The second step is to perform heat treatment. The injected hydrogen needs to be decomposed into two hydrogen atoms under high temperature conditions, so that they can diffuse into the sample material and interact with iron atoms inside it.

In a hydrogen environment, iron atoms are more likely to break away from their original positions, migrate to new positions or leave the film surface, thereby forming vacancies in their original positions.

The third step, of course, is to observe whether vacancies are formed, which requires real-time observation using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM).

In this way, after a day of experiments, at the end, a burst of cheers broke out in the laboratory.

"Success! Iron vacancy defects were generated on the surface of the sample!"

Looking at the images on the scanning tunneling microscopy, everyone looked happy.

This basically means that the hardest step in the entire project has been taken!

"well done!"

Pang Cheng also smiled, turned around and patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder, smiling: "Thank you for this method! This method alone is more than enough to post a top article. If we complete our experiment again, There is no problem in sending PRL. It depends on your choice. If you are willing to send this experimental method together with our final results, I can give you one at that time. "

In this regard, Xiao Yi certainly did not choose to issue it separately. For him, the value of issuing it alone is not that high. It is better to issue PRL. However, the other key point is that he actually does not care about these things, so he said: "Let's send them together. If we send them separately, I have to write the paper myself."

Pang Cheng suddenly laughed: "Okay! Let's send it together then!"

Then he turned to look at the others and said, "Okay, let's not rest and continue the experiment."

Finding a method that can introduce iron vacancy defects is only the first step. Next, they have to find the most suitable conditions to introduce more defects in the sample. After that, they need to cool down and observe the superconducting phase to the insulating parent phase. transformation process, so that they can achieve their main goal-analyzing the principles of high-temperature superconductivity.

Thinking of this, they suddenly became more motivated, which was much better than the previous state of stagnation due to being stuck by problems.

And this was all brought by Xiao Yi.

Praise Xiao Shen!

Chapter 161 Invitation to the International Congress of Mathematicians

The next experiment basically has nothing to do with Xiao Yi.

After all, other people also have to play a role.

Basically, we find the best environment based on the results of calculations and simulations, and then observe the FeSe monolayer under superconducting through continuous observation and statistics of various data.

It is estimated that these experiments will take some time.

As a result, Xiao Yi and Guo Ding became the most idle people in the laboratory.

"Just get used to it. After all, this is how we do calculations. It just needs to be useful at critical moments."

Guo Ding didn't care about this and leaned directly on the back of the chair with a leisurely look on his face.

Xiao Yi could tell that Professor Guo was the kind of person who would never be busy when he could be idle. In his words, he had worked hard for so long when he was young, and now he had to take advantage of the opportunity. Not yet forty years old, still enjoying life in the prime of life.

"This is good, at least this is truly our own time." Guo Ding narrowed his eyes and said: "Anyway, scientific research is endless. We may not discover anything, or we may discover something. , but in the end, our discovery will definitely not involve the ultimate mystery of this world. We are still human beings and we have to relax a little."

Listening to the other party's words, Xiao Yi felt that there would definitely be a lot to discuss between Professor Guo and Senior Brother Xu in this laboratory.


He actually recognized what Guo Ding said.

As a result, he leaned back on his chair and enjoyed this moment of leisure.

However, at this moment, his phone suddenly rang with a notification that he had received a new email.

He took out his cell phone and took a look. Who would send him an email at this time?


As soon as he opened it, he saw the subject of the email.

[You are invited to give a plenary lecture at the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM)]

The person who sent the letter was the International Mathematical Union.

"I go?"

He immediately sat up straight.

In other words, this letter is an invitation letter to give a lecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians?

The International Congress of Mathematicians, ICM, sends invitations to some outstanding mathematicians around the world before each event, hoping that these mathematicians can give speeches at the conference and share their research results or experiences. thing.

In the mathematics community, it is also a great honor to be an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians, which represents the recognition of this mathematics scholar by the international mathematics community.

Of course, based on Xiao Yi's achievements, it is no longer a matter of whether the international mathematics community recognizes him, but whether he is willing to participate in this conference.


Xiao Yi thought about it and realized that this conference will be held next year, so the opportunity to go abroad next year will be at this International Congress of Mathematicians.

Well, no problem.

Then, he opened the email and read the content of the email.

[Dear Mr. Xiao,

Hope you are well.

On behalf of the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) Organizing Committee, I cordially invite you to give a one-hour plenary lecture at the upcoming Congress, which will be held on July 6, 2022 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The ICM is the most important mathematical event, bringing together mathematicians from all over the world to discuss the latest research progress and promote cooperation in various mathematical fields. The plenary lectures are one of the highlights of the Congress and are given by outstanding mathematicians who have made important contributions to their respective research fields.

Your outstanding contributions and pioneering research in analytic number theory and algebraic geometry have had a profound impact on the mathematical community. We are sure that your insights and achievements will provide valuable insights and knowledge to the participants of ICM 2022.

We will be happy to support your travel and accommodation expenses during the conference, so you don’t have to worry about any financial issues.

Please confirm your acceptance of this invitation as soon as possible. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact...

The Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Nova Iorevich. 】

After reading this email, Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows.

It was still a one-hour plenary speech.

But this was not unexpected.

The invited speakers at the International Congress of Mathematicians are divided into two levels, one-hour plenary speeches and 45-minute invited reports. The former is a speech in front of everyone, and the latter is a small report divided according to the professional field of the report.

In terms of form, it is basically not much different from the joint mathematics conference that Xiao Yi attended.

Of course, such a meeting tradition is basically passed down from the International Congress of Mathematicians.

The one-hour plenary speech is naturally the most important and the highlight of each conference. Only truly outstanding mathematicians can get such an opportunity. Every four years, only about 20 mathematicians can have such an honor. Compared with the 45-minute speeches of about 150 to 200 each time, the weight is obviously heavier.

In history, there were not many Chinese mathematicians who could give a one-hour plenary speech at the International Congress of Mathematicians, especially from mainland China, there were only two people, Tian Gang and Peng Ge.

In other words, Xiao Yi has now become the third person.

Well... Of course, it does not rule out that other Chinese mathematicians have been invited to give a one-hour speech this year.

After all, the International Mathematical Union has probably just started to announce the news, and it has not yet spread in the mathematics community.

However, it probably won't be long.

At this time, Guo Ding next to him noticed that Xiao Yi had been staring at his phone, and then his face showed a surprised expression from time to time, so he asked: "What happened?"

"Oh, nothing." Xiao Yi said: "There is an academic conference that invited me to give a report."

"What academic conference is that? Ordinary academic conferences should not make you show that kind of expression, right?" Guo Ding smiled and said: "Let me guess, it should be a mathematical conference, the annual meeting of the Chinese Mathematical Society at the end of this year?"

"Well, that's not it, it's the meeting next year."

Xiao Yi showed the text message in his hand to Guo Ding.

Guo Ding was wondering, what kind of mathematical conference is this? It will be held next year, but they are sending out invitations now?

Then he was stunned and said in great surprise: "International Congress of Mathematicians?"

As an expert in computational physics, he is more or less a mathematician, and of course he knows the top conferences in mathematics.

He even participated in it. After all, the International Congress of Mathematicians also has lectures in the field of mathematical physics.

Xiao Yi actually received an invitation to this conference?

And it was... a one-hour plenary report?

Suddenly, he, who was originally full of salted fish, felt an indiscriminate blow from the kingly and domineering aura.


Although Xiao Yi today is as salted as him, it does not prevent him from being invited to the International Congress of Mathematicians as soon as he turns around!

Professor Guo's expression suddenly became resentful.

However, at this time, he actually saw Xiao Yi showing a troubled expression.

He couldn't hold it in any longer: "I'm telling you, you're not satisfied with the invitation to the International Congress of Mathematicians? You still have this expression?"

Xiao Yi sighed and said, "I was just thinking, what should I talk about in the report?"

"After all, it's a one-hour report. If I don't talk about something more important, it always feels a bit inappropriate."

Guo Ding: "..."

What the hell is there to worry about.

You can talk about anything. Anyway, the one-hour plenary report is aimed at all participants, including mathematicians, mathematics enthusiasts, students, etc. in various fields. So even if you don't talk about important results, just share some experience in learning mathematics, or something, it will be fine.

Even, maybe because the person sharing the learning experience is a mathematical genius like Xiao Yi, it can attract a lot of people at that time.

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