She asked Xiao Yi in disbelief.

However, Xiao Yi did not answer her, but said with surprise: "The results of yttrium barium copper oxide are also out!"

Luo Mingya was stunned. There is also a superconducting material such as yttrium barium copper oxide?

If there is a so-called crown jewel among materials, then superconductors are definitely one of them.

In order to study superconductors, not only materials science, but also physics scholars have joined in. For example, solid state physics, which occupies almost half of physics, is mainly aimed at studying superconductivity.

Xiao Yi's model can even help the study of superconductors?

She looked over immediately.

The computer also showed the calculation results of yttrium barium copper oxide.

Yttrium barium copper oxide is obviously more complicated than iodine lead methylamine. However, the model successfully predicted that its superconducting energy gap at zero temperature is about 20meV, which is within 5% of the experimental measurement of 19 meV. The state density analysis also revealed the strong correlation effect of electrons in the CuO plane and accurately captured its electronic state changes at critical temperature.

In addition, the model also predicted that the conductivity is 1.2*10^4S/cm, which is basically consistent with the experimental result of 1.1*10^4S/cm, with an error within 10%.

Although the accuracy of the prediction is lower than that of iodine light methylamine, it is completely within an acceptable range.

"Is this your... absolute electronic calculation?" Luo Mingya couldn't help but said.

Xiao Yi nodded, with a satisfied smile on his face: "Yes, this is it."

Luo Mingya was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Can you help me predict WS2 now?"

WS2 is the material used in their project.

"Of course no problem." Xiao Yi would naturally not refuse.

Luo Mingya began to input data.

On the other side, Xu Ming and others had some ominous premonitions.

Although they didn't know what happened, they just wanted to know now, will they not be able to have a celebration banquet today?

As the server started running again, the calculation of the two-dimensional material properties of WS2 began again.

The calculation for this material did not take long, at least not as long as for yttrium barium copper oxide and iodine lead methylamine.

As the final result came out, Luo Mingya's eyes narrowed immediately: "There are some subtle differences between the band gap value and the details of the electronic state density and the previous results, and there are also changes in the electronic state of different crystal phases on the surface and interface..."

"So, there are more things worth digging deeper!"

She turned around and said to her junior brothers and sisters: "The celebration banquet is cancelled, go back and continue to do experiments! There are still some things we haven't dug out, and our results can be further improved."

Xu Ming and the others suddenly widened their eyes.

Sisters, we have already received an invitation from "Nature", do we need to improve further?

But for Luo Mingya, the invitation from "Nature" is nothing. When she found that her topic could be further explored, even if it had been confirmed by the journal and the copyright transfer agreement was to be signed, she would still find out more.

Without paying attention to her juniors, she turned to look at Xiao Yi and said to him: "Also, thank you for your model. From my point of view, your model can be regarded as a subversive achievement for the entire materials science community. Perhaps, you have made history."

"Of course, I also hope that you can publish the paper as soon as possible, so that I can cite your paper in the future."

"Ah... OK." Xiao Yi nodded, and then watched Luo Mingya and her people return to the laboratory without stopping.

"I feel...she is more diligent than me?"

Xiao Yi couldn't help thinking so in his heart.

Chapter 149 I will go back to the laboratory to verify it first

As Luo Mingya said, the next step is to publish the paper.

As for where to publish the paper first...

This is indeed a problem.

Since it is a paper on materials science, it is of course best to publish it in the field of materials science.

It's just that arxiv does not include the field of materials science, and there is not even any content on chemistry. Generally speaking, materials science can also be classified as chemistry.

Of course, there is a chemistry preprint website, ChemRxiv, which includes papers on materials.


Xiao Yi was too lazy to register on this preprint website.

"Forget it, let's just post it on the physics section of arxiv."

Anyway, there is not much difference between materials science and physics. The papers related to density functional theory were all published in physics journals, in Physical Review. The sister journal of this journal, Physical Review Letters, is a top journal in the field of physics. for which journal he will submit to later, let's see what happens first.

Xiao Yi didn't hesitate any more. After organizing the paper, he submitted it directly to arxiv.

"Well, the next step is to wait for the review to pass..."

After sending the paper out, he didn't care about it anymore.

In the following time, he chose to continue studying the Goldbach conjecture.

"I have already studied to the extent of further combining Xiao's expansion with the circle method."

" seems that there is still some gap in details. What should be the gap?"

As his thoughts gradually sank in, he once again entered into deep thinking.

Time passed quietly.

An afternoon tea restaurant at Princeton University.

Manjul Bhargava was drinking coffee with another professor while discussing the topic.

This professor is Ali Yazdani, a professor from the School of Physics at Princeton University, but he is also the director of the Princeton Composite Materials Center.

It can be said that he is very good at using physical methods to analyze material problems and is a top expert.

"Manjul, how long will it take to complete our calculation model?"

Ali Yazdani put down the coffee cup in his hand and then asked Manjul Bhargava.

"It should be another week," Bhargava replied.

As a Fields Medal-level mathematician, it is very common to be invited by scholars in other fields to help with data analysis.

So some time ago, Yazdani approached him and asked him to help model a material model.

When he heard that there was still another week, Yazdani asked: "Well, this is a bit long. Is it troublesome?"

"That's not true." Bhargava shook his head and said, "It's just that I attended a mathematics conference before and gained a lot, so I distracted myself a little and studied some mathematics."

"That's right." Yazdani nodded to express understanding, but he still smiled and joked: "But what kind of mathematics conference can make you, a Fields Medal winner, gain something?"

Bhargava said angrily: "Look what you said, if you could understand all mathematical knowledge by winning the Fields Medal, then our mathematical community would have proven the Riemann Hypothesis 10 times."

"In that report, there was the mathematical genius Xiao Yi. He briefly talked about something and inspired me a lot."

Yazdani raised his eyebrows: "Is that the super genius who is not yet 20 years old?"

"Yes." Bhargava nodded: "In addition, he also revealed at that meeting that he has been studying applied mathematics recently, and it may not be long before there are results. Maybe you can also pay attention to it. , can it bring some help to your project?”

Yazdani suddenly laughed: "How is this possible! You also know that what we are studying now is topological insulators, which mainly involves surface states and spin-orbit coupling effects. It is already quite cutting-edge research. In January, he We are still proving the twin prime conjecture, what other important results can we achieve now?”

Bhargava shrugged: "It's just talk."

But at this time, they suddenly heard several students discussing next to them: "Guess what I discovered? I just saw GodXiao published a new paper on arxiv, and it was related to the field of physics, but , it seems to involve materials again. ”

"Really? Isn't it related to mathematics?"

"It should be true. I attended Zhang Yitang's report on the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture a few days ago, and then GodXiao revealed that he will publish results on applied mathematics recently."

"Look quickly..."

Listening to the conversation of these students, Bhargava and Yazdani looked at each other.


It seems that there is really such a coincidence?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Yazdani shook his hands. He absolutely did not believe that Xiao Yi's paper could have any effect on him.

How could there be such a coincidence!

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry first." Bhargava laughed and said, "Let's take a look first and then talk."

Then he took out his notebook from his bag, quickly opened arxiv, and searched for Xiao Yi's papers.

Soon, he found the paper.

"That should be it. The name of the paper is... "Computation of Absolute Electronic Properties."

Seeing the title of this paper, Bhargava raised his eyebrows: "Absolute Electron? It seems that Xiao Yi has directly proposed a new computational material model. This should be considered a big event for the materials science community, right?"

He looked at Yazdani again: "Hey, maybe it can really help your project. Don't you really want to take a look?"

"No matter what, I don't believe that Xiao Yi, who has made so many achievements in mathematics, can also make important achievements in materials science?"

Yazdani shook his head, but he still looked at him honestly.

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