The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 972 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (20)


"..." The man in red slowly raised his long eyelashes and looked at her.

He coughed a few times, covered his lips, his face was still a little pale.

"Finish seeing people?"

The little girl nodded obediently, "It's over."

The man nodded slightly, his voice was low and hoarse,

"Then let's go."

Fu Sheng let out an oh, and stepped forward to push him.

When getting into the carriage,

The little girl consciously picked him up again, and walked in cautiously.

Qin Zikuo quietly looked at her side face, slightly dark purple eyes drooping,

A faint smile flashed across.


Just fleeting.

Fusheng fixed the upholstery on the car, then slowly put him down,

After everything is done,

She sat down and closed the curtain of the carriage.


The carriage started to move.

And inside the car,

There was a slow silence.

Qin Zikuo is not a talkative person,

In many cases, he can even not speak for half a day, or even a day.

Fu Sheng didn't dare to disturb him, and quietly played with her fingers with her head down.


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[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval: 50%】

"Cough—cough cough—"

inside the car,

The man started coughing again.

He turned his face slightly, covered his lips, and coughed softly.

The beautiful pale profile, inexplicably, makes people feel fragile like a porcelain doll.

The long eyelashes are slightly drawn, like a cattail fan, faintly trembling,

The dark red and calm clothes made the evil spirit between his eyebrows and eyes dissipate a bit, and brought a bit of soft glamour,

The long hair hangs down, resting on the shoulders, the hair is soft.

Fu Sheng unconsciously looked at him.

Seeing him coughing all the time,

She frowned, pursed her lips, and asked in a low voice,

"Your Highness, have you lost my sachet?"

"It's really useful, and it's not poisonous..."

Qin Zikuo looked over quietly.

Obviously not emotional, but all of a sudden, Fusheng's voice became quieter,

Her words slowly stopped,

for a while,

She lowered her head, pursed her lips,

"...Forget it, don't use it if you don't need it..."

another day,

She would just secretly drug it instead.

There was a moment of silence in the car.

Qin Zikuo's long eyelashes trembled,

He slightly grasped the sachet hidden in his sleeve, silent.

at last,

He slowly stretched out his hand and stretched it out in front of her,

On hands full of calluses,

The lavender sachet is still there,


It also carries the temperature of the man's palm.

From the moment she gave it to him, he has held on to it,

Not lost.

The man's lips moved slightly, looked at her, and spoke in a low voice, with a hint of explanation,

"Not lost."

"I'm afraid of getting dirty."

Fu Sheng was taken aback.

She looked up at him, vaguely, as if she understood what he meant.

For fear of getting dirty,

So when he coughed, he didn't use it.


Isn't it because of fear of poison?

Fu Sheng's eyes moved slightly.

next second,

She bent her lips slightly and pushed the sachet back,

"It's okay, just give it to me if it gets dirty, and I'll wash it for you."

"If one is not enough, I'll go back and make a few more, and you can use them instead."

"..." The man was slightly startled.

For a long time,

He slowly put away the sachet and gave a low "hmm".


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【Total approval rate: 55%】

Fusheng thought for a while, smiled and hit the railway while it was hot,

"Your Highness, besides this sachet, I have other medicines I want to use, so... If you believe me, can I come to you at night?"

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