The information age is like this. It comes violently and goes violently.

When everything returned to calm, knowledge began to surge in Xiao Yi's small bedroom.

Finally, it wasn’t until a month later.

Chapter 36 Thesis is completed, BUFF is upgraded again

"Finally, it's the last step."

In the bedroom, Xiao Yi sat at the desk and took a deep breath.

The desk is very messy, as if it perfectly obeys the law of entropy increase: various scratch papers are placed everywhere, so that there is almost nowhere to put the laptop in the middle, and the wall in front of the desk It was also covered with scratch paper, and these papers were filled with complex calculations.

However, although it looks messy, there are traces in Xiao Yi's eyes.

In his eyes, the area where this desk belongs has become his own memory palace. When he needs to use the previous conclusions in the process of writing a paper, he only needs to take a look at this memory palace, and he can There is no need to waste much time in finding that conclusion.

At present, the paper has reached the final stage, so he quickly summarized what he wanted from these messy draft papers.

He picked up the pen and found a new piece of draft paper, and then he started writing on it.

[4. Geometric representation of point types]

[Let C be an algebraically closed completely non-Archimedean field of mixed characteristics (0, p). 】

[4.1 Let D=M (C{T}) be a closed disk area; let eta be its Gaussian point, and c∈H1 (D, Zp (1)...]

Lines of descriptions that seemed extremely difficult were written by Xiao Yi without any hindrance.

As mentioned before, the more difficult he felt, the more vigorous his thirst for knowledge became. As he got better, the complete context of this paper was gradually grasped by him.

Finally today, the final conclusion was thoroughly analyzed by him.

"Finally, we can prove that if x∈Z^an is of a given type, then DxπZ satisfies the corresponding properties in Definition 4.2."

"To sum up, we can prove that πalg1(Y))/~ is bijective."

Putting down the pen in his hand, Xiao Yi pinched his eyebrows. After a while, he opened his eyes again and looked at the various formulas in front of him, with a slight smile on his face.

The final conclusion is completed.

Definitely far from Abel's conjecture.

This expansion based on the Grothendieck-Far Abelian conjecture extends the [hyperbolic curve] described in the original conjecture to [a hyperbolic curve that satisfies non-singular point analysis]. It cannot be said in terms of difficulty How huge is it? After all, the Abelian conjecture has been proved by the Japanese mathematician named Mochizuki Shinichi. Based on the proof process of this mathematician and then expanded, this problem has been solved.

But there is no doubt that it is very rare for Xiao Yi, a "rookie", to be able to deduce the conclusion of this paper.

Not to mention, only a few months have passed since I started studying professional mathematics until today.

"I just don't know the value of this conclusion."

Xiao Yi began to think slightly in his heart.

As a "mathematics rookie", it is not only reflected in his research experience in mathematics, but also in his understanding of the mathematics world.

He is not sure whether his paper can be published in a core mathematics journal.

"No matter, let's sort out the paper first, and then send it to Professor Liu for a look. He should be able to figure it out."

Without thinking any more, Xiao Yi then turned on the computer, entered the document, and started the final editing.

The main purpose is to summarize various derivation processes and final conclusions in words, and finally form a complete paper.

At first, he used word documents, but writing papers such as mathematics in word documents was simply a kind of torture, so he later switched to LaTeX. As a specialized scientific paper, this software is more convenient than word documents. Too many, such as in functions such as inserting formulas.

Being good at finding and using tools is also a sign of intelligence.

In this way, after spending almost a few hours, Xiao Yi finally completed the entire paper.

Including the citations at the end, the entire paper totals 25 pages.

Finally, I checked it from beginning to end and spent several hours to confirm that the derivation of the entire paper was correct.


Smiling slightly, the work that has lasted so long is finally over.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a long-lost voice in his mind.

"[Ruthless Learning] has been in effect for more than 50 days, and an academic paper of elementary value has been completed, and the level has been raised to lv3."

"The skill effect changes as follows: for every hour of learning, the learning efficiency increases by 1.4 times, up to 14 times."

Xiao Yi was startled when he heard this voice in his mind.

What the hell?

[Qingruixue] Has it been upgraded again?

It had been several months since the last upgrade, but there had been no upgrade prompts for so long. He thought that the upgrade had ended, or that it would take more days to take effect, so he didn't pay attention to this matter for a long time. .

Now, I saw that it only takes more than 50 days to be effective after upgrading to level 3, but there is one more condition, which is that he needs to complete an academic paper.

The requirement is that it is of elementary value.

If it is of elementary value...

Xiao Yi, who was quite happy just now, fell.

It's getting bad.

This paper took him several months to finish, but it is only of elementary value?

Can it be published in a core journal?

It won't be just a general journal, right?

No way?

For a moment, he couldn't help but become worried, and even began to consider whether he should think about the conclusion of this paper again and strive for a more valuable conclusion?

But in the end, he sighed and sent the paper to Professor Liu first.

At least get advice from Professor Liu first, otherwise he doesn't know how far he is from the requirements of core journals.

And if you think about it in a better way, maybe the value of his paper has actually reached the requirements of core journals?

He felt a little better, and then he logged into WeChat and sent the paper to Professor Liu.

Then he humbly attached a message: [Professor Liu, my paper is finished, but I feel it may not be good enough, please take a look. ]

Soon, the other side sent a message: [Oh? You actually finished it, OK, I happen to be free now, come and help you take a look. ]

Xiao Yi: [Thank you, Professor Liu. ]

In Professor Liu's office, he looked at the file sent by Xiao Yi on the computer, and was quite confused.

This kid, how can he write a paper so fast?

From the time he asked about the topic, it has only been about three months. Can he finish it in three months?

If this is the case, the quality of the paper may not be very high.

But in the end, he still shook his head.

Forget it, even if it is four months, it won't be much different, so he shouldn't have too high expectations.

Let's open it and take a look.

Immediately, he downloaded the file and opened the document.

However, as the content was loaded, the title in size 3 font immediately caught his eye, and he was stunned on the spot.

"Non-singularity analysis and... Absolute far Abel conjecture?!"

Please collect and recommend! ! ! !

Please read again! !

Chapter 37 Professor Liu can't understand

Seeing this title, Liu Bin was a little confused.

What is this?

Non-singularity analysis... Absolute far Abel conjecture?

This title is a bit familiar, he forgot where he had seen it.

But, this topic is not just about number theory, right?

Although it includes number theory, the main content is also about far Abel geometry, which is a relatively niche area, and the researchers are basically big guys, or those graduate students who want to develop in a niche area.

But why is the title of Xiao Yi's paper this?

Did you send it by mistake?

He immediately switched to the WeChat interface and asked: [Xiao Yi, did you send it by mistake? Did you send the literature you read? 】

Xiao Yi quickly replied: [No, Professor, this is my thesis, and it was also the topic suggestion you gave me. 】

My topic suggestion to Xiao Yi?

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