"Well, I'm still trying to synthesize high-temperature superconductors based on the XSC theory. Maybe I can help you by then."

"So to a certain extent, I am also contributing to quantum information."

Hearing what Xiao Yi said, Pan Wei and the others laughed.

"That's what Professor Xiao said."

"Then we wish Professor Xiao success."

Afterwards, they did not disturb Xiao Yi any more and left here.

After that, Xiao Yi began his plan to write a book.

Moreover, a textbook is naturally very challenging. It is not just about writing casually. It still requires various designs and ideas.

However, in the process of this design conception, his understanding of experimental data analysis was also strengthened. In fact, because he needed to use materials frequently, his use of materials became inadvertently. He is now more at ease, and even on low-resolution experimental instruments, he can bring the effect of material control to a new level.

And this also helped him in the process of writing the textbook.

The school soon found out about his writing of textbooks.

Naturally, the school provides strong support. Writing textbooks is a thing that can enhance the reputation of any scholar, and similarly, it is also a good thing for the unit to which the scholar belongs.

HKUST also has its own publishing house, and the textbook written by Xiao Yi will definitely be published by them.

Therefore, HKUST provided Xiao Yi with guidance in the writing process and assigned some teachers who had experience in writing books to provide Xiao Yi with some writing help.

Soon, the first part that Xiao Yi wrote was shown to a few academicians in the school.

Those academicians immediately gave it a very high evaluation.

Some of the experimental analysis methods given by Xiao Yi in the first part were something that even these academicians had never thought about. That kind of analysis method from micro to macro directly brought them a new perspective.

I don’t know how much research efficiency can be improved using this analysis method.

All of a sudden, the academicians began to urge Xiao Yi to write the entire book quickly. They were all impatient to see what more exciting analysis methods would come later.

Just like that, time passed quickly.

Xiao Yi also gave a lecture on XSC theory during the course. This lecture also attracted many scholars from across the country to come to the site to learn in person. After all, there are too many people who care about the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity.

On the other hand, the Science Island Laboratory has officially started construction after two months of design. The construction period is expected to be nine months, which is only a dozen acres anyway. It is a three-story laboratory, and the laboratory design is basically The upper part is square and there is no special structure. Nine months is enough.

Time flew by, and more than eight months passed quietly.

On this day, Xiao Yi's "Principles of Experimental Analysis" was officially published!

Chapter 187 Global Publishing

Qinghua University, School of Materials Science, in an office.

Two old professors sat together, sipping tea and chatting.

One of the professors named Wen Yuan suddenly said: "Lao Liang, how is the recent research in your laboratory? I remember that you are doing condensed matter stuff?"

Professor Liang Heping, who was called Lao Liang, nodded and said: "Yes, specifically speaking, it is the synthesis of superconducting materials. Since Xiao Yi's high-temperature superconducting mechanism came out a few months ago, now all A lot of labs around the world are working on this."

Liang Heping shook his head and said with emotion: "If you calculate carefully, in just about eight months, those laboratories have already developed four new superconducting materials."

"Four kinds? So many!" Wen Yuan said in surprise: "Is there any one that is easier to use?"

"That's not the case yet." Liang Heping waved his hand: "How can it be so easy to develop useful materials? Nowadays, one out of ten materials synthesized in laboratories around the world is useful. They are all considered a blessing by God. Mercy, let alone a high-temperature superconductor.”

He shook his head: "As of now, although these newly synthesized high-temperature superconductor materials have better properties than yttrium barium copper oxide in some aspects, considering the first-mover advantage of yttrium barium copper oxide, its There have been a lot of iterations on the synthesis methods, so these new high-temperature superconductors don’t have many advantages at all, and they will probably have to stay in the laboratory for a long time.”

Wenyuan nodded slightly: "That's right. Yttrium barium copper oxide has been a material for more than 30 years ago. God knows how many years it will take for these new materials to be used on a large scale."

Liang Heping smiled and said: "Instead of waiting for these materials to come out of the laboratory, it is better to hope that better materials will be discovered."

Wen Yuan smiled and said: "Maybe your laboratory can discover it?"

"Hey, don't even mention this kind of thing. I think the students in my lab have a headache."

Liang Heping waved his hand and sighed.

"Oh? What's wrong?" Wen Yuan asked slightly curiously.

"It's not about experiments yet." Liang Heping shook his head and said: "These students now, they don't know how to do experiments and analysis. They are still students of our Qinghua University. Alas, usually they look pretty cool." They are so busy, I don’t know where they are.”

Wen Yuan laughed and said, "That's really unavoidable. Experiments are indeed troublesome for those students. Forget about experiments. They have learned a lot in undergraduate studies and can be taught almost everything. But if experimental analysis is so easy to understand, I don't know how many talents will emerge in our country."

Liang Heping shook his head helplessly: "There's nothing we can do. We don't even know how to teach this kind of thing. There are no good textbooks. We rely on experience."

"Indeed, if you want to find experience, you have to do experiments, and doing experiments requires funds." Wen Yuan also sighed: "It's difficult!"

For a while, the two professors began to worry about the scientific research path of young people.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Maybe you can recommend this textbook to them?"

The two professors were stunned and looked up at the person who came.

"Professor Lan, what did you say?"

"Hehe, I'll show you a treasure."

Professor Lan smiled, walked forward, and took out... a book from his pocket!

"Look, this textbook."

Professor Liang and Professor Wen took a look at the cover of the book and were both stunned.

"Principles of Experimental Analysis? What kind of book is this? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Is it a new textbook? Professor Lan, are you sure? Among the new textbooks nowadays, how many textbooks are really useful? Aren't they all based on building good relationships with major universities and getting students to buy them?"

Professor Liang and Professor Wen shook their heads and didn't have any expectations for this textbook.

They knew all the tricks in the textbooks very well. If there were some recognized good textbooks, then the school might use these good textbooks, and for other subjects, some textbooks that could not be found on the Internet were used, or textbooks written directly by teachers in the school.

They were all considered a kind of income for these teachers.

After hearing what the two professors said, Professor Lan smiled and said, "Don't worry, look at who is the editor-in-chief of this book."

"Editor-in-chief?" Liang Heping and Wen Yuan were puzzled. Is it a famous person?

Then they looked at the editor-in-chief's name on the cover and were stunned again.

"Xiao Yi?"

They immediately saw the bottom of the book cover.

[Huaguo University of Science and Technology Press]

In this way, it was basically confirmed that this Xiao Yi was the Xiao Yi.

Well, this is indeed a very famous person.

"Xiao Yi has also started to write textbooks?"

"He still has this idea?"

The two of them immediately became interested and began to flip through the book.

They were very curious about what the textbook written by Xiao Yi would look like.

Soon, they turned to the first part.

The first part, image analysis.

This part is mainly about how to directly analyze various microscopic images and find some key information from pictures that seem to have no information.

For example, optical microscope images, bright field microscopes can observe the macroscopic structure and defects of the material surface, while dark field microscopes can observe microscopic structures and particles by enhancing contrast.

Another example is the scanning electron microscope SEM, which can provide high-resolution surface morphology images, can observe nano-level structures and morphologies, or the transmission electron microscope TEM, which observes the internal structure of the material through electron transmission, and is suitable for studying crystal structure, interface and defects.

In addition, there are more types of images, such as scanning electron tunneling microscope STM, or X-ray diffraction XRD images, etc.

In short, the content of this part mainly introduces how to get rid of various data, observe and analyze directly from the images, and find key problems.

The more they read, the more surprised Professor Yang and Professor Wen were.

The content of this part completely exceeded their imagination. Some of the analysis methods given by Xiao Yi even brought considerable inspiration to these two old scholars who have been studying materials for many years.

"It's really... hard to believe that so much information can be seen just from these images?"

"How did Xiao Yi think of it? Is this the reason why he can study the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity?"

"He is... giving a method to see data directly from the image."


The more the two professors read, the more they were amazed at the wonderful content of this first part, especially the subversion of traditional analysis methods.

Generally speaking, the analysis of materials science focuses more on data, and does not pay much attention to direct image analysis. Images can only be used as auxiliary analysis and cannot directly help the results.

Now, Xiao Yi's method has directly raised the status of image analysis by several levels, allowing them to see a lot of easily overlooked information from the images.

They can't imagine how Xiao Yi discovered these things.

Of course, they really can't imagine it, because this is Xiao Yi's experience gained by relying on the material mastery and directly seeing the microscopic world, and then he summarized these experiences and wrote them all into this first part.

In this way, even if others can't see the microscopic world as intuitively as he does, they can still see something from those images.

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