After stamping Xiao Yi's passport, he handed it back: "Okay, it's done. I hope you have a good journey in Germany. "


Xiao Yi took his passport. With this visa, he could go to Germany to attend the meeting.

"Have you ever considered studying in Germany in the future? We very much welcome you to study there. Our mathematics in Germany is also very good."

At this time, the visa officer asked again with a smile.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied politely: "Thank you, I will consider it."

Then, he turned around and left here.

The visa officer could only shake his head with regret. Faced with a talented student like Xiao Yi, and he was in basic sciences like mathematics, rather than some other important fields, a visa officer like him still hoped that the student could stay in his country. .

"Next person."

After leaving the visa office, Xiao Yi returned to the lobby outside, and Hu Guangde was already waiting for him.

After Hu Guangde learned that he had received Schultz's invitation, he immediately agreed to go together.

After all, none of them would be at ease if Xiao Yi went alone.

If such a precious genius was injured, they would probably feel bad for him.

"Okay, the flight is this afternoon. Let's have lunch and get ready to go to the airport."


Xiao Yi nodded.

Soon, time passed and it was afternoon.

The two of them got on the flight to Frankfurt. Although it was the first time to take a cross-country flight, Xiao Yi was quite relieved with Hu Guangde beside him.

In this way, they arrived in Frankfurt the next morning, and then took the German high-speed train directly to Bonn.

After running all the way, they finally arrived at their destination on the morning of September 12 and checked into the hotel closest to the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics.

One person per room.

Because Hu Guangde was accompanying Xiao Yi, it was considered a trip at public expense. Xiao Yi was fully reimbursed by the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics, so he didn't have to worry about hotel expenses at all.

They had a good rest that day, and then went to the restaurant downstairs of the hotel for a buffet until it was time to eat.

"Well, after I've eaten, I'll go back and continue to rest. This man is old and his body gets tired easily."

After dinner, Hu Guangde said to Xiao Yi.

"You should go back to your room early after dinner and don't leave the hotel."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Okay."

He actually planned to eat a little longer. This buffet restaurant had many German specialties. It was a rare visit, so of course he had to have a good meal.

However, not long after he had eaten, another voice suddenly came: "You are that genius student from China, Xiao Yi, right?"

Xiao Yi was stunned, turned around and saw a middle-aged man who looked like a Japanese saying to him.


Well, this person is really Japanese.

Xiao Yi still knows him.

Mochizuki Shinichi.

Xiao Yi stood up immediately. Facing such a senior in mathematics, he still maintained respect and said, "Professor Wangyue."

Mochizuki Shinichi nodded towards him, then sat opposite Xiao Yi with his own plate.

"Just be casual. Please sit down."

Xiao Yi sat down.

Mochizuki Shinichi said to Xiao Yi while eating the steak on the plate: "I have read your paper and it is very well written."

"Part 2.1 - If I remember correctly, you used finite etale coverage and the corresponding stable model of the natural logarithmic structure composed of Y1 and Y2, thereby leading to the idea of ​​natural isomorphism of logarithmic special fibers, which is very exciting, This is one of the highlights of your entire article.”

"Just like what Schulz said, you seem to be born with a unique mathematical thinking, which not only inspired Schulz, but also inspired me."

Xiao Yi was surprised that this mathematician, who was rated as very maverick and even eccentric on the Internet, gave himself such a high evaluation.

It's still relatively easy to get along with.

He said: "Thank you Professor Mochizuki for your compliment. Of course, I can write this paper without the foundation left by mathematical seniors like you. When I wrote this paper, I also quoted your previous article on Far Abel Essays on Geometry.”

Mochizuki smiled and nodded: "So this is what I want to say. You shouldn't have studied mathematics for many years, but since you can understand my paper on far-Abelian geometry, it means that you also have experience in far-Abelian geometry. Very good talent.”

"Would you consider becoming my student?"


Xiao Yi was stunned immediately.

This can be considered... has Tu Qiong Dagger met?

For a moment he didn't know how to answer.

However, another voice helped him solve the problem: "Wangyue, if you do this, it will only affect Xiao Yi's future."

Then, a man with long hair appeared in front of them.

Xiao Yi took a look and said, "Professor Schultz!"

Peter Schultz smiled and nodded to Xiao Yi, then turned to look at Mochizuki Shinichi: "I heard that your students can only stay in RIMS as teaching assistants in the end. If Xiao Yi becomes your student, yes Can’t I just stay in that place as a teaching assistant?”

"RIMS is also an important international institute for mathematics. "

Mochizuki Shinichi calmly replied: "But if they can only stay in RIMS, it is only because their abilities are not strong enough."

Schultz laughed, "I don't agree with it."

"You are too stubborn, and your stubbornness is different from Faltings's stubbornness. Your stubbornness is harmful to yourself, your students, your institute and your friends. Mathematics will not obey your stubbornness. The more stubborn you are, the further away mathematics will be from you."

"I don't agree with it either." Mochizuki Shinichi shook his head.

Schultz gave up trying to persuade Shinichi Mochizuki, and then said, "No matter what you think, you will be persuaded at tomorrow's discussion. Professor Faltings also said that he wanted you to wake up. You could have created more value for the mathematics community."

Shinichi Mochizuki suddenly laughed: "Convince me?"

"I have also read Xiao Yi's paper, so I roughly guessed what method you will use to convince me tomorrow, but what I want to say is that I also made the final corrections to my proof based on Xiao Yi's paper."

"So, is it possible that I actually persuade you tomorrow?"

"That's why I am willing to accept your invitation this time and come here to attend this discussion."

"Because tomorrow, the mathematics community will accept the fact that I have proved the abc conjecture."

Hearing Shinichi Mochizuki's words, Schultz was stunned.

Shinichi Mochizuki also made the final corrections based on Xiao Yi's paper?

Schulz took a deep breath and said, "If I am convinced by you, I will bless you, because you have made history, but now, it is the same. I will not change my judgment. The abc conjecture is still a conjecture."

"Xiao Yi, let's go. Don't be bewitched by this guy. His students are not worth it."

Xiao Yi: "..."

I also want to be a student of Shinichi Mochizuki.

Also, I want to eat a little longer!


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Chapter 63 The discussion begins

September 13, 8:30 in the morning.

This morning, the Münsterplatz in Bonn became lively.

If you look closely, you will find that many people are walking towards the northwest side of the largest square in Bonn.

There, there is a building that looks quite medieval.

This was once a city palace in Bonn. About a hundred years ago, it was a place where nobles, state and church officials stayed. Later, it became Bonn's post office. After 1999, it became the workplace of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics.

At this moment, those who are rushing here are mathematicians who are attending the academic seminar on "abc conjecture and Shinichi Mochizuki, Far Abelian geometry" held by Peter Schulz, director of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics.

Although Schulz personally invited only about a dozen people, this did not prevent other mathematicians who are interested in this seminar from actively applying for the qualification to attend the seminar, such as Hu Guangde.

Of course, Hu Guangde's main purpose is to accompany Xiao Yi, while the other participants are interested in the final outcome of the abc conjecture.

After all, is the abc conjecture still a conjecture, or will it become the abc theorem, and perhaps it will be concluded today.



On the Münster Square, a teenager yawned.

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