The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 973 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (21)


"..." The man looked at her fixedly.

Fu Sheng was afraid that he might misunderstand, so he quickly added,

"It's like this. I made a medicine and I want you to take it in the shower. And there is... your legs need a massage."

The reason why folk medicine can't cure him is that

It is because the muscles and bones are broken and there is no way to connect them.

So she could only use her divine power to help him connect bit by bit.

Fu Sheng found this excuse,

The purpose is to be able to touch his leg smoothly without arousing suspicion.

She tugged at the corner of his clothes, staring eagerly.

"Your Highness, can you?"

"..." Qin Zikuo slowly lowered his eyes, staring at her hand.

this time,

He didn't answer,


He suddenly grabbed her hand, raised his eyes, an extremely sharp scrutiny flashed across his dark phoenix eyes,

"who are you?"

a so-called princess,

But he doesn't have such great strength, and he also has medical skills.

last time,

Can also stun so many guards.


She is not the real Princess Xiyun, she was married in her place,


It's just that she has been replaced.

Qin Zikuo never believed in ghosts and gods.


The person in front of her looks exactly like Princess Xiyun,

If it's not the former, then it's...

the latter.

The man looked at her calmly with slightly cool eyes, without emotion.

Fu Sheng was startled,

Her eyeballs trembled, as if she didn't expect him to suddenly question her.

But soon, she stabilized her mind, bent her lips and smiled,

"I'm Xiyun, the sixteenth princess of Xia Kingdom, sixteen years old this year."

"..." The man narrowed his phoenix eyes slightly.

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes and met his gaze, not guilty at all.

"If your Highness doesn't believe it, you can send someone to investigate."

The man grasped her hand slightly.


For a long time,

He twitched his lips slightly and remained silent.

Of course he checked.

At first, he checked.


There is no question about her identity.

Qin Zikuo narrowed his eyes slowly,

After a quarter of an hour, he let go of her.

His slightly dark purple eyes drooped, not knowing what he was thinking.

Fu Sheng blinked slightly.

She looked at herself, was silent, a little annoyed,

blame her

Too impatient, but exposed the horse's feet.

Fortunately, now he is only suspicious, without evidence,


Suspicion is not a good thing.

Fu Sheng looked at the man.

She opened her mouth and was about to say something.

But the man suddenly looked up at her with some inexplicable emotion,

Under the wide sleeves,

He held the sachet silently, seemed a little nervous,

"Will you, leave?"

the man asked softly.

Fu Sheng was taken aback,

She blinked and looked at him,

silence for a few seconds,

She shook her head, "No."

"Marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog."

"Wherever you are, I will be there."


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +5%]

【Total approval: 60%】

The man looked at her steadily.

at last,

He gave a low "hmm\

,"The corners of the lips rose slightly for a moment.

won't leave...

just fine.

The man stroked the sachet quietly and lowered his eyes slowly.

for a while,

He spoke softly, saying,

"Tonight, you can come over."


Fu Sheng blinked his eyes.

After realizing what it was, her eyes lit up, she seemed a little surprised,

"Really? Thank you Your Highness!!!"

The little girl is satisfied.

Qin Zikuo slightly bent his lips.




Fusheng was carrying a basket of herbs, picking and picking,

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