The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 960 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (8)


in the hall,

A man in a dark purple robe is drinking tea slowly,

A slight movement came from the door, reaching his ears, making his long eyelashes tremble.

He has loose hair and a face like jade,

The indifferent and deep eyebrows and eyes are extremely handsome, and the dark eyes are smudged with a light dark purple, which is extremely deep.

His long white fingers covered the teacup, and he was nodding lightly, as if he was a little displeased.


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Fu Sheng paused as he walked in.



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Fu Sheng's face froze.

Standing outside the hall, she looked at the handsome man in the wheelchair, and suddenly seemed to hold her breath.

Can't go up, can't come down.

Seeing her, the housekeeper frowned and walked over,

"Princess, you need to rest now."

"There shouldn't be such a reckless move."

"..." Fu Sheng turned her head and glared at him, "Shut up."

It is Dabai, she will be angry.

The little girl came in with a food box.


The food box was placed heavily on the table.

"..." Qin Zikuo's expression remained unchanged, he lowered his eyes, drinking tea indifferently, completely ignoring her.

His lips are pale crimson, slightly pursed, extremely thin, soft and beautiful,

The handsome face is like a god, stunning and picturesque, looking at the ground without emotion, obviously not paying attention to her at all.

Fusheng almost didn't come up in one breath.


She wanted to point at him,

But this is impolite, the other party still understands.


Fu Sheng was angry and aggrieved.

at last,

She patted the table and said in a fierce tone,

"I won't eat here anymore!"


The little girl tapped the table again,

Then, he walked away angrily.

It looks like a kitten with teeth and claws, but it has no deterrent power at all.

He only roared fiercely, and thought he was fierce.

"..." Qin Zikuo slowly raised his eyes.

Looking at her back with indifferent eyes,

The little girl thought of something again, turned around, came back and patted the table again,

"Don't restrain my feet from now on!"

She glared at him fiercely.

"..." Qin Zikuo narrowed his eyes slightly,

Finally saw what she looked like.

He nodded his teacup alternately, looked at her indifferently,

She doesn't seem to like wearing tiaras,

The dress is still the dress of a little girl,

The white dress is clean, the little face is very delicate and cute,

The appearance is a bit pleasing.

It seems... only sixteen?

The man looked calm.

Fu Sheng patted the table, stomped his feet again,

at last,

She puffed her cheeks and walked away.

Linglong followed behind, saluted Qin Zikuo, and then hurriedly followed.

Until the little girl disappeared,

Qin Zikuo lowered his eyes slowly, coughed a few times,

Curl your fingertips and put them on your lips, breathing peacefully.

under long eyelashes,

A trace of unknown emotion flashed across his dark purple eyes, which seemed a little dangerous.


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"Old Li, her name is Xiyun?"

The man's tone was calm.

The butler hurriedly bowed, "Yes, my lord."

Qin Zikuo's eyes were pale,

The food box on the side was quietly placed, and the little girl's anger seemed to be still there.

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