard and made a noise, 【... Ma'am, the porridge is poisonous. 】

Fu Sheng: "...?!"

[Emm... Although it won't be fatal, it will make your skin itchy and rotten, which is extremely painful. 】


Fu Sheng laughed angrily.

It's okay if the bridegroom doesn't show up during the marriage ceremony.

She didn't care anyway.

The servants can't move around, that's fine.

She doesn't look like a princess either.

It's okay not to let them eat at the table.

It's OK to eat plain.

Just lose weight.

What the fuck sent over was poisonous,

Who the hell can bear this! ?

Fu Sheng smiled.

"Grand...princess, are you okay?"

Linglong hesitated.

Fu Sheng sneered and smiled, "I'm fine."

She wants to meet this so-called Prince Chen.

"Linglong, dress me."

Fu Sheng changed her clothes, put on her headgear, and went out with the food box.


as soon as the door opens,

Two big long knives stopped in front of her in an instant,

The soldier looked cold, "Your Highness, you need to rest, please go back."

Fu Sheng squeezed the handle of the food box, took a deep breath,

very good,

Also come under house arrest.

The little girl was successfully, thoroughly, angry.

She smiled and gently put down the food box.


Use divine power.


Two burly soldiers fell to the ground.


Linglong was dumbfounded.

Fu Sheng continued to smile,

"Linglong, take this thing, let's go see that cripple."

【Madam, take a deep breath, you have to calm down, you can't kill people...】

Tuanzi looked at her aggressively.

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

No matter how noisy,

She also has to take into account the country behind her.


No matter what, she has to explode once,


Every meal is poisoned, or poisoned through other places,

How can she guard against it?


I have been with Muli for a long time in my previous life,

She can already express her anger with a smile.

Fu Sheng caught a man on the road, and used his supernatural power to directly make him lead the way in a daze.


Appeared from a distant hall.

Layers of soldiers guarded and heavily guarded.

Fusheng was standing at the door, smiling, and using his supernatural power, he slapped the soldiers, and the soldiers fell to the ground in an instant.

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