"Uh... I can't keep a low profile anymore. I just posted the photo in the group."

Ye Cheng scratched his head and showed Xiao Yi the interface on his phone. It was indeed their joint entrance examination group. At this time, there were already a lot of "Huh?" in the group.

Xiao Yi immediately pointed at him speechlessly: "You kid, you dare to take photos during an interview."

Ye Cheng shrugged and said: "The staff member saw me, but he didn't say anything."

Xiao Yi was too lazy to say too much to him, and then opened his phone and started to see what people were talking about in the group.

After entering, their previous chats were quite normal.

[I'm super? Interview? Brother Xiao is going to be on TV again! ]

[Okay, okay, I haven't watched the news for many years. It seems that I have to watch it tonight]

[That is to say, Xiao Shen made such a big fuss, it would be unreasonable if I didn't interview him. ]

However, as these normal chats passed, the next part began to become abnormal.

The first paragraph made his face black.

Jingda-Lupin: [Oh my god, that's not right, Ye Cheng, how did you know? Are you secretly meeting with Brother Xiao! You didn't call the brothers, right? ]

Jingda-Chen Muhua: [That's right, tell the truth, are you secretly touching Brother Xiao's trophy? You're eating alone? You don't let the brothers touch it, right? ]

Xiao Yi's mouth twitched, what the hell is a trophy, it's obviously a medal, okay!

However, seeing that their words were getting more and more outrageous, Xiao Yi had to stand up.

[ @Jingda-Chen Muhua, touching the trophy, right? Your true nature is exposed, right? And, mine is a medal, not a trophy! ]

Jingda-Chen Muhua: [Trophy and medal are the same concept! It's not a big problem]

Jingda-Lupin: [Then Brother Xiao, can I touch yours? 】

USTC-Xiao Yi: [… Kongtong, thank you]

Putting down the phone, Xiao Yi shook his head. These people, they must have become stupid after learning mathematics.

Then he turned around and said to Ye Cheng next to him: "Don't learn from them in the future."

Ye Cheng nodded, and then asked nervously: "Well, Brother Xiao, so can I touch your medal? I really want to touch the Fields Medal."

Xiao Yi: "…"

Did you do it on purpose or accidentally?

Forget it, whether it was intentional or accidental, just bury it.

The news that Xiao Yi accepted an interview with CCTV also spread quickly, and then spread throughout the academic circle.

News generally focuses on news about the livelihood of the international community, and of course, domestic achievements in the field of science are also concerned.

For example, the team of Academician Pan Wei at USTC has made quite a few major breakthroughs in quantum computer research, or the Institute of Plasma Research has achieved major breakthroughs in nuclear fusion, etc., all of which have been interviewed.

And Xiao Yi's interview was, of course, completely expected.

However, there are still quite a few people who are ready to see how Xiao Yi accepts the interview tonight, and listen to what this young genius thinks about his award.


Soon, the domestic time came to the official broadcast time.

University of Science and Technology, School of Materials.

Professor Sun Lina's conference room...

Ahem, it should be Luo Mingya's conference room.

At this time, they set up the table, facing the large multimedia screen in the front, and on the table were various meals in takeaway boxes, which looked quite rich.

It looked like they were preparing to watch a movie while eating.

But in fact, the big screen was playing CCTV-1, and the upper right corner had reached the hourly time of 18:59:30.

As the time entered 7 o'clock, the familiar start screen immediately appeared on the TV.

"It's started!"

Xu Ming shouted as soon as he saw it, "We will be able to see Xiao Shen's heroic figure soon!"

It was he who proposed this activity today. A few hours ago, he saw someone on the Internet saying that there would be an interview with Xiao Yi on the news tonight, so he proposed in their small group that they should watch the news broadcast while eating tonight.

The good name is: learning from advanced people.

Unexpectedly, his proposal was actually agreed by their senior sister.

He originally proposed it as a joke.

"Senior sister, I still want to ask you why you agreed."

As the two announcers appeared on the screen, Xu Ming couldn't help but ask Luo Mingya again.

Luo Mingya looked at him expressionlessly: "What? Are you trying to figure out what I mean?"

"Uh..." Xu Ming's hair stood on end.

It sounded like he was trying to figure out what he meant...

Well, it seems to be similar?

"Eat your meal in peace." Luo Mingya added: "In addition, if Xiao Yi doesn't interview you later, you will be responsible for the laboratory hygiene during the summer vacation."

Xu Ming pulled the corner of his mouth, finally lowered his head resignedly, and started to eat.

However, at this time, Sun Lina next to him laughed and said: "I think Xiao Yi hasn't come for a long time, and your senior sister misses him."

Xu Ming and the others immediately raised their heads and looked at Sun Lina in shock.

When did their mentor become so brave?

Dare to say such things in front of the senior sister?

However, Luo Mingya looked indifferent to Sun Lina's teasing words and even said, "Yes, I do miss him."

The shocked gazes of Xu Ming and others immediately shifted to Luo Mingya.


Senior sister, what are you talking about?

Zhao Yuanyuan even held her face with both hands, looking like she was screaming: "Ahhhhhhhh..."

However, Luo Mingya's next words made them lower their heads in shame: "How fast did the project progress when Xiao Yi was here? He completed a nature article in four months. I don't want him to miss you, does he still miss you? Paper Have you finished reading? Have you finished the experiment?”

The head is lowered.

Liu Chao whispered: "So she is Xiao Shen, and I am just a laboratory aunt."

Xu Ming said to him: "No, you are not even a laboratory aunt. A laboratory aunt can do experiments skillfully, can you?"

"Of course I can!" Liu Chao thought about his usual operations during the experiment.

Xu Ming raised his eyebrows: "Oh? The lab aunt has a monthly salary of several thousand yuan, do you have it?"

"This..." Liu Chao was stunned.

"Auntie in the laboratory doesn't have to write a paper yet, how about you?"

"I..." Liu Chao's expression began to stiffen.

"Auntie in the laboratory doesn't use 996 yet, how about you?"

"Stop scolding, stop scolding..." Liu Chao was about to cry.

While they were chatting, the news anchor had finished reporting several news on the big screen in front of them.

After a piece of news related to the political situation ended, anchor Li Zimeng said with a smile: "After reading about the international situation, let us turn our attention to a major event in the field of science."

"At 7:30 pm local time on July 6, the opening ceremony of the 29th International Congress of Mathematicians was officially held in St. Petersburg, Russia. At the opening ceremony, President of the International Mathematical Union Carlos Koenig announced this year's Fields The winner of five major awards including the Chen Shengshen Award and the Gauss Award.”

"Among these five major awards, the Fields Medal is known as the Nobel Prize in mathematics and is the highest honor in the field of mathematics."

"At this award ceremony, my country's famous mathematician Xiao Yi successfully won the Fields Medal and became the first Chinese scholar in my country to win the award."

The screen flashed and the scene of Xiao Yi receiving the award was played.

"It is reported that Xiao Yi is only 19 years old this year and is the youngest winner of the Fields Medal in history. The previous youngest winner was 28 years old..."

As the news was broadcast, Xu Ming and the others in the conference room couldn't help but sigh.

"Nineteen years old, so awesome." Xu Ming sighed.

"Well, I'm only 3 years younger than your senior sister." Sun Lina also said with a smile: "Three years, this age difference is quite good, but it's a pity that Xiao Yi has not reached the legal age yet..."

Luo Mingya glanced at her: "Sun Lina, if you talk nonsense again, don't blame me for mentioning the man you met abroad."

When Sun Lina returned to China, she chose to return because she had emotional problems.

Although this was considered a scar in her heart, she knew that if she kept talking, Luo Mingya would not care about her scars or anything else.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore."

Giving Luo Mingya a rollicking look, she stretched out her chopsticks to pick up the last Coke chicken wing on the table.

However, another pair of chopsticks was one step ahead of her and picked up the Coke chicken wings.

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