"I'll give you a back rub."


Just like that, Xiao Yi suddenly had a bunch of lackeys around him.

However, at this time, Luo Penghua came over and drove away the lackeys, and then said to Xiao Yi: "Xiao Yi, come out with me now, Professor Liu Bin is here to see you."

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded, got up and followed Luo Penghua out of the classroom.

In the classroom, Xiao Yi's classmates looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Oh my God, professor?"

"Professor is from a university, right?"

"Of course, professors are titles that can only be awarded in universities, not in high schools, at least I haven't heard of any professors in our school."

"This professor must be a professor from the University of Science and Technology, who actually came to our school to find Xiao Yi in person."

"How dare you call Brother Xiao by his name, come on, take him down!"

"My my, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue."

After a while of playing around, they returned to silence, but at this time they all knew in their hearts that Xiao Yi's life had been divided into two tracks that would most likely never intersect again.

After all, by the second half of the year, they were already in their third year of high school, and began to enter a more difficult period than their second year of high school. However, Xiao Yi was already on the university campus, gathering with a group of young geniuses who were considered to be the best in the country this year, getting rid of the barrier of exam-oriented education, and starting to study real science.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, why is the gap between people so big!


Outside the classroom.

Xiao Yi didn't know that he had been infinitely elevated in the hearts of his classmates. Maybe after graduation for many years, he would become the "Xiao Yi of the year" passed down by word of mouth among his classmates.

At this time, he was just surprised that Professor Liu would come to see him so early.

After all, it's not even 7 o'clock now!

Luo Penghua smiled and explained: "Didn't Professor Liu promise you that he would bring you some competition questions and materials?"

Xiao Yi nodded. Of course he still remembered this. He had been waiting for more than a week, and now he finally came?

"Professor Liu has prepared all those things for you. It just so happens that he has to catch a flight to Beijing today to attend an academic conference. It will probably take a week for him to come back, so he got up early today to send you the materials. You must thank Professor Liu later."

Xiao Yi was immediately touched. He didn't expect Professor Liu to take his matter so seriously.

He nodded: "Well, I know."

Without saying anything more, they went directly to the back of the teaching building. There was a car parked there, and Liu Bin was standing next to the car. When he saw them coming, he waved.

"Come on, come quickly. The flight is after 9 o'clock. We have to rush to the airport after sending it off."

As he spoke, he walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk.

Then, Xiao Yi and Luo Penghua were stunned.

Wow, there were four stacks of books in it, and each stack looked like there were probably 10 books.

"Professor Liu, this is... a bit too much!" Xiao Yi couldn't help but say, "Are these... all questions?"

Liu Bin smiled and said, "Of course not, the collection of contest questions you want is here."

Finally, he took out a briefcase from his car, and then took out a stack of bound A4 papers from it, "That's it."

Xiao Yi was stunned. This stack of A4 papers...

was not as thick as any of the books in the trunk.

He remembered that he only wanted a collection of contest questions at the beginning?

At this time, Liu Bin smiled and explained, "For you, doing these contest questions is actually not very meaningful. You can do them for fun, just like Sudoku."

"And these books are what I really want to give you."

Chapter 18 The depth of knowledge

"These books contain knowledge of various research directions in mathematics from undergraduate to graduate level."

"For example, this book on advanced algebra, this book on mathematical analysis, and geometry."

As he spoke, Liu Bin took out a few books from the pile in front of him and said, "I suggest you study these books first, because they are the basis of many other books later, and they are also the basis of the basis after entering the mathematics major."

"Then you can read some advanced books, like this abstract algebra, you can also start reading it."

"Abstract algebra is more difficult, and it can be regarded as the first difficult subject faced by undergraduate mathematics. Our School of Mathematics at USTC usually offers this course in the first semester of the sophomore year, and the failure rate has always been relatively high."

"Of course, if abstract algebra is studied well, it will be very beneficial to the research of other disciplines."

"Then there are these..."

Although Liu Bin's time is quite tight, he still tells Xiao Yi in detail about the things that need to be paid attention to when reading books.

"...That's all I can tell you now. I've basically told you all the things you need to pay attention to when studying undergraduate mathematics. Of course, with so many books, I think it will take you a long time to study."

"My hope is that you can finish reading all these undergraduate books before you enroll in the second half of this year."

"This will be of great significance to you after you enter university."

"Because it means you don't have to waste time on the same courses as others, and it will also be very helpful for you to enter Hua Luogeng's mathematics class."

Beside him, Luo Penghua asked: "Professor Liu, if you say so, Xiao Yi will not be able to enter Hua Luogeng's class?"

Liu Bin laughed: "Nothing is certain, we need to know the story of Zhongyong."

Then he became a little more serious and warned Xiao Yi: "So Xiao Yi, your talent cannot be wasted, you must keep learning."

Xiao Yi nodded: "I know, Professor Liu."

What a joke, if he doesn't keep learning, the buff of [Ruthless Lianxue] will be gone.

Luo Penghua smiled and said: "Professor Liu, please rest assured about this. I feel that there is no student who loves learning more than Xiao Yi. He will learn by himself without supervision."

"That's good." Liu Bin smiled and nodded, "Then you can take the books away now. Well... it's really a bit too much."

Xiao Yi and Luo Penghua looked at each other. More than 40 books, how can it be not too much?

Finally, Luo Penghua patted him and said, "Okay, don't stand there stupidly, start moving."

Xiao Yi shrugged, then stepped forward and started moving the books.

He carried a schoolbag, and Liu Bin's trunk just happened to have bags for these books, so it was not a big problem to pack these books.

As he was moving, he found that there were actually a few English textbooks in it, and couldn't help asking, "Professor Liu, do I want to read these English textbooks too?"

Liu Bin took a look and said, "Well... these English textbooks are also carefully selected by me, so I naturally recommend them to you. For example, this book, "Principles of Algebraic Geometry", written by Alexander Grothendieck, is the pioneer of our modern algebraic geometry and is also known as the emperor of mathematics. His book has a very in-depth and easy-to-understand explanation of algebraic geometry."

"But algebraic geometry is difficult, so I suggest you learn the basics of algebraic geometry first before trying to read this book. In fact, this book should be a textbook for graduate students or even any stage."

"But you can take a look at the other English textbooks in advance, such as this "Galois Theory is very good. "

"However, the premise of reading these books is that your English is good enough. Otherwise, if you misunderstand some words during the learning process, it will affect your understanding."

Putting down the English textbooks in his hand, Liu Bin said: "In short, you should wait until you are confident in reading these English textbooks before reading them."

Xiao Yi nodded: "Okay, I understand."

Then they didn't say anything more. Soon, Xiao Yi and Luo Penghua packed all the books and said goodbye to Liu Bin.

Carrying four large bags of books, Xiao Yi and Luo Penghua were exhausted, which made them deeply feel the weight of knowledge.

Fortunately, their science class 3 classroom is on the first floor of the teaching building, saving the pain of climbing stairs.

As for the books in the bag, Xiao Yi obviously had no place to put them on his desk, so he temporarily put them in Luo Penghua's office.

Then, Xiao Yi returned to the classroom.

Naturally, he became the focus of everyone's attention as soon as he came back.

"Brother Xiao is back."

"Brother Xiao, please sit down."

Looking at the looks of his classmates, Xiao Yi was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

But he didn't say anything and went back to his seat.

Chen Wei, who sat at the same table, came up immediately: "Brother Xiao, why did Professor Liu ask you to go?"

"Oh, he just sent me some textbooks or something."

While Xiao Yi was talking, he took off his schoolbag and took out a few books from it.

Although the other books were in those bags, he still had a few books in his schoolbag.

And the first thing he took out was mathematical analysis.

Chen Wei's eyes widened immediately: "Wow, is this a university textbook?"

Xiao Yi nodded, "Yes."

"Open it and see what's inside."

Xiao Yi flipped a page at random, and the two of them took a look. Chen Wei covered his head: "Oh my god, what is this! I don't understand it at all..."

Then he glanced at Xiao Yi, and found that Xiao Yi actually read it with relish.

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