The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 968 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (16)


Fu Sheng sat down and looked at him, hesitating to speak,

The man took a sip of tea, slowly put down the book, turned the wheelchair, and sat next to her.

Fu Sheng followed him and moved his chopsticks.

in the process,

She peeked at him from time to time, thinking,

How can I get him... to allow her to treat him.

After all, she is a princess with ten fingers who does not occupy Yang Chunshui, so it is outrageous to say that she is good at medicine.

Qin Zikuo's long eyelashes drooped, he ate quietly,

under the light,

His deep and handsome face is astonishingly beautiful as if carved by God.

Because of coughing from time to time,

His face was a little pale, and his lips became a little dry, like a delicate and sick beauty, and faintly revealed a sickness.

After Fusheng thought up the words, he slowly put down his chopsticks,

She cleared her throat, probed, and asked weakly,

"Your Highness, do you have time tomorrow?"

"..." The man raised his eyelashes slightly,

Under the soft slender eyelashes, the dark purple pupils are deep and calm.

"What's up?"

His voice is a little gritty.

Fusheng murmured, and said softly,

"Tomorrow is the day when I return home, and I will enter the palace to meet His Majesty."

"I was wondering... can you go with me?"

The little girl looked at him unblinkingly with her big bright eyes, bent a little, and her little canine teeth were exposed again.

Qin Zikuo looked at her calmly.

"not bad?"

She tugged at the corner of his clothes lightly.

Afraid that he would not agree, coupled with my own petty thoughts,

Fu Sheng whispered,

"In return, I can treat your leg disease."

"..." The man narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly.


The little girl was the best at acting like a baby, her voice was soft and sweet, and she gently tugged at the corner of his clothes.

Qin Zikuo's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the corners of his lips seemed to curl up,

He gave a low "hmm" as a response.

Fu Sheng's eyes lit up,

"Really? Then it's done, don't go back on your word."

She was clearly delighted.

The man responded in a low voice again, looking at her calmly.

Fu Sheng immediately smiled,

"In exchange, I will try my best to help you heal your legs."

"Your Highness, trust me, I can really cure you."

She is serious.

"..." Qin Zikuo didn't move his long eyelashes, looking at her quietly,

I didn't say I believed it, and I didn't say I didn't believe it.

Fu Sheng was used to his taciturn temperament, so he didn't care, and happily picked up the chopsticks.


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that night,

In order to prevent accidents, Fusheng tried it on her own leg.

Medicine plus spiritual power,

It is not an easy task to control the degree.

Fusheng tried for a long time before he was able to determine the speed.

Get everything pretty much done,

She just lay down and slept with the quilt in her arms.


Early the next morning.

Linglong also called her up early.

Because I want to enter the palace to have an audience,

So she had to dress up early and put on cumbersome palace attire.

Fu Sheng went to bed late last night and was extremely sleepy.

He closed his eyes and let them fiddle with them.

an hour later,

A beautiful girl in bright red palace attire stood tall in front of the bronze mirror.

She has a beautiful appearance, with a bit of girlish immatureness, soft and white cheeks, and beautiful phoenix hairpin tassels on her hair, which are extremely bright and beautiful,

The frivolous gauze skirt swayed, making her skin as pure as snow, extremely pure white,

She is as beautiful as a goddess, stunning and moving.

Linglong was dumbfounded.

Standing there blankly, he didn't react for a long time.

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