One of them could only comfort him: "After all, it is Xiao's expansion, which can be used in almost any field of mathematics. Let's accept this with peace of mind."

"Alas, it can only be done this way."

The other person shook his head helplessly, unable to compete.


"Well, it's been a long time since I attended a conference in the field of mathematics."

Brian Winston sat in his seat, looked at the number of people on the scene, and said: "It is said that there are few people studying mathematics. This seems to be no less than the situation when I attended the IEEE conference before."

"In fact, there are still very few people studying mathematics."

Another person sitting next to Winston said.

2012 Turing Award winner, Silvio Micali.

This top computer expert who has made great contributions in computer cryptography looked at the many participants at the scene and said: "If you attend the afternoon reports, you will know how few people there are. Even 100 people can't get together."

"Is that so?" Brian Winston raised his eyebrows, "But anyway, I am not interested in these. I came here just for Xiao Yi's report."

"Who is not?" Another person said next to him.

Prabhakar Raghavan, senior vice president of knowledge and information at Google.

As a super giant in the computer field on this planet, Google's position in computer technology can almost be called monopoly.

If you are a student studying computer science, you may find a few important papers in a certain computer field and you can always see the logo of [Google Inc.] on the paper.

It is precisely because of this that they have a very sensitive nose for any computer-related changes in the world.

For example, this time, they also got the news about the major breakthrough in computer information security very quickly.

Especially Prabhakar Raghavan, as a Google executive equivalent to the Chief Information Officer, he is technically superior to Brian Winston, the Chief Information Officer of the World Bank.

"I'm curious, why did you come to this meeting?" Winston next to him asked curiously, "Is Google also interested in the cross-chain transaction protocol?"

"Of course I am interested, after all, we are also working on blockchain technology." Raghavan said: "As for why I came to this meeting... Is there a possibility that our Google headquarters is in California? In addition, I read the paper you published that day, so I am quite curious about this mathematical genius."

"I see." Winston nodded, and then teased: "Could it be that you, a Google executive, are interested in recruiting this mathematical genius?"

Raghavan smiled: "If possible, of course I am willing to do so, but I don't know if that mathematical genius is willing to condescend to our field of applied mathematics."

"That's true."

Winston and Mikali couldn't help laughing.

Many people who do pure mathematics look down on applied mathematics.

Maybe this Xiao Yi is the same?

As for why he is willing to come up with such a computer technology this time, maybe it is just to verify what he has learned?

They said no more and began to wait for the official start of the report.

Time passed quickly, it was half past seven.

As the chairman of the organizing committee, Hales Karl came out and served as the host of this report, controlling the situation before the report.

“Good evening, Radisson Ande hairdressers.”

Hales Karl smiled, although there were so many people in front of him, many of whom were the sinners who caused him to lose a few hairs in the past few days, making his Mediterranean hair more and more precarious, but at this time he still maintained the demeanor of the chairman of the organizing committee.

"I believe everyone has been waiting for this moment for a long time."

"A few days ago, a new mathematical method appeared in the mathematical world. It showed us the information hidden in mathematics in a brand new way, helping us to better understand the mysteries hidden in the complex number field."

"Now, with the help of it, the critical line theorem of the Riemann hypothesis has been successfully approached to 61%, which is nearly 20% higher than 41.7% a year ago!"

"Professor G. Faltings said that if we can really prove the Riemann hypothesis in the future, then this new method will definitely play a vital role in it."

"And this method is the Xiao polynomial expansion!"

"Then, let us invite Mr. Xiao Yi to share his views on the Xiao polynomial expansion with everyone!"


A round of applause broke out.

All the audience present looked to one side of the main podium.

Then, the young man walked out, stood in the middle of the podium, and bowed slightly to the people present.

For people in the mathematics field, Xiao Yi is already very familiar to them. After all, more than half of the mathematicians present have read Xiao Yi's report before.

However, for the hundreds of experts and scholars from the computer field.

They applauded and looked at the young man on the stage with curiosity.

Is this the mathematical genius?

During this period, they have only made a few moves in the computer field, and they have already reached this level... the limit of this field.

Chapter 122 Questions from the Turing Award Winner

The RSA encryption algorithm, a major foundation of cryptography, has been directly and forcibly improved to a level that is not inferior to the ECC elliptic encryption algorithm in the solution to the classification sieve attack proposed by the young man in front of him. The difficulty of cracking it has directly reached an exponential level.

According to the public report given by the IEEE Association yesterday, under the Xiao classification sieve attack solution, the number of password bits required for the RSA encryption system has been greatly reduced.

In the past, the recommended password number for the ECC encryption algorithm was 256 bits, while the recommended number for the RSA encryption algorithm was as high as 1024 bits, or even 2048 bits.

The higher the number of bits, the lower the efficiency.

Because the higher the number of bits, although the amount of calculation for directly cracking the password is increased, it also increases the time required to use the password, such as the time to write the password, which takes up a lot of computing power.

At the same time, as the performance of computers on the earth becomes stronger and the cracking speed becomes faster and faster, in order to ensure security, the RSA encryption algorithm can only continue to increase the number of password bits, which is very inconvenient.

But now...

The report pointed out that when the number of password bits is 277, the difficulty of cracking the RSA encryption algorithm under Xiao Yi's system is equal to that of ECC.

If the number of password bits continues to increase, the difficulty of cracking the RSA encryption algorithm under this system will become higher and higher than that of ECC encryption.

This means that as computer performance continues to improve, when the recommended number of password bits of ECC is higher than 277, it will no longer have any advantages compared with RSA.

Therefore, Xiao Yi almost made the RSA encryption system safe again by himself, and the RSA system will not be eliminated for a long time in the future.

To a certain extent, this is equivalent to saving a huge cost for the entire information security field, whether it is the cost of learning for people or the economic cost of originally planning to replace the RSA encryption system.

Perhaps, even if quantum encryption is completely popularized in the future, RSA will still be strong because of its cost advantage.

Perhaps, decades later, Xiao Yi's name will also be on the Turing Award?

"Hello, everyone. I'm Xiao Yi."

Xiao Yi's voice brought the computer experts back to their senses.

Then they calmed down and began to listen to the report carefully.

"I'm honored to be invited by AMS a few days ago to give an impromptu speech at this joint mathematics conference."

"I believe everyone is here for the polynomial expansion method I recently came up with. I do have a lot of ideas about this method."

"Then I will simply select some of the ideas that I think are more important to talk about."

"First, it's the Riemann hypothesis."

Xiao Yi turned around and wrote the expression of the Riemann zeta function on the blackboard.

[Let's assume a complex number s, such that Re(s) is greater than 1, then ζ(s)=∞∑_(n=1)1/n^s]

Hearing Xiao Yi say this, the mathematicians present were all enlightened and sat up straight.

It turned out to be the Riemann hypothesis!

Although they did not think that Xiao Yi had proved the Riemann hypothesis, if he could say something about the Riemann hypothesis, maybe it would be able to inspire many scholars who are studying the Riemann hypothesis?

These days, although the mathematical community has approached the critical line theorem of the Riemann hypothesis to 61% with Xiao's development, after reaching this point, they found that they seemed to be unable to proceed any further.

They hoped that Xiao Yi could give some directions.

"I have also read the recent paper that approaches the critical line theorem to 61%." Xiao Yi said, "But in fact, we can still go a little further on this point."

"Just like this."

Then he demonstrated it briefly on the blackboard.

Relying on his memory, he wrote out the last few steps in the 61% paper, and then he simply added a few more steps on it.


"Finally, we can easily push the critical line to 62.5%, which is 5/8."

"However, it will be difficult to figure out how to push it forward. I think, under Xiao's development, the limit of the critical line approximation method is here."

There was silence in the audience.

The scholars in the field of mathematics stared at Xiao Yi's steps that seemed to be done at random.

You call this "very easy"?

If it was really easy, would you still need to do it?

As for the scholars in the field of computer science, they looked confused and impressed.

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