Finally, he finally said: "All the previous things have been said."

"Then what's next, don't get excited about what I'm going to say."

"In the six subjects of this exam, our class got perfect scores in mathematics, physics and chemistry."

As soon as these words came out, the whole class was shocked.


"Wang Defa?"

"Can you still get full marks in math tmd? Or is it from our class? "

"Physics isn't that simple, isn't it?!"

"Isn't this really cheating?"

When the whole class was stunned, only one person remained calm.

Of course this person is Xiao Yi.

He touched his chin and said, "Well... Mathematics, physics and chemistry, these are the three subjects that should really get full marks."

For the exams in these three subjects, he knew that he could get full marks after finishing the exams, and these three subjects were indeed the subjects he had mainly reviewed during this period. As for the other three subjects, he did not review much. He basically just listened in class. That’s it.

So it’s normal that I didn’t get full marks in the other three subjects.

Luo Penghua saw a bunch of shocked expressions on the podium and smiled with satisfaction.

Well, why should this kind of thing shock only him? It should shock everyone.

He then continued: "At the same time, these three perfect scores were all awarded by a classmate."

Now, the students who were shocked just now turned into disbelief.

When did such a top student appear in their class?

Can you get full marks in all three subjects?

These three perfect scores add up to 350 points!

For the remaining three subjects, a random 100 points for Chinese and English would be 550 points. There is one more biological subject left. This time, the biological subject is neither difficult nor easy. I conservatively estimate that it will only get 70 points. So it adds up. There are also 620 points.

What's more, if you get full marks in mathematics, physics and chemistry, how can biology be any worse?

How can Chinese and English be so bad?


Maybe even get to the top of the grade?

For a moment, they were all a little messy.

They suddenly remembered the dark horse Luo Penghua mentioned just now...

It must be this person, right?

"Who is the teacher!"

Finally someone couldn't help but ask.

When someone started, others naturally followed and started asking: "Teacher, who is he? Stop being so secretive!"

Seeing the anxious looks on the faces of these students, Luo Penghua laughed and stopped teasing them, and said directly: "Okay, okay, let's not give in."

"Let me turn on the multimedia first."

Then he turned on the computer.

Below, the students in the class started talking, trying to find out who it was.

"Old Xiao, tell me...who could this person be?"

Next to Xiao Yi, Chen Wei said.

Xiao Yi wanted to say "It's me", but thinking about it, Chen Wei didn't believe that he was the "mathematics master" before, so he pursed his lips in the direction of the podium and said, "You'll know soon."

Chen Wei looked up and saw that Luo Penghua had opened the computer and entered the web page.

Then enter the URL of the school management system and log in.

Finally, the score sheet opened.

All the students in the class looked up and looked directly at the number one person.

[Xiao Yi: Science Class 3, Chinese 124, Mathematics 150, English 130, Physics 100, Chemistry 100, Biology 96, total score 700. 】

There was silence in the classroom.

700 points.

This result...

It almost blinded their eyes.

If the score of the college entrance examination is more than 600 points, whether it is 600 or 699, it will give people a feeling of awesomeness!

But if the number in the hundreds place becomes 7, then the feeling is completely different. That is the will of 7, the realm of God.

But now, such a god appeared beside them.

At this moment, the webpage suddenly refreshed and changed, and Luo Penghua on the podium said: "I made a mistake just now. The grade list just now was the grade list of the whole grade. Now this is the grade list of our class. You all should take a good look. Look."

For a moment, there was another silence.

If it was the grade list just now, does that mean...

Xiao Yi is number one in the whole grade? !

However, this is not over yet. Luo Penghua once again released the bombshell news: "Oh, one more thing to be announced. Xiao Yi, our classmate, has been spotted by the junior class of Huaguo University of Science and Technology. If there are no surprises, we I’ll say goodbye to classmate Xiao Yi next semester.”

Science Class 3: Huh?

Chapter 17 How dare you call Brother Xiao by his name!

The fact that there was a student who could attend the juvenile class in the second year of high school had already spread widely, and after more than a week, trying to find out which student it was almost turned into a werewolf killing game. .

However, the identity of this student has never been known. According to the news from Science Class 1, they have "tortured" the best students in mathematics, but they "would rather Don't fight to the death."

All in all, this "mathematics master" is about to become a legend on their campus.

What "just put a small blackboard in the west corner of the corridor on the first floor of the third grade department, write another math problem on it, and then the mysterious math master will appear, quietly solve the problem, and leave quietly."

"This mysterious math expert may exist around each of us, but don't try to find him."

"Once you try to find this math expert, you will be poisoned by math questions. You will have the same nightmare every night. You try to solve a math problem in your dream, and then wake up screaming "I can't do it." "

Ahem, I'm getting off topic.

But now, just when everyone thought that the mysterious student should be from the first science class, the students in the third science class never expected that this person was actually from their class!

For a moment, everyone in the class turned their eyes to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's deskmate, Chen Wei, was even more stunned.

So the mysterious math expert is right next to me?

He stiffened his head and turned his eyes to Xiao Yi beside him, "Old Xiao, you..."

"You hid it from me so badly!"

Beside him, Xiao Yi's other roommates also looked heartbroken.

"Brothers and you are close, but you are playing tricks on brothers."

"Such a big thing, you didn't tell brothers!"

Hearing what these guys said, Xiao Yi's mouth corners immediately pulled up, pointing at them and said: "You are slandering me, you are slandering me!"

"I told you all, but you didn't believe it at that time!"

Chen Wei and others thought about it, it seems...

It seems to be true?

Before, when they were in the classroom and dormitory, they had discussed who the student was. At that time, Xiao Yi said that the person was him, but no one believed it.

And now...

"The world is going downhill, people's hearts are not as good as before, how come people don't even have this little trust."

Xiao Yi showed a compassionate expression.

The corners of the mouths of the students around him pulled even more.

"This little" trust?

God, last week, the only people who believed that Xiao Yi was the mysterious math master were probably those who believed that you could become Ultraman's mother when you were a child?

But no matter what, now that the facts are out, what else can you say?

"Brother Xiao, I knew it was you! Only someone as handsome as you can do this easily."

"Brother Xiao, you are the beacon that guides me in the direction of progress!"

"Brother Xiao, I will give you a leg massage."

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