The professor replied: [This is correct, kid. 】

All this looks like an old man in the field of mathematics teaching the younger generations.

However, if you scroll down further, you will find that another mathematics professor from Oxford University has revealed the true face of this "old-timer": [Max, please stop coaxing these young people here, isn't it? Didn’t you grab a seat at Princeton last time? He actually came here to fool them. 】

Immediately, those young people who were criticized and did not dare to reply could no longer hold back, and then they all replied below: [Professor, just say so if you can’t get a ticket! We can help you! 】

In the end, Professor Max couldn't stand such a social death scene, deleted his comments, and ran away.

Amidst the laughter, the comments below resumed the discussion of this joint mathematics conference.

Then someone raised something: [I suddenly learned the news in the past two days that many computer experts suddenly decided to participate in this report. Do you know about this? 】

People suddenly became confused.

[Computer person? Why did they come to the Joint Mathematics Conference? 】

[Among all the lectures this time, there are only two that have something to do with computer science, right? 】

Some people even started to laugh: [Can they understand our report? 】

[Did they suddenly realize the importance of mathematics and begin to plan to retake mathematics? 】

As a discipline at the top of the contempt chain, it is quite normal for such comments to appear, and even such comments are approved by many people.

However, they are still a little confused, what do the computer people want to do?


"What a headache. Maybe we shouldn't let Xiao Yi prepare this report at all. By then, we will be done with awarding him the Cole Algebra Prize. It is easy and can cause a topic in the mathematics community. How can it be like now? This is all trouble."

At the San Jose International Convention Center, Joint Mathematics Conference Office, Hailes Carr looked through the information on the computer about the arrangements for this meeting and said rather helplessly.

Hyles Carr, permanent vice president of AMS, is also the chairman of the organizing committee of this joint mathematics conference.

Next to him, Adam Douglass, the professor who personally went to UCLA to invite Xiao Yi to give a lecture at this joint mathematics conference, heard the vice chairman's words and shook his head helplessly and said: "There is no way. The thing is, if he had not been invited, there would have been only 1,500 people attending the report. Now, as soon as we released the news, the number of people participating immediately increased to 2,000, returning to the previous level. "

"So this means that we have to process the information of more than 500 new participants in the past few days." Hailes Carr sighed: "I have never worked overtime for so long."

"And the most critical question is..."

The chairman of the organizing committee took another look at the lists and said with great confusion: "Why did so many experts in the computer field suddenly send in applications?"

"And they also specified that they would participate in Xiao Yi's report?"

"Did they understand the proof of the twin prime conjecture or the Xiao expansion? Or maybe the parity sorting sieve made those guys who study cryptography unable to sleep, so they wanted to come over and ask Xiao Yi, what should I do? solve?"

"Nelson Guerra, Bernard Usher, Quentin Donnelly... I remember these individuals. They are all celebrities in the field of computer security, right? They are all good at cryptography."

"And this! Brian Winston, the chief information officer of the World Bank, how can such a rich man still have time to care about a pure mathematics conference like ours? What is there to do with nothing? If I were him, I would be in the big villa every day It’s not an exaggeration to have a party inside.”

There was laughter in the room.

"By the way, there's this, Silvio Micali, winner of the Turing Award! He actually came here too... Well, I know this guy too, and he's really good at mathematics. It seems that he was in He won the Turing Award for his outstanding contributions to cryptography, right? But we didn’t give a report on cryptography at this conference?”

"And this, Prabhakar Raghavan, Google's senior vice president of knowledge and information..."

"Forget about these awesome people." Hailes Carr complained: "There are other people whose names I haven't heard of, but they are basically professors, well, and... there are almost more than two hundred people. !”

“Do they want to turn our joint math conference into their computer conference?”

Hearing Hailes Carr's resentful tone, Douglass next to him could only persuade him: "Okay, Hailes, isn't Jones investigating the cause now?"

As he said that, he saw another person next to him and asked, "Hey, Jones, how's your check going?"

Jones Charles, who is also a director of the organizing committee, finally raised his head after hearing Douglass calling him, but his face looked a little strange.

"Uh... Professor Karl, you seemed to be right just now, but... you were only half right."

Hailes Carr was stunned and asked, "What did I say right?"

Jones Charles said: "Some of them may indeed come to Xiao Yi for the classification sieve attack, but Xiao Yi has already solved this problem!"

Chapter 121 A little move is the limit


Hearing this, both Hales Carl and Adam Dougs widened their eyes, and several other directors of the organizing committee in the office also looked up.

When the parity classification sieve was first proposed, the academic community had already begun to discuss how effective this method would be against RSA encryption attacks.

However, there is no corresponding response plan for how to defend against the classification sieve attack.

Even in the fields of information security and cryptography, some scholars have begun to discuss the topic of whether it is time to smoothly transition RSA to other more secure encryption systems.

However, it has only been a short time, and someone told them that there is a solution?

"Where did this news come from?"

The directors in the room came to Jones Charles and asked curiously.

"This is what a friend of mine told me."

Jones Charles replied: "Xiao Yi recently participated in a project proposed by some financial institutions such as the World Bank with Terence Tao, J. Maynard, and Professor L. Kleinrock of UCLA. It mainly focuses on the multi-party secure computing problem in blockchain. Xiao Yi mentioned a solution to the classification sieve attack. In their computer community's evaluation, it is-"

"Genius design."

Hearing this, the other directors were shocked.

"What? There is such a thing?"

Although Hales Carl was surprised, everything was reasonable. He waved his hand and said: "Isn't this nonsense? It's easy for our math genius to deal with their computer stuff."

"But..." He said in surprise: "In this case, it is equivalent to the problem of classification sieve, and it was finally solved by the proposer of the classification sieve?"

"Well... that's about it." Jones Charles nodded.

"Maybe this is fate." Hales Carl couldn't help but say.

There are still many people who believe in fatalism in the West.

And now, the person who solved the classification and screening problem was Xiao Yi, the proposer, and they couldn't help but feel such emotion for a while.

However, at this moment, the door of the room was knocked, and someone quickly walked in and said: "We have collected a list of 50 applicants for the conference, including many experts in the computer field."

Hearing this, Hales Carl, who was very emotional just now, suddenly darkened his face, patted the table and said: "Enough, enough, close the application channel! The meeting will officially start tomorrow, let them stop applying!"



January 29.

The 2021 Joint Mathematics Conference was officially held.

The venue of the meeting was also at the San Jose International Convention Center.

At the opening ceremony of this morning, more than 2,000 participants also showed the grandeur of this meeting.

With the end of the opening ceremony, other reports began.

And Xiao Yi's temporary report meeting was scheduled at 7:30 this evening.

According to the original plan, there was no report after 7 o'clock in the evening, and the participants arranged their own time.

However, it is probably because there was no original arrangement that it is very appropriate to arrange Xiao Yi's speech during this period.

Because this means that every participant has time to attend Xiao Yi's speech.

This is a treatment that other speakers cannot enjoy.

The lectures of other speakers are arranged in parallel time and divided according to different fields.

For example, lectures in the field of number theory or algebraic geometry may be held at the same time.

The participants choose to attend a certain lecture according to their research field or the direction of interest.

Maybe some participants only attend one lecture, and the rest of the time they either travel or eat and drink in the hotel banquet hall.

So, it is equivalent to other speakers' reports, which may not necessarily have many people to see.

But Xiao Yi's report is different, because many people came to this conference just for his Xiao's development.

Although the derivation process of Xiao's development of this new method is a bit troublesome, it is relatively simple to use it. At least after so many days, many people have understood this new method.

Because of this, many people want to hear whether Xiao Yi, the proposer, can bring people some new understandings in Xiao's development

In this way, the daytime passed quickly, and when the participants finished dinner, it was almost 7 o'clock.

Then, the flow of more than 2,000 participants began to flow, returning to the main conference hall of the International Conference Center, and began to enter the venue in an orderly manner under the arrangement of the staff.

"Hou Lixie, there are so many people, are all the more than 2,000 people at this meeting here?"

"Only more than 100 people watched my report, this gap... is too big, right?"

"You still have more than 100 people watching, and I have less than 100 people."

In a row of seats, two people looked at the number of people on the scene and couldn't help but say.

These two people were invited speakers for this meeting and gave their reports this afternoon.

However, seeing this grand occasion in front of them, they felt a huge gap for a moment.

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