No words were spoken that night.

The next day, Xiao Yi wrote his absolute electronic calculation model 1.0 and put it on the server to run.

Now, all the data of Yishui Bit is placed in Luoming Data Center, which means that his server worth more than 6 million yuan no longer needs to be run, and naturally becomes a dedicated server for running models.

It can be used to feed his model.

And Luo Mingya gave him a lot of experimental data, enough for his model to learn various types of materials.

Probably the only problem is that this model needs to run 24 hours a day for a week.

Of course, it's only one week, not too long.

Let him use the next time to study the Goldbach conjecture.

Recalling the inspirations he had when studying Xiao's expansion and the circle method, he thought there were still many things worth exploring.

In this way, a week passed quietly.


When Xiao Yi came to the Entrepreneurship Center again, he came to Room 232 where he was.

"Huh? Why is the server silent?"

Xiao Yi frowned. Logically, the server's fan should be whirring?

"Did the power go out last night?"

He immediately hugged his head.

No way?

Although he added a checkpoint save mechanism, it would obviously waste a lot of time.

He hurried over, took a look, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that the training is completed. It's really scary."

After relaxing, he opened the absolute electronic calculation model that was trained.

"The next step is to determine whether this model has achieved the expected effect... Well, let's try it first."

Xiao Yi thought about it, and then selected two relatively simple materials, silicon and copper.

As a good semiconductor material, silicon has a measured band gap energy of 1.1eV, while copper, as an excellent conductor, has a conductivity of 5.8*10^7S/m.

Now let's use the absolute electronic calculation to calculate these two materials.

Soon, the results came out.

It is calculated that the band gap energy of silicon is 1.09eV, and the conductivity of copper is 5.78*10^7S/m!

The error rate is less than 1%!

Xiao Yi's eyes lit up immediately.

This result is really...

far beyond other calculation models!

And the most important thing is that its calculation speed is also very fast, which fully demonstrates that the absolute electronic calculation not only achieves stable efficiency, but also makes full use of computing resources!

Chapter 148 Subversive Results

"No, no, no, it's not enough, we have to try complex materials."

After the surprise, Xiao Yi quickly calmed down.

"It's not enough to just use copper and silicon. These two materials are very simple. Even if other calculation models are used, they are not much different. Some complex materials are needed. "

After all, the purpose of the birth of absolute electronic calculation is to more accurately predict the properties of those complex multi-body materials.

If the absolute electronic calculation can still show high enough accuracy and utilization of computing resources in dealing with highly complex and electronically correlated material systems, his research for so many days will not be wasted.

After a simple thought, he quickly picked out two more complex materials.

The first one, YBCO, is yttrium barium copper oxide, with a chemical formula of YBa2Cu3O7. It is a high-temperature superconductor that can achieve superconductivity at temperatures above 77K. In superconducting materials, if the superconducting critical temperature is higher than 77k, it can be called a high-temperature superconductor, because 77k is the boiling point of liquid nitrogen. As for the so-called room-temperature superconductor, it is a superconductor with a higher temperature than a high-temperature superconductor.

The second material, CH3NH3PbI3, iodine lead methylamine, is a type of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite, which is used in solar cells because of its high photoelectric conversion efficiency.

Both materials are quite complex, and it is quite difficult for traditional computational materials science methods to predict the properties of these two materials.

However, whether the absolute electronic calculation is a mule or a horse depends on the calculation results of these two materials.

No more nonsense, Xiao Yi started to work.

Input data, set appropriate k-point grid density and energy cutoff parameters to ensure high accuracy of calculation, and then the calculation began.

For these two more complex materials, the calculation time will be longer.

But Xiao Yi waited patiently.

But just after the calculation started, the door was suddenly knocked.

Xiao Yi opened the door, and then saw Luo Mingya coming with her junior brothers and sisters.

They all had smiles on their faces, and it seemed that something good happened.

"Xiao Shen, guess what happened!"

Xu Ming came up and said to Xiao Yi.

Seeing their happy look, Xiao Yi asked: "Is the project completed?"

"Yes, but it's only part of the reason." Xu Ming smiled, "Guess again."

"Okay, don't keep us in suspense." Luo Mingya pulled Xu Ming aside and said with a smile: "The project has indeed been completed. Then two days ago, I talked with a familiar editor at NM. After listening to our project, he was very interested and mentioned it to another editor of the main journal "Nature". So now-the editor of "Nature" has sent us an invitation to contribute."

"Invite us to submit the paper to them. As long as the quality meets the standards, they can accept it and publish it in advance."

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows.

Invitation from "Nature"?

This does show that their project has good value and can arouse the interest of such a journal.

Xiao Yi smiled and said: "Congratulations, it seems that our project is really well done."

"More than good!" Xu Ming danced exaggeratedly: "This is an invitation from "Nature"! Brother Xiao, why are you not excited at all?"

"Uh... this..." Xiao Yi didn't know what to say.

Luo Mingya rolled her eyes and said to Xu Ming: "Okay, don't get excited here. Don't you know that when Xiao Yi proved the twin prime conjecture, Nature had already invited him?"


Xu Ming was stunned, "Is that so?"

Xiao Yi waved his hands and said modestly: "No, no, they didn't invite me in that article. They just reported it on their highlights specifically. It can't be called an invitation. Didn't Science also write about it?"

Several people were silent for a moment.

Are you sure you are not in Versailles?

Even Nature and Science can publish articles on the highlights page. It sounds like it's more impressive than Nature's editors inviting you to contribute, right?

After all, an invitation is just an invitation. It hasn't been officially accepted yet. It's just because the editor is more interested in their research results. Compared with other submitted papers, their advantage is that the acceptance rate is higher, and they don't have to wait in line for review.

"Okay, that's it in a nutshell. We will send the paper to them in the next two days. You and I will be the co-first authors, and they will be the second authors." Luo Mingya said.

Xiao Yi asked curiously, "What about Teacher Sun? The correspondence?"

"She? It depends on whether she wants this third author." Luo Mingya sneered, "She wants the correspondence? I didn't even get it."

Xiao Yi: "...Okay."

"Also, I came to see you because I want to ask if you want to go to the celebration banquet together tonight, at Tianxiang Restaurant outside the school."

"Well...wait, let me take a look." Xiao Yi turned around and glanced at the computer, and then his eyes lit up: "Hey, the results of iodine lead methylamine are out!"

"Well...the model predicts that its band gap is 1.55 eV, which is very close to the experimentally measured 1.60 eV, with an error of only 3%. At the same time, the state density analysis shows the characteristics of its conduction band and valence band, which is highly consistent with the experimental results."

"The calculated conductivity is 3, which is basically consistent with the experimental value of 3.5S/cm!"

Hearing his words, Luo Mingya was stunned: "Iodine lead methylamine? The one with the chemical formula CH3NH3PbI3?"


Xiao Yi nodded.

Luo Mingya rushed forward immediately.

She knew that what Xiao Yi was working on recently was a new calculation model.


Could this new calculation model really calculate the properties of complex materials such as CH3NH3PbI3 so accurately?

How could this be...

However, when she saw the results displayed on the computer screen, she was stunned.

Xiao Yi was right, the calculation results were so accurate!

"How did you do this?"

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