The boy was Xiao Yi, and Hu Guangde was following him.

Rubbing his head, Xiao Yi couldn't help but sigh that it was really troublesome to adjust his biological clock for this trip abroad.

If it was 8:30 in China, he would not be sleepy now.

Of course, part of it was to ensure that his [Ruthless Lianxue] buff could be renewed.

He almost flipped over two days ago.

When he walked to the front of the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics, he saw a statue.

Oh! Beethoven.

Well, Bonn is also the birthplace of Beethoven, so it's not surprising to have his statue here.

Without looking any more, he and Hu Guangde walked into the building in front of them.

After walking in, they could see more and more people.

Until finally, they came to the door of a large conference hall.

"Well, this is it, take out your invitation letter, let's go in."

Hu Guangde said.

Xiao Yi nodded, then took out the invitation letter written by Schulz from his pocket, but he asked curiously: "Where is your invitation letter?"

"Oh, those who apply for the conference like us all have electronic invitation letters on their phones."

Hu Guangde took out his phone and pointed to a picture on it.

There is no anti-counterfeiting mark.

Maybe this is mathematics...

After all, who would have nothing to do to join in the fun?

I can't even understand it.

Basically, only people in the industry know about such a thing.

Soon he came to the entrance.

"Please show your invitation letter."

At the door, the staff of the Max Planck Institute said.

Then he saw the paper invitation letter handed over by Xiao Yi.

The staff was stunned, and after taking a look at the invitation letter, he suddenly realized and said: "So you are Mr. Xiao Yi, as young as the news said."

"Please come with me, your seat is at the main table."

Xiao Yi was puzzled, is the seat still arranged?

Why is there a [main table]?

But after entering the conference hall, he probably understood.

There are about two or three hundred ordinary seats in the conference hall, and in the front position, there is a circular table with sixteen seats around the table, facing the podium.

At this time, some people are already sitting in the 16 seats.

If Xiao Yi guessed correctly, all the people sitting there are big shots.

Because he has recognized two of them, Gerd Faltings and Jacob Stix.

Needless to say, the former is a famous Fields Medal winner and the former director of this institute. The latter is a far Abelian geometry big shot who questioned Mochizuki Shinichi's proof with Schultz. Xiao Yi has also read his paper.

In addition, he also recognized the proposers of the abc conjecture, David Mather and Joseph Oesterle, who are also sitting there.

These four are already big shots, and the others sitting must be big shots too.

And he actually has to sit with these big shots?

He looked back and saw Hu Guangde coming in. He smiled and nodded at him, gave him a reassuring look, and then walked towards the ordinary seats at the back.

Well, it seems that he can only sit with those big guys.

Under the guidance of the staff, he walked to the main table in the front and sat down.

He even saw a nameplate for himself, which read [YiXiao].

As expected, as soon as he sat down, the big guys who were still discussing in the other seats stopped talking and cast their eyes at him.

Of course, this is not over yet. He could also see from his peripheral vision that hundreds of mathematicians who had already arrived at the scene were also looking at him with surprised eyes.

In addition, there were reporters who had received the news in the last row, and they probably had turned on their cameras and pointed the lenses at him.


Calm down.

What should I do now?

That's right!

Post a circle of friends!

So he took out his cell phone and pretended to be calm and asked the big guys: "Can I take a photo?"

The big guys in front of him laughed and nodded to show their permission.

"Thank you."

Xiao Yi immediately took a photo and put his nameplate and several other big guys in it.

Click to send.

At this time, Faltings, who was closest to him, finally said: "The boy from China, the paper is well written."

Xiao Yi was flattered and said repeatedly: "Thank you Professor Faltings!"

Faltings smiled and nodded to him, "Looking forward to your next paper."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded.

Then, these big guys finally stopped paying attention to him and continued their previous discussion.

Xiao Yi finally put his mind at ease. As for the eyes behind him...

Forget it, I don't care.

At this time, a staff member came up and handed him a bound A4 paper, which was not thick, but not thin, with about twenty pages.

When he opened it, he saw a series of doubts that Schultz had found based on Mochizuki Shinichi's proof. It should also have been a more in-depth exploration based on Xiao Yi's paper.

Unconsciously, Xiao Yi read it.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly heard a round of applause.

It turned out that the meeting had already begun, and now Peter Schulz was speaking on behalf of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics.

"... Then, let's not talk about other things anymore, and start the first item of our discussion."

The picture appeared on the big screen in the front.

[Why abc is still a conjecture.]

Chapter 64 The nervous voice

"About the abc conjecture, it can be said to be a long-lasting mathematical dispute."

"At the beginning, when we learned that the abc conjecture was proved by Shinichi Mochizuki, we were happy. This fully demonstrated that even the most difficult problems have the possibility of being solved in a mathematical sense."

"But unfortunately, after years of thinking about the IUTT theory proposed by Professor Mochizuki, we came to the conclusion that although these four papers have more than 512 pages, and later became more than 600 pages after additions and revisions, they have never been understood by people, and the key proofs are always particularly brief and difficult to understand."

"Until now, the world has declared There are only a dozen people who claim that they understand Professor Mochizuki's paper, and most of them are from Professor Mochizuki's hometown and have a certain relationship with Professor Mochizuki. "

"In addition, a few months ago, Professor Mochizuki's proof paper was also accepted by the journal "PRIMS" edited by him. It is said that at Kyoto University, the abc conjecture has become a theorem."

"I absolutely do not think this is the right approach, and mathematics should not have such a thing that almost relies on personal influence to make a proposition directly become a theorem, as if it were a tyrant."

"So, it's time to end it all."

Peter Schultz mercilessly accused Shinichi Mochizuki and compared him to a tyrant.

However, most people in the audience nodded in agreement.

In any case, it is obviously a very domineering thing to directly regard a conjecture as a theorem in a region when the entire mathematics community has not yet generally recognized it.

The mathematics community is also composed of individuals, so many people are dissatisfied with this kind of thing.

Of course, there are also those supporters of Shinichi Mochizuki who did not nod.

That is, the dozen people who "understood Mochizuki Shinichi's paper" in Schultz's words, all came.

Schultz did not reject these people's application to attend the meeting, so as not to appear too domineering.

In fact, among the 16 seats, there were several supporters of Mochizuki Shinichi, all of whom were Japanese.

Next, Schultz began to talk, starting with the introduction of the abc conjecture.

Sitting in the seat, Xiao Yi couldn't help but look at Mochizuki Shinichi on the other side after hearing Schultz's criticism of Mochizuki Shinichi just now, wondering if this big guy would be angry?

However, from the side, Mochizuki Shinichi's expression was very calm, and there was no change.

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