Liu Bin thought hard for a while, and suddenly, his cerebellum shrank.

When he recommended the topic to Xiao Yi, when he selected it directly from the topic bank, it seemed that he accidentally sent Xiao Yi a topic that he had chosen for himself before.

However, he thought that Xiao Yi wanted to write a paper on number theory, and he would not be able to choose a paper topic that combined number theory and algebraic geometry from the dozen or so topics he sent.

Even he himself didn't have much control over this subject.

The result is this...

Xiao Yi really just wrote a whole article?

He immediately scrolled up the chat history and found the topics he had given Xiao Yi, and sure enough he found "Non-Singularity Analysis and Absolute Far Abelian Conjecture" mixed in the middle.

Liu Bin helped his forehead.

How on earth did this kid choose this one from so many choices?

No wonder I said from the beginning that I was not doing very well.

It wouldn’t work if it were him as a professor!

[Teacher, is there anything wrong with the file I sent? 】

At this time, Xiao Yi sent another inquiry message.

Liu Bin rubbed his temples, calmed down a little, and then typed and asked: [How did you choose this topic? 】

Xiao Yi replied: [I looked at all these topics, and then found that this topic actually requires the use of algebraic geometry, so I became a little interested, and it seemed to be more difficult than other topics. Some, so I picked this one. 】

Liu Bin: "..."

Okay, what else can I say.

He should also have expected this. Since he has been in contact with Xiao Yi for so long, he has found that this kid has always been fascinated by those difficult problems.

However, this kid is also very knowledgeable. Although he is obsessed with difficult problems, he is not blindly obsessed with them. Basically, they are problems within the scope of his ability, which can also improve his ability.

But this time, probably because it was recommended by him, Xiao Yi misjudged it.

Shaking his head helplessly, he then told Xiao Yi the facts.

[…That’s just the way it is, so this subject is really difficult for you. It’s completely understandable if you feel that it’s not very good at doing it. 】

Xiao Yi was stunned. He had been working on his feelings for so long, but he was actually studying a topic of Professor Liu Bin's level?

The professor’s topic?

[Professor, then I...]

Liu Bin continued to comfort: [Don’t be too anxious. At least I have brought you experience in writing a paper. Even if the conclusion is not drawn or there are mistakes in the process, it can provide you with some experience and lessons for your next writing. of. 】

However, Xiao Yi, who was still a little confused just now, was stunned when he saw Liu Bin's message, and then replied: [Professor, I should have proved this conclusion. It is the Absolute Abelian Conjecture. There is no problem with the derivation process, I have verified it. 】

This time it was Liu Bin's turn to be stunned.

What the hell?

Did you prove it?

Liu Bin: [Are you sure? 】

Xiao Yi: [It should be no problem, I verified it. 】

Liu Bin: [Wait a minute. 】

After sending the last message, Liu Bin directly switched the interface to the document again, with only one sentence in his mind.

Is this guy certified?

Did this guy really prove it?

If this is really proven, he...

I don’t even know what to say.

The purpose of this topic selection is to solve conjectures. There are many conjectures in mathematics, not only the well-known ones like Goldbach's conjecture and Riemann's conjecture, but also many unknown conjectures. The purpose is to solve some relative problems. The same is true for the absolutely far Abelian conjecture in Xiao Yi's topic.

This type of topic selection is already valuable enough as long as the conjecture is proved.

Unlike other papers whose purpose is to construct new theories, it depends on what problems these new theories can be used to solve to determine the value of this paper.

Therefore, if Xiao Yi really proves this conjecture, then...

He is really the devil of mathematics.

"Look first, look first."

Liu Bin tried to calm down.

Turning the page, my eyes shifted to the paper.

The first is the abstract...forget it, what about the abstract? Just read the text.

The abstract is for others to read after the paper is published, so they should stop reading it, which is a waste of time.

Enter the text.

The first part is an introduction to the topic, which mainly introduces the Grothendieck-Far Abelian conjecture, and explains that Mochizuki Shinichi has solved this conjecture, and thus led to the absolute far-Abelian conjecture.

The first part is okay, let’s move on to the second part and the argument begins.

"Non-singular point analysis, let K be the completely non-Archimedean domain of mixed features (0, p), let Ok be its integer ring, take its remaining domain... If for the second kind of X^an For each point X, there is a finite cover f:Y→X... Then it is said that


In this way, Liu Bin read every sentence almost carefully.

And the more he looked, the more surprised he became.

This kid is simply born to study mathematics!

The argument is extremely rigorous, and there are no bad habits of mathematicians, such as "obvious" or "easy to get". At least from the reader's point of view, this kind of paper looks quite comfortable.

In this regard, Liu Bin can only hope that Xiao Yi can maintain such a good habit.

In addition to being amazed at this rigorous argumentation process, what made Liu Bin even more incredible was that there were no mistakes and no mistakes could be found at all.

Could it be that Xiao Yi really figured out this conjecture?

However, before he could confirm this fact, he discovered a problem.

That is - he can't understand.

A full professor did not understand a paper written by a high school student.

If this is said out loud, it will generally be thought that the paper written by this high school student is so bad that the professor cannot understand it.

But Liu Bin knew that this was because the content of this paper exceeded his professional level.

His main research direction is indeed biased towards number theory and algebraic geometry, but after all, this topic involves Far Abel, which exceeds the scope of his research.

For a moment, I was embarrassed.

Chapter 38 Could it be written by that Xiao Yi?

Interlacing lines is not only suitable for different sciences, such as physics and chemistry, but also for different research directions in the same science.

After hundreds of years of scientific development, all sciences have basically been refined to a very in-depth level. This is why there is no such almighty genius in modern times.

In physics, there are differences between relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory, etc., and in mathematics, there are also differences between number theory, algebraic geometry, topology, etc.

Unless they are scholars who are talented and energetic enough to be involved in many aspects, the vast majority of scholars will be confused when faced with problems that are different from their own research directions.

Therefore, faced with this paper involving far Abelian geometry, and the content seemed to be very in-depth, Liu Bin could only express his powerlessness.

However, although he could not understand the paper, the problem was not big and he could just ask others for help.

In fact, Academician Hu can definitely understand it. Academician Hu has done in-depth research on algebraic geometry, and he also has a good understanding of the niche mathematics in far Abelian geometry. Liu Bin remembers that Academician Hu once wrote several articles. Papers in this area have also been published in top-level journals.

In addition, Xiao Yi's paper is a requirement assigned by Academician Hu, and Academician Hu will definitely be willing to take a look.


Liu Bin never expected that the final result would be like this. For a high school sophomore's thesis, he actually needed to bring in reinforcements.

Xiao Yi...has it really only been a few months since he started formally studying mathematics?

Taking a deep breath, Liu Bin organized his language, and then sent a message to Xiao Yi: [Your paper may need to be read by Academician Hu. 】

Soon, Xiao Yi replied: [Ah? Why? 】

He had no idea why he would need to send out Academician Hu for his paper.

Liu Bin: [The far Abelian geometry involved in your paper is a direction that I have not studied much, so I don’t understand some of the mathematical methods and theories you mentioned in it, which means I can’t understand it. I understand your paper, so I can’t judge your paper. 】

Although it was a bit embarrassing to say it, Liu Bin still admitted that he could not understand Xiao Yi's paper. Anyway, when Xiao Yi becomes more and more in-depth in mathematics research and has a professional direction, he will definitely be able to understand it. Why can't he understand?

Xiao Yi was shocked. Professor Liu couldn't understand his paper?

This is the topic assigned to him by Professor Liu!

Liu Bin: [But don’t worry, Academician Hu has done a lot of research on distant Abelian geometry and has published several papers, so he will definitely be able to judge your paper, but it may take a while to give it to you. replied. 】

Xiao Yi recovered from the shock, saw this message from Liu Bin, and replied: [Okay, I understand, thank you Professor Liu. 】

【Um. ] Liu Bin replied, but in the end he couldn't help complaining: [But having said that, are you sure your paper is called "Not Very Good"? I will briefly mention a few advantages, which may not be possible even with PhDs. Your arguments are very rigorous, your calculation process is very smooth, and you are quite good at inserting various mathematical methods. In addition, your writing style is also very good. No wonder you got 141 points in Chinese language in the college entrance examination. I really don’t know how you define “not very good”. 】

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