The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 969 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (17)


Fu Sheng felt that there was no movement around her.

When she opened her eyes, she realized that everyone was looking at her.

She froze for a moment, then touched her face,

"What's wrong? Doesn't look good?"

Linglong snapped back to her senses,

"No, no, the princess is really beautiful."

She was dumbfounded by a girl.

Fu Sheng laughed.

After getting my clothes done,

She lifted her skirt and walked out of the bedroom.




Qin Zikuo had already changed his clothes and was waiting in the hall in a wheelchair.

He rarely changed into a dark red dress today,

The originally pale face also became a little warmer.

Three thousand crow feather-colored blue silks are bundled up high, and her beautiful eyebrows and eyes are like a pair of pure and exquisite ink paintings.

He lowered his eyelashes, quietly looking at the book in his hand, his dark purple pupils were like an abyss, extremely dark and indifferent,

It's quiet in the hall,

Only a few servants stood aside,

The man coughed twice from time to time, his lips became more and more bright red.

"Your Highness—"

The little girl's happy voice came over.

His long eyelashes trembled, and he slowly raised his eyes.

A woman in a beautiful red palace dress looked at him with a smile on her face.

A little delicate flower tin between her eyebrows lit her white and soft face, bright and charming,

she seemed happy,

He ran over and gently grabbed his sleeve,

The phoenix hairpin and tassels on her head flickered,

Like her very much, lively and beautiful.

Qin Zikuo looked at her fixedly, his fingertips shrinking slightly.

Breathing was stagnant, and there was a little throbbing with an accelerated heartbeat.

"Your Highness, shall we go?"

Fu Sheng put down his sleeve obediently,

Turned to push his wheelchair.


Qin Zikuo suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist,

Fu Sheng: "...?"

"What's wrong?"

She blinked confusedly.

The man looked at her calmly, and slowly rubbed his fingertips,

at last,

He slowly let go of her hand, his voice hoarse,


just feel...

A little disappointed.

failed to see...

She looks like a phoenix crown and Xiapei.

The man lowered his eyes slowly, with a flash of annoyance.

Fu Sheng didn't know what he was thinking, but just let out a soft sigh, walked behind him and pushed him.

The butler watched quietly, showing an old mother's smile.

When getting into the carriage,

Because Qin Zikuo's legs and feet are inconvenient, he usually needs someone to support him at this time.

just didn't expect,

Fusheng immediately picked him up in a big way, and got into the carriage with ease.

Everyone watched this process with dumbstruck eyes, and fell into a deathly silence.

Qin Zikuo looked at her quietly without moving his long eyelashes.

After Fusheng put him down carefully, he even helped him arrange his legs.

She squatted down, took out the cushion from under the seat, and cushioned it for him, very seriously.

Qin Zikuo remained silent all this time.

It's just that his eyes have been calmly placed on her.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval: 40%】


The carriage moved slowly.

After Fusheng tidied up her skirt, she became quiet.


Qin Zikuo coughed again in a low voice.

He seemed to be coughing a bit this time, with his fingertips curled up to cover his lips, and he coughed again and again.

Although the carriage is very stable,

But in the end it was a bit bumpy,

Especially through some uneven streets,

The turbulence was a bit severe.

Fu Sheng looked at him distressedly,

Suddenly thought of something, she took out a small sachet from her small pocket, handed it to him,

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