Then he took out his physics book and started reading.

When Chen Wei saw him reading a physics book, he couldn't help but ask: "Didn't you always read math books during your evening self-study before? Why are you reading physics books now?"

Xiao Yi said: "If you want to enter the junior class, you still need to take the college entrance examination, so you can't let go of physics, chemistry, and biology. You have to start reviewing."

Chen Wei showed his middle finger: "Come on."

Then he didn't bother to continue talking and started reading a book as well.

In the junior high school office.

"Well, okay, parent Xiao, don't worry. Xiao Yi is a very good student. Just wait for the notification. The Admissions Office of HKUST will also call you. Okay, okay, then no Sorry to bother you, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Penghua showed a smile on his face: "Xiao Yi's parents have agreed."

Qin Song laughed: "I mean, the Youth Class of HKUST has a great reputation, and their parents will definitely not refuse."

Liu Bin smiled and said, "Thank you a lot."

"Professor Liu is welcome."

"Oh, by the way, I also need to report it to our school, so I also need student Xiao Yi's information, as well as his past results, which will be submitted as information when the time comes."

"Of course there is no problem." Chen Liangming nodded, "There is a computer here, you can check it directly now."

Then they turned on the computer directly, entered the school's backend, and checked Xiao Yi's results.

But after this investigation, they became somewhat silent.

Please collect and recommend!

Chapter 9 The first monthly exam

[Final exam results for the first semester of the second year of high school in the 2019-2020 academic year]

[Xiao Yi: Chinese 101, Mathematics 135, English 115, Physics 78, Chemistry 72, Biology 79, total score 580, grade ranking 99. 】

This score is Xiao Yi's final exam score in the last semester of high school, and this score...

How should I put it, it’s a bit unsatisfactory.

The total score is 580, ranking in the top 100 in grade. This result is relatively good, but the problem is that "good" is obviously not enough for the selection criteria for the junior class.

If you want to enter the youth class, you must be "extremely outstanding". At least among your peers, you should be ranked among the top, right?

Liu Bin felt a little surprised. Xiao Yi could easily solve the competition questions he asked, so why was he not so good in test scores?

At first, he thought that Xiao Yi should also be a proper academic. Even if he was not an all-around academic, he should at least be the dominant one in mathematics.

He asked: "Are you sure that this Xiao Yi is the same Xiao Yi?"

Luo Penghua shook his head: "This is definitely not wrong. The score shown is Xiao Yi from our third science class. There are no other students named Xiao Yi in our second year of high school."

Liu Bin asked again: "That means...there is something wrong with your grade system?"

Qin Song also waved his hand at this time and said: "This is definitely not possible. We have checked these results and there will be no problems. "

Next to him, Chen Liang touched his chin and asked, "Then Xiao Yi's grades... don't seem to be as good as expected."

He knew that Class Three was not the kind of top class, so he thought that Xiao Yi was the kind of student who, although not in the top class, had grades that were completely comparable to those in the top class, or a super partial student in mathematics.

But now... I don't understand this result a little bit.

However, Luo Penghua gave an explanation: "This result was already two months ago, and according to my observation, since the beginning of this semester, Xiao Yi has become very hard and serious in his studies, so I I think... we should treat Xiao Yi with even greater admiration after seeing him for three days."

Qin Song also explained for Xiao Yi: "Yes, after three days of separation, we treat each other with even greater admiration. We cannot use the results two months ago to judge Xiao Yi now."

At least Liu Bin couldn't let Liu Bin think that Xiao Yi's past performance was not good, so he gave up the opportunity to recommend this young student to the University of Science and Technology.

Liu Bin laughed at this time, "Teachers, don't be nervous. I raised this question not because I think Xiao Yi is not good. In any case, he did solve those math problems, and those problems are online Basically, he can’t find the answer, so he must have solved it by his own ability.”

"After I go back, I will still report his list. With my recommendation, he will definitely pass the review. Then our school will issue him a college entrance examination qualification certificate to participate in this year's college entrance examination. As long as his grades can meet the standards, in the future He can also pass the test of our junior class, so our junior class will definitely have no reason to reject him. "

"That's good, that's good." Qin Song breathed a sigh of relief, that's all.

However, at this moment Luo Penghua thought for a while and then said: "Professor Liu, maybe this can be done."

"Next week will be our first monthly exam this semester. Maybe then we can see how Xiao Yi's score is in this exam."

"Maybe he can bring us a surprise?"

Luo Penghua's words made the eyes of several people present brighten.

"Yes, this method is good." Qin Song expressed his support.

Chen Liang also nodded, acknowledging this.

Liu Bin also nodded and said: "Okay, let's follow what Teacher Luo said and let's take a look at Xiao Yi's performance in next week's monthly exam. I won't hand in Xiao Yi's information for the time being. Wait until this time. When the results come out, hand them in!”


After making the decision, the teachers said no more. If Xiao Yi is really that kind of genius, the exam next week will definitely not disappoint them!

Xiao Yi didn't know that several teachers had decided to take a look at his monthly exam results next week.

Luo Penghua didn't tell him to avoid affecting his mentality.

The next day, Xiao Yi also received a call from home. Xiao Yi confirmed whether he was really spotted by the professor of the University of Science and Technology.

If they didn't confirm with Xiao Yi, they would all suspect that yesterday's call was a scam call.

After receiving Xiao Yi's affirmative answer, Xiao's father and Xiao's mother were very surprised.

For parents, nothing makes them happier than the excellence of their children.

Obviously, Xiao Yi's ability to be favored by the youth class has made them feel proud of their children from the bottom of their hearts.

The direct benefit this brings to Xiao Yi is that his weekly living expenses will directly increase from 200 yuan to 300 yuan, allowing him to eat more good food at school.

Just like that, the call lasted for nearly half an hour before I hung up.

After making the phone call, Xiao Yi returned to the classroom without stopping and continued his study.

Soon, a week passed.

The first monthly exam of this semester has begun.

Outside the fourth examination room.

The school examination room arrangement is based on the results of the last examination. There are 30 people in each examination room. Therefore, the students in the fourth examination room are the 91st to 120th in the last examination. Xiao Yi, who was ranked 99th in the last examination, Appeared here.

The exam has not officially started yet, and the candidates are still outside the examination room.

Xiao Yi's deskmate Chen Wei ranked 109th in the last exam, so they were both in the same exam room, standing together and chatting.

"Tell me, who will be the student admitted to the junior class? Shen Xing or Wu Ziyu? I feel like they are the two most likely."

Chen Wei glanced in the direction of the first examination room and said to Xiao Yi.

What happened to the senior grade department last week has naturally spread to the first and second grade students after so long. But now it is basically clear that this student is in the second grade of high school. As for which class he is in, what is his name? There are various names, and after the news spread from the senior high school students to the high school students, there are already countless hands of news.

As a result, no one knows who this student is.

Xiao Yi shrugged: "Maybe not?"

"That must be the person from the first examination room, right?"


Xiao Yi was noncommittal.

The first examination room...

Maybe he will get in during the next exam?

"Now let's enter the examination room."

The invigilator walked out of the examination room and shouted to the students outside.

Afterwards, all candidates began to enter the venue in an orderly manner.

Chapter 10 Fighting, fun!

The first test is Chinese. For Xiao Yi today, Chinese is relatively easier than mathematics.

The BUFF of [Qingruixue] has undoubtedly improved his reading comprehension ability, and it has basically reached a top level.

To put it simply, if the author of the article can only think of the first level, and the question writer can think of the third level, he can think of the fifth level.

Therefore, the answer he gave was even more comprehensive than the answer given by the questioner.

Therefore, he can easily complete non-composition topics, such as reciting ancient poems, which is not difficult for him. The effect of [Ruthless Lianxue] has also greatly improved his memory, although it is not said that he can It reaches the level of photographic memory, but as long as he can read it carefully, he will basically never forget it.

At most, the two questions on ancient poetry appreciation and classical Chinese require more professional knowledge, and he will lose points.

Relatively speaking, for essay questions, the effect of [Ruthless Lianxue] is not that powerful, but it can still help him to ensure the refinement of language when writing, and at the same time, it can prevent his literary thoughts from drying up, at least he does not need to do it for Make up the word count and write some nonsense.

In addition, his own composition ability is actually quite strong. He can basically get 40 points or more, and occasionally he can get 50 points or more.

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