"Understand, understand, make sure to complete the task!"

Guo Ding stood at attention and quickly assured him.

Tang Yifang pointed at him and then left.

The next day, Institute of Physics, National Research Center for Condensed Matter.

There was a pile of experimental data and experiment-related images in front of Xiao Yi for him to study.

These data and images reflect the various conditions inside the material during the transition from the superconducting phase to the insulating parent phase of FeSe/SrTiO3.

Analysis of these data can help study the mechanism of superconductivity, especially for such high-temperature superconductors.

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The change in iron vacancies obviously has a huge impact on the electronic state inside the material."

"Well...if you simply use the density of states method to calculate, you can also find this kind of problem."

"Computational simulation results over the past few days can also be concluded that iron vacancies will cause local electron density fluctuations, which will then lead to the transition from the superconducting state to the insulating state by changing the interaction between electrons and the energy band structure."

"Especially according to spectroscopy studies, there is no obvious Fermi level shift due to hole doping during the phase transition, but a significant spectral weight shift occurs, which means that there is a strong presence in the FeSe superconducting transition. "Electronic correlation effect."

"Strong electron correlation effect...Strong electron correlation effect..."

After thinking about this, Xiao Yi took out a paper and pen and began to substitute these data into the corresponding physical formulas for calculation.

However, since these experimental data contain errors such as noise, which will affect the accuracy of the calculation results, some processing is also required.

Just like this, after some calculations, Xiao Yi suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"Huh? This error... seems a little strange?"

It is normal for errors to occur, but the problem is that there is something wrong with the errors in these calculation results.

It cannot be said that it is too big or too small, but it should be said that these errors seem to coincide with some laws.


This comes from his intuition. Otherwise, if you put this data in front of 99% of other people, they will probably think it is just an error.

Without drawing an immediate conclusion, he tried to bring in some other possibly relevant physical formulas for processing, but it was completely useless.

"It can't be that I discovered something new."

Xiao Yi shook his head and laughed.

But just when he thought this, he raised his eyebrows and then turned into a serious face.

Gotta Lock In.

Although intuition has some metaphysical elements in it, he still has some confidence in his own intuition.

So, maybe I am right?

"Xiao Yi, it turns out you are here."

At this moment, a voice came from behind him.

Xiao Yi turned around and looked, and then he was startled: "Professor Guo? Why are you back? Is Academician Pang looking for you?"

"Ah, that's not true." Guo Ding scratched his head and smiled: "Actually, I came here specifically to ask you a favor."

Xiao Yi: "Huh? What is it? Professor Guo, please tell me."

"Hey, it's Director Tang from the Institute of High Energy. After hearing about your performance in our research group, he wanted me to invite you to the Institute of High Energy to help. Now we happen to encounter a project. , I need a mathematician like you to help with the analysis."

"Our Director Tang is so complimentary to you."

Xiao Yi was stunned.

Another topic?

Well, this is indeed quite normal in academia. Scholars always move around between different research groups, and this is especially true for outstanding scholars.

Well... he can be considered an excellent scholar to some extent.

He asked: "What is the subject about?"

"Well..." Guo Ding said: "Study quark-gluon plasma and its phase transition process."

"Generally speaking, we will call this thing QGP. It basically only exists in nature for a few microseconds in the early days of the Big Bang, so studying it can also help us understand the situation in the early days of the Big Bang. Then it will help us understand the strong interaction force, well... it can also help us study some phase transition phenomena, oh! By the way, aren't we studying superconducting phase transitions now, maybe between the two. It can also produce some analogous situations.”

Can it help superconducting research?

Hearing Guo Ding talk about this, Xiao Yi turned around and looked at his data. After hesitating for a moment, he said: "Wait a minute, you first take a look at these experimental data, and then these images, these of mine Do you feel anything about the errors in the calculation process?”


Guo Ding walked forward with a confused look on his face and took a good look at these things.

After reading it, he became even more confused, "What's wrong with these data? Isn't it just an error? Isn't it normal for experimental data to have errors?"

Xiao Yi tried to explain: "Don't you think..."

Halfway through the words, he still shook his head and gave up, "Forget it, okay, I agree to go with you, but I have two conditions."

"You said it." Guo Ding nodded naturally.

"First, you have to help me explain to Academician Pang."

"Of course there is no problem." Guo Ding said OK. This is indeed his responsibility.

"Second, please help me find information about the experimental equipment for these data, including their specific models and specific performance parameters."

Xiao Yi said.

Guo Ding was confused again: "Why do you want these things?"

"Hmm...how should I explain it to you?" Xiao Yi thought for a while.

He wanted to compare these experimental errors through the experimental parameters of these equipment, and try to discover something from them.

Seeing Xiao Yi's appearance, Guo Ding quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Forget it, don't explain, I'll help you find it."

"That's good."

Xiao Yi smiled, "Then let's leave now."

Guo Ding's eyes lit up: "OK!"

First, the two went to Academician Pang for an explanation.

Although Academician Pang did not refuse, he also pointed at Guo Ding: "You kid, you asked me to call Xiao Yi at first, and then I spent a lot of effort and even quarreled with Xi Lan from the mathematics institute next door. It took a while before Xiao Yi came, but now you are helping the Institute of High Energy to call Xiao Yi over. That guy named Tang is not kind..."

In the end, Guo Ding agreed to a lot of requests. For example, if Pang Cheng needs help with his project in the future, Guo Ding must be on call and so on.

Finally, Guo Ding finally brought Xiao Yi to the Institute of High Energy.

When Academician Tang Yifang learned that Xiao Yi was coming, he went to the door to pick up Xiao Yi in person.

"Haha, I finally got to see you in person. Your name is astonishing to my ears."

Tang Yifang smiled and shook hands with Xiao Yi. Then he nodded towards Guo Ding and said with a smile: "Xiao Guo, you did a good job this time. I will give you credit."

Guo Ding smiled bitterly. Thinking of the conditions he agreed to with Academician Pang, he probably wouldn't be able to get salted fish anymore.

Without staying at the door for too long, they entered the institute.

"Professor Guo should have told you what we studied this time, right?"

Going directly to the topic, Tang Yifang asked.

Xiao Yi nodded: "Yes, I understand."

"That's okay!" Tang Yifang nodded, "Professor Guo, you will be responsible for explaining Xiao Yi from now on."

"I got it." Guo Ding said OK. Anyway, he was on this same mission at the Institute of Physics.

"Yeah." Tang Yifang nodded, then looked at Xiao Yi again and said, "Of course, Xiao Yi, in addition to computer simulation, the role that mathematics can play in our high-energy physics, or theoretical physics, is also There are a lot, at least much more than the research materials. Think about it, wasn't Einstein's theory of relativity derived from mathematics? Even because his mathematics was not very good, he had to find Hilber? Came here to help.”

"Another example is the later Yang-Mills equation, which was basically derived mathematically, as well as the Higgs mechanism and so on..."

"Of course, there is another point that is very important in physics research, and that is physical intuition."

“Physical intuition is a deep understanding of physical phenomena and theories that goes beyond pure mathematical descriptions and formula calculations. Physicists may discover something from them just through formulas or data in mathematical form. Something the world of physics doesn’t know.”

"I'm not telling you this for any reason. I just hope that when you study our experimental data or analyze them, you can 'see' these things more deeply."

Tang Yifang smiled and patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder: "After all, your intuition in mathematical research is already so powerful, why not give it full play in physics?"

Xiao Yi thought about the intuition he had just discovered from the superconducting data, and finally nodded: "I will try my best."

Tang Yifang laughed, then said no more and left.

Afterwards, Guo Ding took Xiao Yi into the High Energy Institute.

After some introduction, Xiao Yi probably had some understanding of Gao Neng.

In particular, the Beijing Electron Positron Collider BEPC located within this institute is one of the eight largest particle accelerators in the world, which has also established the Institute of High Energy as a world-class high energy physics institute.

"Our experimental data this time mainly come from the recent BEPC collision, which generated a lot of data."

Finally entering a computer room, Guo Ding explained to Xiao Yi.

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