The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 990 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (38)


It can be seen that King Chen did not bring the princess to attend,

The princess is not favored,

They are worried...

The old envoy sighed.


the banquet begins,

Xun Guo began to meet with him,

Galba led the envoys and saluted Qin Jiao,

"Your Majesty the Emperor, Galba, the fifth prince of the Xun Kingdom, wishes you a birthday on behalf of the Xun Kingdom. May your Majesty the Emperor live a long life, with blessings like the East China Sea, and a longer life than the Nanshan Mountains."

Qin Yan smiled lightly and nodded, "Fifth Prince, you are welcome."

The guards began to bring congratulatory gifts in,

The national power of Xun State is also extremely strong, rich in beef and mutton,

is a typical nomadic country,

Therefore, Xun Guo sent 10,000 horses, 5,000 cashmere sheepskins, and 50 sweat-blooded horses worth thousands of gold.

Under the heavy money, Xun Guo's sincerity can be seen.

Before the Xun State attacked the Xia State, the purpose was to swallow up the land of the Xia State.

Unexpectedly, Xia Kingdom was intercepted by Dayun Kingdom and could not be attacked.

They had no choice but to find ways to win Dayun Kingdom over,

However, Qin Huang never let go, he was very cunning,

Therefore, the emperor of the Xun Kingdom sent Galba to congratulate Qin Yan on his birthday, and secretly discussed the affairs of the Xia Kingdom.

Qin Huang didn't know what they were thinking,


No matter how tempted he is, he can't ignore his brother's feelings.

Princess Xiyun is from Xia Kingdom,

I came here to keep my relatives safe,

If he repents now,

Maybe Xia Guo will tear himself apart with him,

At that time, I am afraid that Princess Xiyun will also be sent back.

By the time……

I'm afraid things are not going well.

Dayun Kingdom doesn't need Xia Country's piece of land, nor does it look down on that piece of land,

After all, they are far apart, even if they want it, it is not easy to manage.


Why did he make a mess of his ass, and it ended up being bad?

Qin Yan smiled lightly, accepted Xun Guo's congratulatory gift,

For the rest, keep silent.

Gerba was not in a hurry, after delivering the gifts,

According to etiquette, I bowed again and saluted,

when bowing,

He glanced casually out of the corner of his eye,

After seeing the banquet, when Fu Sheng was wearing a beautiful palace costume,

He was taken aback for a moment, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes,

After Fusheng went to the toilet, she was slowly walking around the seat with her skirt up,

next second,

She hadn't had time to react yet,

Hearing a rough voice from the banquet table in the middle, with a bit of excitement,

"Your Majesty, when Gerba was visiting the capital, he fell in love with a woman at first sight. I wonder if you can ask Your Majesty to make a decision and marry us?"

Fu Sheng raised his head upon hearing the sound.

When she saw a few people on the banquet table, she blinked, but didn't pay much attention, and continued to walk forward with her skirt lifted.

Qin Huang raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Which lucky girl does the Fifth Prince like?"


Gerba pointed straight at Fusheng.


The banquet fell silent for a moment.

The sound of playing music stopped suddenly.

All eyes were on Fusheng.

Fu Sheng was stunned, with a dazed expression on his face.

Qin Zikuo, who was sitting in a high position, raised his eyes instantly,

His deep eyes narrowed slowly, and he placed his tea drinking hand on the chopping board with carelessness, his fingertips were slightly cool.

Those who are familiar with him know that,

This is a sign of his anger.

The emperor on the dragon chair froze,

Siblings! ?

The envoy behind Gerba keenly sensed that something was wrong, tugged at him, lowered his voice,

"Fifth prince, His Majesty has ordered you not to mess around in Dayun Kingdom."

Gerba didn't listen, he just shook off him, pointed at Fu Sheng, and asked the emperor,

"His Majesty the Emperor, please also give us a marriage. Geerba will love her with all his heart and love her for the rest of his life."


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