The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 991 Little Lucky Star, Come Over (39)


Fu Sheng: "..."

Isn't this the man I met on the street last time?

Why is this so careless?

She said she was married.

Fu Sheng rolled his eyes, ignored him, and continued walking.

Walking to Qin Zikuo's side,

She sat down, leaned directly on his shoulder, hugged his arm,

"I have a husband."

Gerba was taken aback.

He opened his eyes slightly, in disbelief,

"You are the princess!?"

He subconsciously took a step back.

The reputation of King Chen's bloody war god is still there,

She was actually his wife! ?

Qin Zikuo laughed, but there was no smile in his deep and cold eyes,

He directly hugged Fu Sheng's waist, his tone was cold,

"Fifth prince, are you going to take this king's wife?"

"..." Gerba's face became stiff.

Qin Huang raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

Let the atmosphere on the field become extremely cold and prey.

Gerba gritted his teeth,

After a moment of stalemate, he bowed his head and saluted,

"Gerba didn't dare to take the prince's favor, it was Ge Erba who was reckless, and invited the prince Haihan."

The field is still quiet.

Qin Zikuo slowly touched Fusheng's face, his purple eyes were dark.

Fu Sheng probably knew that he was angry,

So I hugged him obediently and didn't speak.

Seeing things getting more and more tense,

Qin Huang finally came out to smooth things over, with a gentle smile,

"Okay, I believe the Fifth Prince didn't do it on purpose. Zi Kuo has a big heart, so naturally he won't argue with you."

"It's just that the fifth prince insulted Zi Kuo and Xi Yun in public, so they must feel uncomfortable."

"The fifth prince will make an apology in another day."

The Son of Heaven has a lot of meaning.

With a ladder to go down, Gerba breathed a sigh of relief and said yes again and again.

After all the presents are delivered,

He got off the banquet table with sweat profusely, and sat back in his seat.


Everyone looked at him from time to time, whispered and laughed.

Gerba didn't care about anything else, he shook his hands and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This matter is barely overturned.

Qin Zikuo lowered his eyes slowly, hugged Fu Sheng, and was extremely silent.

Fusheng looked at him, thought for a while, and whispered,

"Husband, don't be angry, okay? I don't know him."

"One day before when I went out to buy medicine, he suddenly stopped me and wanted to ask my name. At that time, I had already told him that I was married, but he didn't seem to believe it..."

Qin Zikuo looked at her calmly,

Fu Sheng felt a little uneasy being stared at by him,

"I'm not lying, I really don't know him..."

She was in a hurry.

Grab his hand and shake it.

The man touched her face and gave a low "hmm".

"I trust you."


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 95%】

After getting his words, Fusheng was relieved.

Qin Zikuo didn't seem to be angry anymore, he held her hand, picked up vegetables for her,

Peaceful appearance, as always.

Fusheng looked at him for a while, then relaxed, and obediently picked up vegetables to eat.


The envoys of the Xia Kingdom saw it, and they burst into tears.

Princess is not easy,

I don't know how much I have suffered to be able to survive until today.

The old envoy wiped away tears with relief.


The envoys of the next country began to meet,

This time, it was Jiang Guo, which was the next in national strength.

Fusheng didn't pay much attention to them, and just ate them all the time.

It was Qin Zikuo who hugged her,

His gaze stayed on Gerba from time to time,

Faint, some emotions are unclear.



after dinner,

The guests dispersed along the crowd,

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