Finally, he said quietly: "Why not prove a millennium mathematical problem."

Xiao Yi sighed: "I have thought about it, but I just don't know which question to start with."

Guo Ding: "..."

Have you really thought about it, brother?

He didn't want to talk anymore.

At this time, he just wanted to stay away from Xiao Yi.

And perhaps Lady Luck responded to his call, and his cell phone rang.

He glanced at the caller, his eyes lit up, and then answered the call.

"Academician Tang, what's the matter? Oh? Does your research institute's project require calculation and simulation analysis? Okay, okay, I'll come, I'll come... Academician Pang's work here has been completed for the time being. It's okay. I'll explain it to Academician Pang, okay, I'll be here in about an hour."

After hanging up the phone, Guo Ding exhaled a long breath. Even if he couldn't do anything anymore, he would still get rid of Xiao Yi!

So he said to Xiao Yi with a smile: "Academician Tang from the Institute of High Energy Physics contacted me to help in his research group, so I probably won't stay here anymore. If I encounter any problems later, I'll contact you again." I can do it, of course, I guess you don’t need my help, haha.”

Then he left here, probably to talk to Academician Pang about the matter.

Xiao Yi looked at Guo Ding's accelerated pace with confusion.


Wasn't this Professor Guo just instilling a relaxed attitude towards life?

Why did it suddenly start pushing?

After Guo Ding explained it to Academician Pang Cheng, Academician Pang Cheng naturally did not prohibit him. After all, Guo Ding himself is also a researcher at the Institute of High Energy Physics. Guo Ding was needed to help with the project there, so he naturally had no reason not to let him go. After all, he is a senior researcher, not a postgraduate student doing nothing.

So after that, Xiao Yi became a person again.

However, he was not idle every day. He also started to work on the laboratory. At the same time, he would also read relevant papers or observe the experimental data and results.

On the other hand, the list of invited speakers for the International Congress of Mathematicians was also officially announced, which immediately caused a sensation in the mathematics community.

In a sense, this could also be considered a massive awards reveal.

There are only so many awards in the field of mathematics. Even though the number of people engaged in mathematics research in the world is relatively small, it is still difficult to meet their expectations for honors. Therefore, the honor of hundreds of invited speakers at each conference can be regarded as a kind of recognition to those who Recognition and encouragement of scholars who have truly made contributions.

After all, the mathematics community is also a kind of society, and according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, the vast majority of mathematics scholars basically no longer need to worry about personal safety, food and clothing, and many scholars, as university professors, do not work in The need for social interaction has been met, so what is needed next is respect and recognition from others and society.

Undoubtedly, receiving such an invitation is a great recognition in itself.

For a time, the entire mathematical community began to be filled with an atmosphere of joy.

Of course, among all the invited speakers, the ones that get the most attention are the one-hour speakers.

As people in the mathematical community noticed that Xiao Yi's name was among them, although they all knew that this was indeed reasonable, it was really incredible after considering Xiao Yi's age. .

The youngest ever one-hour plenary speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians.

Probably in the future, at least for a long, long time, no one will be able to break this record.

Of course, this has triggered another discussion in the mathematics community: Should next year’s Fields Medal be awarded to Xiao Yi?

In a poll conducted by a certain company on "Who do you think the Fields Medal will be most likely to be awarded to in 2022?", Xiao Yi ranked first with a voting rate of 44%.

This has also aroused more discussions on the Internet.

[Elliott-Halberstam conjecture, twin prime conjecture, Goldbach conjecture, etale algebraic variety automorphic theory, Shaw expansion... With so many achievements, you tell me that he cannot win the Fields Medal? What a joke! 】

[Why is Xiao Yi’s voting rate 44%? What about the other 56%? Don’t have any hands? 】

[Xiao Yi is too young. I think he can wait for another term or two before awarding it to him. He is still so young anyway. 】

【fart! The requirement for the Fields Medal is to be under 40 years old! what does that mean? This means that the Fields Medal itself is an award for genius, so it should not be delayed because the winner is too young! This will only reduce the enthusiasm of those geniuses!

What's more, the younger the winner, the more joyful the Fields Medal is? And why should there be restrictions on this? 】

[You are right, I listen to you. 】

[You are right, Xiao Yi has shown his extremely terrifying talent in mathematics, so it is time for the mathematics community to award him the most suitable award! The 18-year-old Fields Medal winner will definitely become the most outstanding achievement in the history of mathematics! 】

[I think the International Mathematical Union should postpone awarding Xiao Yi this award for one session. After all, after this session has passed, several mathematicians who are capable of winning the Fields Medal will miss the opportunity for life. 】

[No, mathematics does not need pity. They just need to feel sorry that they were born at the wrong time and happened to meet a genius like Xiao Yi. What's more, Xiao Yi can only make one person lose the chance of the Fields Medal, so those who are not capable enough should just give up. ]

[Mathematics does not need pity! ]

In this way, with the continuous debate, Xiao Yi's vote rate on that website began to rise continuously, from the original 44% to more than 50%, and finally approached 60%. It will not take long to break through 60%, which is completely overwhelming compared to the second place's pitiful 9%.

Now, the International Mathematical Union probably doesn't know what to do.

If they don't award Xiao Yi the Fields Medal, wouldn't they be directly violating the wishes of more than 60% of people?

This will definitely have an impact on the authority of the International Mathematical Union.

So, it seems that who will be the winner of the Fields Medal in a year has gradually become a conclusion.

Chapter 162 Don't you think there is a problem?

Institute of High Energy Physics

"Xiao Guo, take a look at this part of the data, can you process it, and then see the simulation situation."

In the computer room, the director of the Institute of High Energy Physics, Academician Tang Yifang, took out some data and handed it to Guo Ding in front of him.

"Okay, I'll take a look..."

Guo Ding nodded, took the data, and began to look at it.

He has been away from the Institute of Physics for a few days. These days, he lives in the Institute of High Energy Physics, sleeping well, eating well, and smelling good.

No need to stay next to Xiao Yi, the pressure monster.

Well... Although Xiao Yi never says anything, he has a pressure aura.

It's still comfortable here!

As for their topic, it is mainly related to QCD phase transition.

QCD refers to quantum chromodynamics, a theory that can describe strong interactions. It mainly studies the behavior of quarks and gluons at the subatomic scale. In high-energy physics, studying QCD phase transition is an important part of understanding the early state of the universe and strong interactions.

The goal of this topic is to deeply study the properties of quark-gluon plasma and its phase transition process.

Quark-gluon plasma is a kind of matter in an extreme state. In this state, quarks and gluons are no longer bound to hadrons such as protons and neutrons, but exist freely. As for this extreme condition, in nature, it can only be formed under the conditions of the early Big Bang.

In the non-natural world, it can only be achieved through extremely high-energy heavy ion collision experiments.

Of course, since it is a phenomenon that can only be produced by the Big Bang, studying this problem can help scientists understand the state within a few microseconds after the Big Bang, so as to explore the state and evolution of matter in the early universe.

In addition, it can also help guide the verification and improvement of QCD theory, and can also provide analogies for phase changes in other physical systems, such as superconductivity.

"Well... we have to use the NS equation to simulate fluid mechanics."

After a brief look at the data, Guo Ding said: "Then we may have to simulate the models of lattice QCD, color charge and shielding effect, which will take some time."

"That's okay, as long as we can do it."

Academician Tang said with a smile.

However, he did not leave immediately, but continued to ask curiously: "By the way, you did research with Xiao Yi at Academician Pang's place some time ago?"

"Yes." Guo Ding nodded.

Academician Tang sighed: "I heard that the International Congress of Mathematicians announced their invitation list in the past two days. Xiao Yi seems to have been invited to give a one-hour plenary report?"

"Yes." Talking about this, Guo Ding's expression collapsed: "He received the letter from the International Mathematical Union in front of me."

"Oh?" Academician Tang became interested: "Tell me more."

Guo Ding shook his head helplessly, and then told Academician Tang what happened that day.

Tang Yifang laughed, pointed at Guo Ding and scolded him: "You don't work harder, and now you want to drag Xiao Yi into this? If people know about this, you will be scolded."

Guo Ding: "No, don't wrong me."

"I am wronging you. I don't know how many times I have told you this. Otherwise, you would be close to being selected as an outstanding young scholar, right?"

Tang Yifang shook her head and said: "Forget it, I am too lazy to tell you so much."

"But then again, according to what you said just now, Xiao Yi produced results on the first day he came to Academician Pang's place. What do you think if we call him to our place?"

"Ah?" Guo Ding immediately said: "You want to ask him to come again?"

"Why? No?" Tang Yifang glanced at him: "It's just right to let him come over to motivate you. You are in your thirties and almost forty. If Xiao Yi was your age, he would probably have won two outstanding young scholars."

Guo Ding's mouth twitched immediately. Is this how you calculate it?

He muttered, "At your age, you should have won three outstanding young scientists..."

"What did you say?" Tang Yifang glared.

"No, no, no." Guo Ding said quickly, "I said you are right."

Tang Yifang snorted and said, "I don't want to say anything to you. Anyway, I have handed the task to you."

"First, analyze this data. Second, find a way to get Xiao Yi over here. Do you understand?"

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