After taking a sip of the drink next to him, he looked at Ye Cheng next to him speechlessly and asked, "Where did you hear this? Why didn't I know that I was going to win the Nobel Prize?"

Just won the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize?

I would never dream of doing this.

Although he also admitted that his achievements were enough to win the Nobel Prize, the Nobel Prize has no age limit, so it is not as special as the Fields Medal. Basically everyone queues up to win the prize. , unless it is really a very important result.

For example, Mr. Yang Zhenning’s law of nonconservation of parity was proposed in 1956 and won the award in 1957.

However, the importance of the proof of the mass gap problem is not as important as the law of parity nonconservation. After all, the former is a phenomenon that has been discovered in experiments long ago, while the latter was completely opposed by the physics community at the time, such as Wolfgang Pauli Richard Feynman once stated that he was willing to place a high bet that parity non-conservation was wrong, and Richard Feynman also made a bet with others that he was willing to lose $10,000 if parity non-conservation was confirmed, and in the end The result was that the physics community was slapped in the face.

Therefore, if Xiao Yi wants to win the Nobel Prize, he will most likely have to wait in line, or wait for evidence of the direct existence of X particles to be found in a particle accelerator.

"Isn't this what everyone is saying outside now?"

Ye Cheng said.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and said, "Don't believe these things. How can it be so easy to win the Nobel Prize?"

But at this moment, another voice came from the side: "But no matter what, you are now a candidate."

Xiao Yi was stunned, turned around and saw several unknown Chinese people walking next to him at some point.

The middle-aged man who had just spoken smiled and handed him his work permit and introduced himself: "Hello Xiao Yi, I am Liang Qiuhao, the head of the CCTV reporter station in Russia."

Xiao Yi glanced at his work permit and immediately showed a surprised expression.

It's actually from CCTV?

"Stationmaster Liang, hello."

He nodded, shook hands with Liang Qiuhao, and then asked: "Does Station Master Liang come to see me for something?"

Liang Qiuhao laughed and said, "Of course!"

"According to the instructions of our main station director, we came here specifically and hope to conduct an interview with you. The interview process will also be on the news when the time comes."

"After all, you are the first mathematician in our country to win the Fields Medal, and you are the pride of our people. It would be remiss of us if we did not interview you specifically."

Xiao Yi waved his hand modestly: "No, no, I just try my best to do my own thing."

Liang Qiuhao just smiled and said nothing more, then continued to ask: "Well, look, if we are interviewing now, are you free?"

Xiao Yi's eyes couldn't help but turn to the Russian braised beef in front of him.

Liang Qiuhao noticed his gaze, and then laughed and said: "Of course we are not in a hurry. You can finish your food first. After all, it is shameful to waste food."

Xiao Yi smiled: "Thank you for your understanding."

Then he didn't waste any time and ate his own food.

Next to him, Ye Cheng witnessed all this although he remained silent.

At this time, he was stunned, and there was only one sentence left in his mind: "Fuck, Brother Xiao is going to be on CCTV!"

After finishing the meal quickly, Xiao Yi followed Liang Qiuhao and the others to the interview location, which was in a small conference hall in the convention center next door. There was also a small blackboard that could be dragged inside.

After all, the best place to interview a mathematician is next to a blackboard.

After some preparations, Xiao Yi finally sighed a little in his heart. Everyone else had been interviewed, and now he couldn't escape.

Then he said: "I'm ready, we can start."

Liang Qiuhao nodded, and then gestured OK to the photographer next to him.

The interview officially begins.

The first question asked by Liang Qiuhao has nothing to do with this International Congress of Mathematicians.

"First of all, I want to know what inspired you to reach such a state in your studies or academic research?" Liang Qiuhao said: "I believe many people want to know what your motivation is. "

Xiao Yi: "..."

The question came up that forced him to lie.

Truth: I want to renew the buff.

Falsehood: "Probably a desire for those hard questions."

"A math teacher who helped me a lot must feel the same way."

"I like studying difficult problems and the pleasure of solving them, so when I was still in my sophomore year of high school, I loved solving competition-level problems..."

Xiao Yi recalled what supported him to continue learning.

And obviously, persistence in solving difficult problems is the most important thing.

Well...this is not a lie to some extent, it is indeed a thought from the heart.

Liang Qiuhao couldn't help but laugh: "However, there are many people who target difficult problems, but not many people have the ability to constantly solve them."

"This is your talent."

Xiao Yi shrugged and said: "Maybe, but I think the importance of diligence is still very important."

"The me back then..."

Thinking back to that time when I had to study for at least 14.4 hours every day...

Humph, who can say that he was able to achieve the results he achieved today without relying on his own efforts?

After listening to Xiao Yi's story, Liang Qiuhao showed a surprised expression. He had to study for thirteen or four hours every day?

Do you even have to think about problems while eating?

"This also proves the saying that genius is 1% talent and 99% sweat."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded in agreement.


Later, Liang Qiuhao finally asked about things related to this conference.

"But everything is worth it, and your efforts are rewarded today."

"The Fields Medal is the highest honor in mathematics, and there has been a lot of discussion recently about you winning this award, especially your age, nineteen, which is undoubtedly a very young age for the Fields Medal. So, did you feel any changes before the award was announced and after the award was announced?”

"From calm to happy." Xiao Yi chuckled, still saying the same thing: "I am lucky to get it, but I am destined to lose it."

“Thankfully, there are so many philosophies in our culture that helped me adapt to this situation.”

"So I was able to wait calmly before the award was announced, and I was lucky to finally get the award, and I was naturally happy for it."

"Of course, one reason may be that I know that I am very young and will have many opportunities to win this award in the future."

"After all, as everyone said, the Fields Medal is already within my grasp. The only question is when to get it."

Hearing Xiao Yi's answer, Liang Qiuhao was surprised again. He probably didn't expect that Xiao Yi not only had so many academic achievements at such a young age, but also had such a state of mind, so Humility without losing confidence.

Liang Qiuhao could only sigh with emotion, maybe only with such a state of mind could he be worthy of such an achievement.

The interview continues.

In the following interview, Liang Qiuhao also asked questions around the academic value of the existence of Yang-Mills and the quality gap problem proved by Xiao Yi.

There weren't many questions. After all, I was going to be on the news, so I didn't have time to ask so many questions.

In response to every question, Xiao Yi also spoke eloquently, fully demonstrating his demeanor as a top scholar.

Until finally, he asked the last question: "Finally, do you have any message for all the scholars in our country?"

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment and finally said: "Always stay curious about problems."

With such a simple sentence, Liang Qiuhao smiled and finally said: "Thank you for your answer. My interview ends here."

He gestured to the photographer next to him, and the photographer stopped taking pictures.

Liang Qiuhao said to Xiao Yi with emotion: "Only when I really come into contact with a scholar like you can I feel that vast feeling. Well... how should I put it, it's probably like Yuan Ting Yue Zhi."

Xiao Yi smiled and said: "Thank you."

"Okay, our interview clips will be sent back to domestic stations soon, and you can see them in tonight's news lb."

Liang Qiuhao smiled and said: "I believe that your interview will set an example and inspire many people in the country."

Xiao Yi nodded: "I hope so."

Liang Qiuhao smiled: "Believe me, my judgment is still very accurate."

Chapter 177 Next target, superconductivity!

As the interview ended, Liang Qiuhao also left here quickly with his people. After all, they had to go back quickly and send the interview process back so that their main station could edit it.

Xiao Yi looked at their leaving figures and recalled the interview process just now.

Hmm... he should be doing pretty well?

At this time, Ye Cheng, who had been watching from the side, walked up with excitement on his face.

"Brother Xiao, you are going to be on TV! You are so awesome!"

Xiao Yi nodded with a smile, waved his hand and said: "Low-key, low-key!"

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