After all, he was the only student in the office wearing a school uniform, not to mention that he looked like a student in his class, so Luo Penghua could recognize him at a glance.


At this time, Xiao Yi was sitting next to a teacher whom he had never seen before, and seemed to be working on some problem?

"This problem... is a bit interesting, but it should be done this way..."

"Use the proof by contradiction, first construct a quadratic equation, let x be the smallest solution..."

"Then use Vieta's theorem to deduce another solution."

"Then we can deduce a contradiction based on another one, so the original equation has no solution, and the original hypothesis is not true."


Xiao Yi put down the pen in his hand, his face full of interest in this problem and the joy of solving this problem.

Luo Penghua didn't know what problem Xiao Yi solved, but he could see the middle-aged teacher next to Xiao Yi, looking at this student as if he was looking at a treasure.

It made him feel as if...

his treasure was coveted?

At this moment, Xiao Yi suddenly turned his head and saw them, and then he immediately shouted: "Teacher Luo."

Liu Bin also turned his head and looked over, and also stood up and smiled.

These two, especially Luo Penghua, are almost Xiao Yi's parents in school.

So whether Luo Penghua agrees or not will have a great impact on whether Xiao Yi can go to their junior class, because Luo Penghua's opinion will definitely directly affect the opinions of Xiao Yi's parents.

As long as Luo Penghua agrees, the probability of Xiao Yi's parents agreeing is still very high.

Probably Liu Bin didn't realize that he was actually worried about whether Xiao Yi was willing to come to the junior class.

In the past, only others were vying to enter the junior class.

At this time, Chen Liang began to introduce Qin Song and Luo Penghua.

"Come, let me introduce you. This is Professor Liu Bin from the School of Mathematics of China University of Science and Technology. Professor Liu originally came to our senior year to find some students who have the opportunity to enter the university through independent enrollment. However, he happened to find a good candidate, Xiao Yi."

"Director Chen, and Mr. Luo, you are so lucky!"

Luo Penghua glanced at Xiao Yi, and finally asked first: "So, what is going on?"

"Sit down first, I will tell you slowly."

Chen Liang pointed to the stool next to him, motioning everyone to sit down, and then began to talk about what happened in the past few days.

Until the end, Luo Penghua looked at Xiao Yi strangely.

This kid...

Is math so good?

Although Xiao Yi's math scores in every exam are relatively excellent in their class, but he is not so good that he can easily pass all the questions in the math competition, right?

And what, because it is too difficult, even the questions that the IMO organizing committee did not select can be solved. Isn't this a bit exaggerated?

But at this time, Liu Bin said again: "By the way, I just gave Xiao Yi two more questions to do, and he solved them in no time."

"Especially the question just now, it is the legendary sixth question of IMO. I don't know if you have heard of this question. Even Terence Tao couldn't solve this question at the time, but Xiao Yi was able to solve it by deduction and figured out the Vieta jump method by himself."

As he said, he also handed the draft paper of the two questions Xiao Yi had just done to Luo Penghua and Qin Song for them to see, and continued to give high praise: "I can only say that Xiao Yi is a natural seedling of mathematics, and he is also one of the most outstanding geniuses I have seen in the mathematics world for so many years."

"Students in our USTC Junior Class have the opportunity to enter the Hua Luogeng Class. As long as they can enter this class, the cultivation of Xiao Yi's mathematical ability will definitely not be worse than the School of Mathematics of Beijing University!"

While listening to Liu Bin's story, he looked at the two draft papers.

However, Luo Penghua and Qin Song are not math teachers, so they really can't understand the two questions above, or even if they are math teachers, they may not be able to understand these two questions.

However, this does not prevent them from guessing that Xiao Yi's talent seems to be far beyond their imagination.

Chapter 8 How come no one believes the truth these days?

Although I still don't understand how Xiao Yi has become so powerful, at this time, in Luo Penghua's view, the only explanation is that Xiao Yi has become hardworking since the winter vacation this year, so after the start of this semester, he can also maintain his hard work in studying, plus he has such a top talent, but he has never shown it before, so now-

Xiao Yi's small universe exploded.

This is a typical case of the so-called silent, but amazing.

Luo Penghua nodded, then looked at Xiao Yi and said, "Xiao Yi, this is indeed a good opportunity. You should know about the junior class. Many talents have come out of the junior class. Let me tell you a more impressive one, Cao Yuan. He was admitted to our junior class at the age of 14. After graduation, he was admitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and then he made a discovery that shocked the world."

"And there are many others. You should be able to find them by searching on the Internet."

"In addition, Professor Liu told you just now that after entering the junior class, you will have the opportunity to be selected by the Hua Luogeng class. I have heard of this class before. Academician Xi, the president of the Chinese Mathematical Society, will teach this class specifically. If you are really interested in mathematics, this opportunity must be very valuable."

As a class teacher, Luo Penghua must be quite familiar with the application of colleges and universities. This is also an obligation of high school teachers. After their students have finished the college entrance examination, they have the obligation to provide these students with application suggestions.

So he also knows a lot about these special classes.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "I know, Teacher Luo, so now I am indeed interested in applying for the junior class of USTC."

"But this matter still needs the consent of my family."

The people present laughed immediately.

"Don't worry about this, we teachers will call and communicate with your family." Qin Song said with a smile.

At this time, he was already very happy in his heart. There was such a genius in his grade, and there was a chance to enter the junior class of USTC. This was a solid achievement for him.

As for persuading Xiao Yi's parents...

He really didn't know why he had to use the word "persuade". It was obvious that he should use the word "announce the good news".

Which parent would not be happy to hear that their child didn't even have to finish high school and could go directly to college?

So this matter was just a small case.

"Okay, we will call your family now. You can go back to the classroom to study first. We will notify you after we have communicated well."

"Okay! Thank you teachers, and Professor Liu."

Hearing that he could finally go back to the classroom to study, Xiao Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief. As a student, he was not used to being surrounded by so many teachers. Of course, the most important thing was that he felt that he had wasted too much time studying and it was time to go back to the classroom to read.

"Okay, go back." Several teachers nodded.

And Professor Liu Bin nodded to him kindly.

Xiao Yi turned around and left, but after walking a few steps, he turned back and said to Liu Bin: "Oh, by the way, Professor Liu, didn't you just say that you would give me some exercise books similar to these competition questions? This... When can you give it to me?"

Liu Bin laughed dumbly: "Don't worry, I will definitely bring it to you, and yours will be indispensable."

"Thank you, professor."

After that, Xiao Yi quickly left the office.

On the way back to the classroom, his heart was also surging. According to what Professor Liu said, he could go to college in the second half of this year.

Who would have thought that his high school life would only last for two years and then end.

However, being able to go to college is one aspect, and the more interesting and more difficult mathematical problems and knowledge that Liu Bin described to him just now are what attracted him the most.

In this way, he returned to the classroom all the way.

Although Luo Penghua is not in the classroom now, the class is still quite quiet, and everyone is studying hard.

Of course, Xiao Yi's return still attracted everyone's attention.

The classmates cast their eyes on him one after another, and those who are more familiar with him would ask where he went.

He naturally answered honestly that he went to the teacher's office.

Anyway, the teacher's office of the senior year is also the teacher's office.

The classmates stopped asking and continued to study.

However, Xiao Yi's deskmate, Chen Wei, asked one more question.

"Why did you go to the teacher's office?"

"Oh, mainly to talk to me about going to the junior class of USTC in the second half of this year."

Chen Wei immediately rolled his eyes: "Come on, USTC junior class, we were lucky enough to be admitted to USTC during the college entrance examination."

Their total score in the usual exams was not even 600, so they really couldn't get into USTC.

Xiao Yi shrugged and didn't believe it.

But at this time, Chen Wei came up again and said, "But you also heard about the senior class?"

"What's the matter?"

"These days, a professor from the University of Science and Technology went to the senior class and gave some math problems, and those math problems were solved by some unknown student. Now it is said that this student may be selected into the junior class."

Xiao Yi said speechlessly: "I wonder if there is a possibility that this student is me."

Chen Wei rolled his eyes again: "Oh, don't interrupt, I'm telling you something."

"I really envy that student. He actually has the opportunity to enter the junior class of the University of Science and Technology and doesn't have to take the college entrance examination."

Looking at Chen Wei's expression that he wanted to replace him, Xiao Yi sighed. How come no one believes the truth these days?

Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell him, just study with peace of mind.

So he said: "Don't think about it, study."

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