The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 971 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (19)


He didn't look at his sullen younger brother anymore, but looked at Fu Sheng, with a kind tone,

"Your younger brother and sister are living in the Prince Chen's mansion, how are you doing?"

Fu Sheng replied gently, "Return to Your Majesty, my concubine is fine."

Qin Xiao nodded,

He glanced at his quiet younger brother, raised his eyebrows, and smiled meaningfully,

"You married here from afar, from now on, you will treat this place as your natal home."

"If my ignorant brother neglects you, you can come here, and I will help you decide."

"..." Qin Zikuo looked at him emotionlessly, his eyes slightly cold.

Fu Sheng was taken aback,

She smiled, saluted, and responded.

But he didn't take it to heart.

After seeing the emperor,

Logically speaking,

Fusheng still has to go to see the queen and all the concubines and concubines in the harem.

After watching Fusheng leave, Qin Hao

Sitting on the dragon chair, he looked at the man in the wheelchair meaningfully, teasing,

"I remember someone said that he doesn't believe in fate."

"Let me think about it, who is it?"


Qin Zikuo lowered his eyes slowly,

Raising the wrist bone, covering the lips, coughing a few times,

A hint of darkness flashed across the slightly dark purple pupils.

Qin Huang looked at the silent man, raised his eyebrows, and smiled,

"Oh, by the way, two days ago, Qin Tianjian watched the sky at night. Guess what interesting predictions he got?"


Qin Zikuo slightly raised his long eyelashes and narrowed his phoenix eyes.

Under the broad robe,

Slowly swipe the sachet with your fingertips, caressing slightly.

Qin Huang didn't give a shit about it, just smiled and said,

"God gave instructions, and that Xiyun are a blessing from heaven."

He said, and suddenly sighed,

"However, I naturally don't believe it."

"What bullshit celestial phenomena, it's just nonsense."

"My imperial brother, how can he be controlled by the destiny?"

"You think so? Zi Kuo."

The emperor leaned on the dragon chair, crossed his legs, and asked him slowly.

"..." The man in the wheelchair squeezed the sachet quietly.

His face was calm, and his slightly dark purple pupils looked at the emperor indifferently, without speaking.

He just coughed a few times from time to time, and his lips became more and more crimson.

after awhile,

The man seemed to smile slightly, his tone was calm, and he didn't seem to care about what he said.

"Your Majesty is the son of heaven, what you said is very true."

"As a courtier, the younger brother should naturally abide by it."

Qin Huang's smile faltered when he saw the joke.

"It's getting late, Your Majesty."

Qin Zikuo bowed his head slowly,

"Your brother is not feeling well, please leave first."

"..." Qin Huang slowly lifted his fan and looked at him.

until the man is gone,

He let out a long sigh, looking a little helpless.

Zi Kuo is fine with everything,

It's just that I like to keep everything in my heart and don't say it.

His mind is harder to guess than a woman's.

Qin Huang slowly stopped his gaze on the dark red figure in the distance,

He seemed to think of something, smiled, and slowly fanned up,

Although I don't know how he feels about Xiyun,

But being able to accompany her into the palace, and even put on a red dress that he had never worn before,

That's at least what it says...

He doesn't hate Xi Yun.

The emperor slowly smiled.



When Fusheng came out from the harem,

The carriage is already waiting.

Qin Zikuo was in the pavilion beside him, looking at the book quietly with his eyes downcast.

He seems to like reading books,

As long as there is nothing to do, I will hold a book in my hand.

Fu Sheng walked over quickly.

"Your Highness."

The little girl saluted obediently.

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