"Yes." The assistant nodded, then walked to a nearby computer and started operating it.

When Winston returned to his office, he received a new email in his mailbox, and it was that paper.

Opening the paper, he glanced at the author.

"It turned out to be Professor Kleinrock's group, Terence Tao, James Maynard...Xiao Yi."

"Kleinlock was lucky enough to be able to invite these three mathematicians."

Winston sighed in his heart.

Then he stopped talking and started reading the text.

Time passed quickly.

And Winston's expression gradually became no longer calm, but full of disbelief.

"The Shaw polynomial expansion can indeed be used on computers!"

"The design of this agreement..."

Winston let out the same exclamation as Kleinlock had before.

"A work of genius!"

"No wonder! No wonder it can maintain zero leakage under so many attacks."

“Unless there is a serious vulnerability in the system, what else could lead to risks in cross-chain transactions?”

In a burst of wonder, Winston finished reading the design part of the agreement, and then he continued to look below.

The second part is about methods to deal with classification filter attacks.

It's just that when watching this part, Winston couldn't stop marveling like he did just now, because this part of the content was also difficult for him to understand.

It involves the fundamental principle of Shaw polynomial expansion. Regarding this part, Winston also seems to have big problems.

Fortunately, his mathematical abilities are much better than Professor Kleinrock's.

Therefore, reluctantly, he finally understood this part.

At this time, he also understood something: "It turns out... it was during this process that Xiao Yi came up with the Xiao polynomial expansion method, right?"

For a moment, he even felt a sense of honor.

Such a heavyweight method in the mathematics world was actually born by Xiao Yi to solve cryptography problems in computers.

Unexpectedly, their cryptography problems could also become a hotbed of mathematical methods.


Although in the end it is actually related to Xiao Yi's parity check classification sieve, the problem is not big. After all, only cryptography can discuss how to restrict the classification sieve!

"This is a true mathematical genius!"

Winston's eyes showed longing.

He himself does not have the ability to become a mathematician, so when I see such a mathematical genius, I always feel envious in my heart.

Read on.

The rest is a solution to the rest of the protocol.

Winston could tell at a glance that these solutions were not developed by Xiao Yi, although some of the mathematical methods could still make his eyes shine, especially the content that Tao Zhexuan was responsible for.

However, he can also feel that these contents lack the kind of content in the first two parts...


You can probably say this.

Finally, he picked up the paper paper that he had put on the table before, which was "A new polynomial expansion approaches the critical line theorem of the Riemann Hypothesis to 50%."

Open one of the pages, then hold it in front of the computer screen and compare it with the first two solutions that Xiao Yi was responsible for.

"That's right, it's the same kind of spirituality!"

Winston nodded, remembering what the top mathematicians in the mathematics world said about Xiao Yi: a unique way of thinking.

Now he sees this in both plans as well.

There was another knock on the office door, and the assistant walked in again and said, "Mr. Winston, the final result of the simulation is out."

He then placed a brief report in front of Winston.

Winston picked it up and took a look. Needless to say, in every aspect of the test results, this protocol passed the test perfectly.

Almost impeccable!

"very good."

Winston nodded and said with a smile: "In this way, those banks and those companies will definitely be satisfied."

"With such a perfect agreement, they only paid 10 million US dollars, which is really a profit."

Winston shook his head, and then said: "I think I can prepare a meeting to tell them about it."

"There should be no other research group that can come up with a better agreement than this."

"Well...it has been perfected anyway, and it is indeed impossible for other research groups to surpass this result."

The assistant nodded with great approval: "That's what you said."

"Well..." Winston suddenly asked: "By the way, are there any recent developments about Xiao Yi?"

The assistant was stunned for a moment, then took out his tablet to check, and said in surprise: "There happened to be one. The organizing committee of the Joint Mathematics Conference issued an announcement. They temporarily added a lecture to the upcoming Joint Mathematics Conference. The speaker is Xiao Yi, and he will talk about Xiao's development in this speech. "

Winston's eyes lit up and he said: "Write this matter into the schedule. I will go to his speech."

The assistant was stunned for a moment.

Working on computers to attend meetings of pure mathematicians?

However, since the boss asked for it, he had nothing to say, so he nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Winston."

Please ask for [recommended votes] and [monthly votes]! !

Chapter 120 Xiao Yi has solved it!

January 28th.

San Jose, California.

As the city hosting the Joint Mathematics Conference this year, many mathematicians have come here in the past two days.

As the most important conference in mathematics after the International Congress of Mathematicians, the Joint Mathematics Conference has a considerable number of participants. According to statistics, there are definitely more people than those who attended the Princeton Mathematics Conference at the beginning of the month.

Normally, the number of attendees at the Princeton Mathematics Conference does not exceed a thousand people, but this year there was a bonus due to the twin prime conjecture, which made the conference at the beginning of the year particularly popular.

Of course, this also creates a problem. After some mathematicians attended the Princeton Mathematics Conference at the beginning of the month, they do not plan to attend the Joint Mathematics Conference at the end of the month. After all, flying there is still very troublesome.

However, sometimes accidents happen.

On the mathoverflow mathematics communication platform, as the joint mathematics conference is about to be held, discussions have begun again.

In a video called [Xiao Yi, you are really enough! After half a month, I took a plane from the UK, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and flew to the United States! 】Under the post, quite a few people are complaining.

The poster is a postdoctoral fellow in mathematics at Imperial College London. He said from his position on the first floor: [I originally didn’t want to attend the annual Princeton mathematics conference at the beginning of the month. As a result, I learned that the report on the twin prime conjecture would be at that time. was held, so I went and then had no intention of going to the joint mathematics conference at the end of the month.

Who would have thought that the Joint Mathematics Conference would issue another statement saying that they had temporarily invited Xiao Yi to hold another lecture, still about the expansion of Xiao's polynomials!

How abominable!

Bullying me happens to be studying this field, right?

Well now, it cost a fortune to go to Princeton, and now it has to cost a fortune again!

Xiao Yi, you really made me miserable. Can you do such big things again in the future? Can you give me some time in between? 】

Then in the replies below, a lot of people expressed their agreement.

A doctoral student from the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris said: [It’s hard not to support it. I am the same. I originally wanted to witness the proof of the twin prime conjecture, so I flew there specially. As for jointly attending the conference, it is not that big. I looked at the titles of their reports and basically none of them interested me. The results are good now. Xiao's expansion is just right for the complex analysis topic I am studying, so I have to participate.

This trip has spent all my travel money this year! 】

And from the University of Bonn, Germany: [Me too! I really miss the last time I was able to see Xiao Yi at the door of my house. It's a pity that Xiao Yi did not bring the proof of the twin prime conjecture, nor did he bring Xiao's new method of unfolding it. He just ended the dispute over the ABC conjecture. That’s all. 】

There are even students from Shangjing University in China who also appeared in the post: [Either keep up with Xiao Shen, or be left far behind by him. There are only two options, and among these two options, I He chose to spend money to keep up with Xiao Shen. 】

However, underneath these replies, a professor from Oxford University expressed questions about their complaints: [I want to ask a question, do you understand his lecture? 】

The original poster replied: [I really don’t understand this. 】

So the Oxford professor made a sharp comment on this: [Save it, you guys can't understand his lecture, why do you have to watch it? This is not the right way to study mathematics. It not only wastes your money, but also increases trouble. What do you get in the end? It's just like participating in a Champions League final. In the end, apart from the excitement of watching the game and showing off to friends, there is no real gain.

As someone who has experienced it, what I want to say is that for you young people like postdocs and PhDs, it is not feasible to aim too high. You have to be down-to-earth and learn step by step. Watching a report will not increase your growth. Books are the only way to gain knowledge. 】

This Oxford professor's sharp comments immediately made newcomers to mathematics like the poster feel ashamed.

It was indeed the case. They couldn't understand Xiao Yi's report at all. As for why they were keen to attend Xiao Yi's report, they probably went there with the mentality of chasing stars.

Obviously, this mentality is wrong.

The poster finally admitted his mistake sincerely: [Professor, you are right, I understand, and I will never spend money on meaningless things like this again. 】

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