"Brother!" Guo Xiaoming said quickly: "Don't be as knowledgeable as me."

"Perhaps God thinks that you are so talented that there is no need to waste time by coming to the scene to participate in this report."

[But I have decided to watch the entire live broadcast tomorrow, and I study number theory. If I can go to the scene to watch the report, it will definitely be of great significance to me. 】

"Uh..." Guo Xiaoming was silent, "Well..."

Netizens in the live broadcast room became happy.

[Telling you to talk nonsense! 】

The previous netizen posted another barrage at this time: [How about you give me your qualifications? 】

When Guo Xiaoming heard this, his face suddenly became serious and he said, "Why don't you just cancel the test? This is definitely not possible."

Netizens in the live broadcast room were even happier.

[Blogger: We are just netizens, but you want my life? 】

[Presumptuous, too presumptuous. 】

[You are trying to take away people’s property, you are very bad]

"Ahem." Guo Xiaoming returned to the topic at this time: "Okay everyone, we are going to live broadcast today, and I will mainly talk about the news I heard about tomorrow's report meeting."

"Everyone should also know that the location of this report meeting is arranged in the auditorium with 10,000 people, which can accommodate up to 10,000 people. However, let me share with you a little tidbit. If the seats are not full by then, it will still be There is a chance that it will be put in, so you know!”

He raised his eyebrows and said.

Netizens immediately understood what he meant. After all, there are 10,000 people, and there will always be some people among them who have something to do or other reasons on that day, so the seats will be vacant.

"In addition, even if it is really full, the organizer will probably let some people in as appropriate. Of course, these people will have to sit in the aisles or something like that."

"But it doesn't feel bad, it's all good."

"Of course it must be said that if you really decide to attend the report, you have to be prepared to not understand it at all. I can only say that for more than 99% of people, it is basically just a fun thing. ”

Guo Xiaoming smiled and said: "But, after all, it is also Goldbach's conjecture. Mr. Chen Jingrun's regrets back then have been resolved. It's just a pity that he can't see him anymore."

[I heard that Mr. Chen’s descendants will come to the scene]

There was a barrage mentioning this matter.

Guo Xiaoming raised his eyebrows: "This is quite possible, no, it should be said to be 100% possible."

"After all, so many leaders will come." Guo Xiaoming said: "In addition, some foreign mathematicians have flown over, and they don't want to miss this lecture on Goldbach's conjecture."

[Are foreign mathematicians coming too? Should this report be in Chinese or English? 】

[Will we have to use English to take care of those foreign mathematicians? Who can understand such words?]

Guo Xiaoming smiled and said: "Don't worry about it. Xiao Shen will definitely give the report in Chinese. Almost all the audience will be Chinese. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to speak English."

"I heard that this matter has caused a lot of controversy abroad. Many people abroad believe that the report on Goldbach's conjecture should be more international."

"It's okay now. They can only wait until the report meeting is over to read the translated version."

【good! Xiao Shen is awesome! 】

【This is how it should be! The audience are all Chinese, so we should report in Chinese! 】

But at this time, someone else expressed different opinions: [Anyway, this kind of thing is not bad if it is internationalized, and it is normal to use English. I think it is best for Xiao Yi to report in English. In China, it is so There are many academic reports, and many people use English]

This barrage immediately aroused the anger of many other netizens.

Guo Xiaoming shook his head and said: "That's not what you said. This report was originally held in our country. Although some scholars did give speeches in English when the audience was all Chinese when giving reports in China, but You have to understand that the report is being held in the Great Hall of the People, and the audience is basically Chinese. Do you think it’s okay if it’s in English?”

"What's more, internationalization does not mean that there is no internationalization. The paper has been sent to the "Yearbook of Mathematics". You still say that there is no internationalization?"

"Anyway, it's not like the lectures cannot be translated. For example, when Grothendieck wrote the Principles of Algebraic Geometry, the book EGA, during his lifetime, he did not allow publishers to translate EGA. You see, Grothendieck Tendyk is not very international.”

"Am I right?"

[It’s a great knowledge, but EGA didn’t allow translations to be published back then? 】

[No wonder, I have never found a translation of EGA before 2015, only the French original. Grothendieck is indeed a stubborn old man as the rumors say]

[You may not believe it, but in his later years Grothendieck began to believe in gods, and even wrote a paper to explain the existence of dreams, saying that it was because of gods]

【ah? It is true? 】

The live broadcast room began to talk about Grothendieck, and the person who claimed to be international had probably left the live broadcast room in embarrassment.

Until the end, Guo Xiaoming said: "Actually, the most interesting thing about this report is that it is Xiao Shen's graduation defense. According to the defense committee published online, the five academicians are really awesome."

"And then there are tens of thousands of spectators...Gan, if it had been like this when I was defending, I don't know how nervous I would have been."

"I'm already looking forward to tomorrow."

"You can continue to follow me tomorrow. I will conduct a text live broadcast just like the twin prime number conjecture report. If you can't understand it after watching the official live broadcast, you can come see me and I will try my best to explain."

However, his topic suddenly changed again: "Of course, I may not understand, so everyone just pray for my good luck."

The next day, May 29th arrived.

At around 8 o'clock in the morning, a large number of people were already standing outside the Great Hall of the People.

How to ensure the orderly progress of tens of thousands of spectators is indeed an issue worthy of discussion, but for the staff of the Great Hall, this is not difficult. After all, they have seen too much.

For many people, it was their first time to come to the Great Hall. Looking at the square and solemn building in front of them, they took photos one after another.

In the past, I had only seen videos and photos of big guys like Old Ma and Little Ma lining up to enter the Great Hall. I didn’t expect that they would have such an opportunity this time.

In this way, groups of people finally entered the Great Hall, and then were guided into the interior of the Ten Thousand People Auditorium.

Looking at this auditorium, which often appears on news television, everyone felt quite curious.

And if you have a little understanding of architecture, you will be even more surprised by how such a spacious hall can be made without even a single pillar?

As for the front, that is, behind the rostrum, it is not the combination of the red flag and the national emblem, but a large screen, which displays the official theme of the report meeting.

[Goldbach’s Conjecture Report and Xiao Yi’s Undergraduate Graduation Defense Meeting].

"I really included the graduation defense party..."

Backstage, Xiao Yi was staying here and did not go out.

Looking at the words displayed on the big screen outside, he felt a little ashamed.

In this case, isn't it a bit too showy?

"Haha, this is the feeling you want!"

There was a middle-aged man next to him and said to him with a smile.

"It reflects the excellence of our country's geniuses. The graduation defense used Goldbach's conjecture as the theme, and it was even just an undergraduate graduation defense."

This middle-aged man is Liu Cong, the director of the China Science and Technology Bureau.

The Science and Technology Bureau's status in China's academic world is naturally quite high, and they can take care of anything related to science and technology.

And Xiao Yi's report is also inseparable from the support of the Science and Technology Bureau.

Xiao Yi saw Director Liu for the first time today, and he had a pretty good impression.

After hearing what the other party said, Xiao Yi said helplessly: "It feels... almost the same."

Liu Cong smiled and patted his shoulder, "Be confident, even if you are more high-profile, it won't be a problem."

"We are really lucky to have young people like you in our country's basic science field."

Xiao Yi waved his hand modestly: "I didn't do anything."

"Don't underestimate yourself." Liu Cong smiled, then he looked at the time: "It starts at 10 o'clock sharp, there is still one hour left."

He patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder and said: "I'm looking forward to your performance from now on. There are still many leaders who are paying attention to your report. After the report is over, come over again. There will be a surprise."

Xiao Yi was slightly curious, surprise?

But he didn't ask any more questions, since he would know after the report was over.

I turned around and looked at more and more people outside, feeling a little emotional in my heart.

Ten thousand people, after this report is over, they will attend other reports in the future, even the one-hour plenary report meeting of the International Congress of Mathematicians, it will probably only be regarded as a small event, right?

An hour passed quickly.

The auditorium was already full of people. Similarly, as Guo Xiaoming said, for some spectators who came to try their luck to see if they could enter, the organizer also let some people in as appropriate, so that even the aisles There were also many people sitting in the corridor.

As the time approached the official start of the report meeting, the auditorium gradually became quiet, and the host no longer even needed to control the situation.

Of course, there still needs to be a host. The host is the dean of the Institute of Mathematics, Academician Xi Lan, who is also a member of the defense committee.

The five academicians of the defense committee are all sitting in the first row. Sitting in the middle is Academician Hu Guangde, who is also the defense chairman. After all, Xiao Yi is also a student of their USTC, so of course someone from their USTC must serve as the defense chair. .

As the time came to 10 o'clock, Academician Xi turned around and stood up, faced the audience, picked up the prepared microphone and said: "Welcome to the Goldbach Conjecture Lecture and Xiao Yi's undergraduate graduation defense. meeting."

"I am the chairman of this defense committee, Xi Lan."

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