Even if they can only see a little information, it is already quite useful.

For a moment, Professor Liang and Professor Wen were extremely excited and wanted to go to the laboratory to try it out immediately.

However, they could not move their feet for the time being, so they turned to the second part without stopping. This part entered the field they were familiar with, that is, data analysis. This part mainly focused on those detailed data, but did not include various charts, spectra, etc. These parts were to be included later.

They patiently read the content of this second part, and soon, their eyes were bright again.

Although the content of this second part was not as innovative as the first part, Xiao Yi showed quite a lot of unique analysis angles and methods.

It also included some statistical methods that they had never seen before, which could easily process some different things from the data, such as some completely different rules, or some particularly prominent signals.

In particular, Xiao Yi also explained these steps very carefully, which can be said to be understood by anyone with a little professional knowledge.

For a moment, Liang Heping and Wen Yuan's eyes became more and more eager.

This textbook has become a shining treasure in their eyes.

This book, let alone as a textbook for students, is completely worth learning for professors like them.

Until the end, Liang Heping couldn't help but look up and look at Professor Lan, asking: "How did you know about this textbook? When was it published?"

"Just in the past few days." Professor Lan smiled and said: "Last week I happened to be on a business trip to the University of Science and Technology, and then they gave me this book and asked me to take a look. Who would have thought that it was written so well."

"Is that so? Can I buy it now?" Liang Heping asked.

"Well... it should be available for purchase. I don't know. You can contact the publishing house of HKUST. However, it seems that they are planning to promote it in their school first to see the effect. They don't plan to sell it to the public for the time being."

"How can this be possible!" Liang Heping slammed the table and said, "Why are they still thinking of eating it alone? Shouldn't such a good thing be shared with everyone! How many students and laboratories can this help?"

"Indeed." Wen Yuan nodded in approval.

"Well, Lao Lan, leave your book here with me first. I will go to our dean in a few days, and then contact HKUST to let them sell it to the public." Liang Heping said, and was about to stuff the book into his desk.

Professor Lan glared: "Hey, no, you can go to the dean, why do you want to take my book?"

"What do you mean I want to take your book? Look at what you said. I will read it first, and then prove to the dean why this book is good! Lao Wen, don't you agree?" Liang Heping explained seriously.

As a result, Wen Yuan said at this time: "I think it's better to let me take care of it. I will go to the dean and tell him, Professor Liang, aren't you still busy with the project in your laboratory? You might as well go and work on your project."

As he said that, he reached out to take the book that Liang Heping had already stuffed into the drawer.

Professor Lan couldn't bear it. He saw at a glance that the two people simply wanted this book, and immediately reached out to grab it: "I say you two, don't worry about it, I will talk to the dean about this matter."

In this way, the three professors began to argue about the book.

In the end, because they made too much noise, their dean Lin Guowu came.

"Hey hey hey? Professor Liang, Professor Wen, and Professor Lan, what are you fighting for?"

After stopping the three of them, Lin Guowu asked the reason.

Professor Lan held the book, pointed at Liang Heping and Wen Yuan with excitement, and became indignant.

"...I shouldn't have shown them this book."

After listening to this, Lin Guowu couldn't help but ask curiously: "What book is this? Let me see it."

Professor Lan looked at Lin Guowu hesitantly, and the latter didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm not stealing your book, why should I steal your book?"

Professor Lan then handed the book to Lin Guowu hesitantly.

As a result, after Lin Guowu roughly browsed the first part, he said to Professor Lan: "Well, I'll go back and read it for a few days and study it."

Professor Lan's eyes suddenly widened, "Dean Lin, you you you..."

Lin Guowu's face was serious: "You said that Professor Liang and Professor Wen are stealing your book. I have to make sure whether the value of this book is worth it for them to steal. You say it's not, oh, it's only a few days, don't worry."

"That's it."

After that, Lin Guowu turned around and left, leaving Professor Lan with a sad face.

"They are all robbers!"

Liang Heping and Wen Yuan looked at Lin Guowu with envy. Why aren't they deans?

The farce on their side was over, but the news quickly spread throughout the Qinghua School of Materials Science and Engineering.

Professor Liang and Professor Wen fought over a book by Professor Lan, and Dean Lin finally snatched it away?

What book was snatched?

A book called "Principles of Experimental Analysis"?

Or was it written by Xiao Yi?

For a while, all the professors in the Qinghua School of Materials Science and Engineering were curious about what this book was about, which could make three professors and a dean fight for it. So they began to mobilize their connections and wanted to get a copy from USTC.

In this way, before USTC could promote it, the fame of Xiao Yi's book spread first in Qinghua.

Not long after, all the colleges and universities around Tsinghua University knew about it.

Unable to withstand so many professors' requests, USTC simply sent a book to each of these professors.

The result was even more out of control.

USTC Press.

"Hey, Lao Xu, how can you hide such a good thing and not share it? It's not like we won't give you money! Your students are students, but our students are not students?"

The voice coming from the phone made Xu Jiajie, the vice president of USTC and the president of USTC Press, look helpless.

"I know, Academician Sun, we have planned to expand the scale of publication. After the first batch is completed, we will send it to your Peking University first, okay?"

"That's fine."

Academician Sun from Peking University said.

Xu Jiajie shook his head helplessly.

According to statistics, the demand for Xiao Yi's "Principles of Experimental Analysis" has reached 100,000.

And the main demand group at present is only graduate students, and it has not spread to undergraduates. Otherwise, the demand would probably be even greater.

You know, this is just a textbook!

Not those best-selling novels, even if it can reach a scale of 100,000, it is already considered a lot.

However, this is not over yet. At this time, another call came.

"Hello, President Xu, I am Peter Thomas, President of Springer Nature Greater China. You can call me by my Chinese name Tang Enping."

"I would like to talk to you about the global publishing cooperation of "Principles of Experimental Analysis" edited by Professor Xiao Yi. What do you think?"

Chapter 188 The most perfect superconductor in the world today!

"Hmm? Springer?"

Hearing this name, Xu Jiajie's eyes widened immediately.

Springer is one of the world's largest publishers. Especially in the field of science, there are quite a few well-known journals that are issued and published by Springer.

For example, the famous "Nature" and its series of sub-journals are journals under Springer. In addition, there are quite a lot of SCI journals, involving more than 3,000 kinds, which can be regarded as a monopoly company in the international scientific publishing industry.

Of course, in addition to publishing journals, it also publishes various books, such as academic monographs, textbooks, reference books, etc.

So, Xiao Yi's "Principles of Experimental Analysis" is also one of the objects published by Springer.

However, Xu Jiajie never thought that Springer would take a fancy to the book "Principles of Experimental Analysis" not long after it came out?

Even want to publish it globally?

After thinking carefully for a moment, Xu Jiajie's eyes lit up.

In terms of textbooks, not many books in China have enjoyed the treatment of global publishing.

In almost every major, people say: If you have the ability, go read this book written by this foreign author, his book is better.

Basically, few people will say: This domestic author's book is better than those foreign books.

Now, there are few textbooks on experimental analysis, and there are no classics. In this case...

Wouldn't they have such a textbook in their country, which would become another classic in the global textbooks?

Textbooks are different from any other books. This is for students to learn.

And according to the current situation of "Principles of Experimental Analysis", it is not only helpful for students' learning, but also can bring inspiration to almost all professors. After all, the methods used in it are completely innovated by Xiao Yi, and they are new knowledge for those professors.

In addition, the majors involved in "Principles of Experimental Analysis" are also quite extensive, and any field that needs to conduct experiments can get some inspiration from it.

After all, various experimental instruments and equipment, except for a few specific instruments, can basically play a role in major natural science majors, such as some microscopes.

Moreover, in addition to the instruments, the data processing methods mentioned in "Principles of Experimental Analysis" also include analysis methods such as charts and spectra, which are treasure-level methods for various majors.

Therefore, "Principles of Experimental Analysis" may become one of the most widely used textbooks in all natural sciences.

After thinking about it, Xu Jiajie immediately understood the significance of this matter and said to the phone: "Of course there is no problem with this matter, Mr. Tang, when can you come over?"

"Haha, that's good!" Peter Thomas, the president of Springer Nature Greater China, whose Chinese name is Tang Enping, said with a smile.

"I will come to your school the day after tomorrow. When I come, please ask President Xu to contact Professor Xiao Yi. I still have to discuss the translation with him." Tang Enping said.

"Okay, I will contact him."

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