
Xiao Yi was helpless, and finally thought, okay, since I'm here, it doesn't matter this time.

Then he nodded to show his agreement, but still said: "Of course I can only say a little bit, after all, I haven't prepared anything now, and I can't speak for long."

"Haha, it's best if you can agree." Hearing Xiao Yi's agreement, Dougs smiled and said: "A single report is only 45 minutes, and it doesn't take too long. You can just talk for 30 minutes, and use the rest of the time for communication. Maybe the participants will be happier."

Xiao Yi nodded: "Okay, that's it."

"Okay, then we will welcome you in San Jose in a week." Dougs nodded, then looked at the time and said: "Then I should leave too, goodbye everyone!"

So the director who had just come for a few minutes left directly again.

"It seems that he is really busy."

Kleinrock said.

The other three nodded.


Time passed quickly.

About four days later, their cross-chain transaction protocol program was officially completed. After a simple simulation, its security was fully proved.

During the simulation, they ran a "transaction account" on two computers, and the transaction process took place on a server in the computer laboratory of UCLA, which served as the "third-party transaction platform" in this cross-chain transaction process.

The final result was very successful.

When the computers representing the buyer and seller started running the transaction program, no matter what method they used, they could not intercept the transaction information of both parties.

As the "server provider", they could not intercept the funds of the two accounts based on their server data.

And in the process of simulating hacker attacks, it was even more ineffective.

"Hahaha! What a perfect transaction protocol!"

When the final result came out, Kleinrock laughed.

Some people from the UCLA Computer Department also participated in this experiment. When they saw the final result, they were all surprised.

Tens of millions of attacks, zero data leakage.

The security of this protocol is beyond their imagination.

Their laboratory has been studying blockchain and multi-party secure computing. They have simulated the security of current cross-chain transaction protocols before. Facing the top hacker attacks, it is impossible to guarantee 100% security.

And now...

For a moment, they all looked at the Chinese boy standing next to them.

According to their professor Kleinrock, the security of this protocol is largely due to Xiao Yi's help in mathematics.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but wonder, if you are good at mathematics, can you really do whatever you want on the computer?

"Okay, call it a day!"

As the last simulation was completed, Kleinrock clapped his hands: "Package the program and the paper and prepare to send it to the World Bank!"


Chapter 119 The shock of the World Bank's Chief Information Officer

The World Bank is also a bank, but because it is affiliated with the United Nations, it looks more fair in name, so in some matters related to the interests of all banks or financial institutions in the world, it sometimes stands up and takes the lead in cooperation.

For example, this information technology research project on cross-blockchain transaction protocols.

As for the research teams participating in this project, their results will be submitted to the Information and Technology Solutions Bureau under the name of the World Bank.

It is easy to see from the name of this department that its function is to provide information technology support for the World Bank.

Therefore, the results of this project will be reviewed by this department.

As for the leader of this department, it is the Chief Information Officer of the World Bank.

In the office of the Chief Information Officer of the World Bank, Brian Winston was looking at a stack of A4 paper in his hand, and the stack of A4 paper was printed with a paper titled "A New Polynomial Expansion Approaches the Critical Line Theorem of the Riemann Hypothesis to 50%".

It was Xiao Yi's paper!

While reading the paper, the Chief Information Officer kept praising it: "It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful..."

"This polynomial expansion method is so beautiful..."

"It's great!"

To be the Chief Information Officer of the World Bank, Winston's technical ability is of course needless to say.

And although he is over 50 years old and has a net worth of hundreds of millions, he still maintains the motivation to learn.

And he not only keeps learning computer technology, but also keeps his interest in new mathematical achievements. After all, there is a saying that computers are life, and mathematics is a dream!

So he is now looking at this paper that has recently caused a stir in the mathematics community.

What's more, Xiao's polynomial expansion is not incapable of being applied to computers, and it may even play some surprising roles on computers.

For example...

The office door suddenly knocked.

His assistant walked in.

"Mr. Winston, a research team has submitted their proposal to us for the cross-chain transaction protocol project. Do you need to take a look?"

Winston was startled when he heard the assistant's words. He put down the paper in his hand and frowned, saying, "I remember that the cross-chain transaction protocol project was officially announced a month ago. How come someone has completed it now?"

He knew very well how troublesome this project was. Logically speaking, it was impossible for a team to complete it so quickly.

He said, "Could it be that they didn't notice that we temporarily added the requirement to deal with the classification sieve attack?"

This requirement was added after the Princeton meeting ended and the proof of the twin prime conjecture was confirmed. Maybe some teams may not have noticed this notice.

Hearing the CIO's question, the assistant looked a little strange, then shook his head and replied, "That's not the case."

"According to their paper abstract, all the required solutions should be included, but the famous members of their group are special."

Hearing this, Winston laughed dumbly: "How special can it be? Could it be that he is a Turing Award winner?"

He has seen too many Turing Award winners, so what's special about them.

"That's not the case. He's only seventeen this year." The assistant shook his head: "It's just that his name is Xiao Yi."

"Seventeen years old, that's really special, the name..."

Winston suddenly reacted, his eyes widened: "What did you say his name is? Xiao Yi?"

He picked up the paper he had just read, pointed at it and said: "Is it this Xiao Yi?"

"Yes." The assistant nodded. He was the one who printed out the paper and gave it to Winston, so of course he knew who the author of the paper was.

"The laboratory has already started simulating according to the program they packaged. Do you want to go and have a look?"

"Let's go."

Without any nonsense, Winston got up and walked towards the door of the office, and his assistant quickly followed.

In this way, the two left the office and went directly to their laboratory.

Looking at the busy technicians inside, Winston asked: "How is the simulation going?"

"Mr. Winston!"

The director of the laboratory saw Winston and immediately stepped forward to report: "We have just prepared the simulation environment, and it will be running in about five minutes."

"Okay, then I'll wait here."

Winston nodded.

Five minutes passed quickly.

"Simulation begins! First, simulate the attack on the USDC pool!"

With the press of the Enter key, the simulation program started running.

Time passed by minute by minute.

"10,000 attacks, 0 leaks!"


"1 million..."

"10 million attacks, 0 leaks!"


The technicians in the laboratory all showed incredible expressions.

Winston's eyes also began to flicker.

This protocol is really a bit surprising.

As time passed, when the number of attacks reached 100 million and there was still no leak, Winston stopped reading and turned away, saying to his assistant: "Send me the paper, I want to read it carefully, what is the principle of their protocol."

He felt that the method used here might bring great inspiration to the entire computer industry!

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