Xiao Yi said to Ye Cheng next to him.

"Oh, OK." Ye Cheng nodded, and then he was about to put down the phone, but suddenly he was stunned.


A call from the United States?

Luo Qiao and Song Ziyang also showed curious eyes.

Ye Cheng immediately shouted exaggeratedly: "Oh my god, it's not a call from the International Mathematical Union to give you the Fields Medal, right?"

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes: "What a joke, not to mention that the International Congress of Mathematicians will not be held for another two years, let alone the Fields Medal I won!"

Well, it's entirely possible to get it in the future, but as for getting it now?

That's a bit too exaggerated.

"Okay, I'll answer the phone."

Xiao Yi stopped talking to Ye Cheng and answered the phone directly.

Before answering the call, Ye Cheng shouted: "Turn on the hands-free!"

Xiao Yi pulled the corner of his mouth, okay, satisfy him.

The hands-free call was connected, and soon, a voice came from the other end: "Hello, is this Xiao Yi?"

Of course, it was in English.

"I am Xiao Yi, who are you?" Xiao Yi said.

"Hahaha, I finally got in touch with you, a super mathematical genius."

A hearty laugh came from the microphone: "I am Peter Sanak from Princeton University, I wonder if you have heard of me."

Xiao Yi was stunned, and soon came to his senses, and said in surprise: "You are Professor Sanak! Of course I know you, I have cited your "Families of L-functions and their Symmetry" in my paper!"

"I really didn't expect you to call me!"

Peter Sanak, Eugene Higgins Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University, [Eugene Higgins Professor of Mathematics] is an honorary professorship set up by Princeton University for mathematics professors, equivalent to the Lucas Professor of Mathematics that Newton once held at Cambridge University.

And the previous Eugene Higgins Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University was Andrew Wiles, who proved Fermat's Last Theorem.

As Wiles' successor, Peter Sarnak has never won the Fields Medal, but his contribution to mathematics is no less than that of the Fields Medal winners, and he has won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics in 2014, which is also a top award in the mathematics community.

Hearing that Xiao Yi knew him, Peter Sarnak laughed and said, "Haha, of course, I am not calling you as a professor at Princeton University, but as the editor-in-chief of the Annals of Mathematics."

"Your two papers, "Automorphisms of Algebraic Varieties under the Etale Fundamental Group" and "Far Abelian Geometry and the Elliott-Halberstam Conjecture", should not have been determined to which journal to send them? I wonder if you are willing to consider the Annals of Mathematics?"

It turned out to be an invitation to contribute!

Xiao Yi suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the other party called him.

Such a situation is quite common in the academic world.

Some scholars, after they have achieved results, only publish their articles on preprint websites like arxiv, but do not submit them for publication. So when the editors of journals see them, they will take the initiative to invite them to submit their articles to their journals.

Of course, this is also a kind of recognition for scholars.

And if the editor who invites the submission is from a top journal, it is even more of an honor.

However, in the mathematics community, it is a matter of the editors-in-chief of the four top journals to invite submissions...

Xiao Yi was also surprised for a while.

"This... Professor Sanak, this really surprises me. In fact, I had planned to submit my paper to the Annals of Mathematics, but the format of the paper has not been modified yet, so I haven't published it yet."

Peter Sanak smiled and said, "That's great! As for the format, you don't have to worry about it. After you send the manuscript to us, we will provide you with format modification services! These are not a problem."


... Then, Xiao Yi talked to Sanak on the phone about the specific matters of submission.

However, the three onlookers next to him were stunned.

Luo Qiao was fine, his English was not that good, so he was stunned because he was impressed by how good Xiao Yi and the professor on the other end were at English, and they could have such a smooth conversation.

However, Ye Cheng and Song Ziyang roughly understood what Xiao Yi said to the person on the other end of the phone.

Editor-in-chief of the Annals of Mathematics? ! !

Isn't the Annals of Mathematics one of the four top journals in the mathematics community? ?

Their Xiao Shen just...

got an invitation from the editor-in-chief of such a top journal?

After being shocked for a long time, Ye Cheng suddenly realized that he had not stopped recording on his phone just now.

So he immediately ended the recording and sent the video to the group.

While waiting for the video to be uploaded, the group had been waiting for his video for a long time, and now they had started to complain.

Beijing University-Chen Muhua: [Where is he? It's been a long time since we agreed to post the video. I've missed Xiao Shen for a long time since we parted at the Institute of Mathematics. ]

Qinghua-Jiang Long: [ @University of Science and Technology-Ye Cheng, speak up! 】

Under various urgings, Ye Cheng replied: [Right away, right away, why rush, it will be sent soon, the big one is coming. 】

Jingda-Chen Muhua: [What do you mean? Why do I have a bad feeling? 】

Soon, the video was uploaded successfully, and people who often spam in the group immediately clicked in to watch it. After a while——

Beijing University-Chen Muhua: [The video is very good, don’t post it next time. ]

Qinghua-Jiang Long: [It’s over, I’m hit 5555 again, Ye Cheng, you really deserve to die! ]

Shanghai Jiaotong University-Luo Xiao: [Their English is really good. ]

Beijing University-Lupin: [Wow, the editor-in-chief of the Annals of Mathematics, Professor Sanak? ! He is the winner of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, and his student won the Fields Medal the year before last! He actually came to Xiao Shen to invite him to contribute? ]

Qinghua-Professor Liu Min: [Even two articles, Xiao Yi can publish two papers in the Annals of Mathematics at once]

The professors couldn’t sit still.

USTC-Ye Cheng: [ @Qinghua-Jiang Long, why are you scolding me, you asked me to post this! ]

Qinghua-Jiang Long: [Because I am an administrator. ]

[USTC-Ye Cheng was banned by the administrator for an hour. 】

"FUCK! This authority dog! Didn't he become an administrator just because he had a good relationship with Professor Liu!" Ye Cheng was indignant. Professor Liu Min was the group owner of their group, so Jiang Long, who was also from Qinghua, became the administrator.

He was banned by Jiang Long before.

And over there, Xiao Yi, who was submitting to the "Annals of Mathematics" under the guidance of Professor Sanak, heard Sanak's question from his mobile phone: "Huh? Is anyone arguing over there?"

Xiao Yi glanced back and said, "Uh... He may not be arguing, but fighting."


Chapter 91 Being a mathematical genius is really happy

Time passed gradually.

Xiao Yi's two papers have also been formally submitted to the "Annals of Mathematics". Of course, according to the normal process, these two papers still need to go through the expert review stage.

Although many mathematicians have expressed their approval of the results of these two papers during this period, no one has raised any questions about the steps, because Xiao Yi's two papers are indeed written in great detail, so it is difficult to find problems.

However, for such an important result, a sufficiently careful and comprehensive review is still very necessary.

For this reason, the Annals of Mathematics organized a very high-level review committee to conduct the final review of the two papers.

Enrico Bombieri was the chief reviewer, and it also included Jacob Stix, who was responsible for the far Abelian geometry content of etale fundamental groups and algebraic varieties, and Faltings, who was responsible for the algebraic geometry of p-adic Hodge theory, and Terence Tao, who was responsible for automorphic forms and trace formulas, which were analytic number theory.

In addition to these four main reviewers, there are also some mathematicians who are specialized in certain aspects and have been commissioned by the Annals of Mathematics to conduct the final review of the two papers, such as James Maynard, and it is said that Shinichi Mochizuki was also invited.

In short, this is a very luxurious lineup.

Of course, these mathematicians are also happy to accept such a commission. After all, this is also a recognition of them, and it is also an obligation as the most capable mathematicians in a certain field.

Verifying the important achievements of the mathematical community is not only responsible for their academics, but also for the mathematical community.

As for the final review cycle, it is not fixed, it may be very short or very long.

However, it can be said that quite a number of mathematicians have expressed in public that they hope that Xiao Yi's papers can be reviewed in the end, because once Xiao Yi's theory is approved by the review committee, they will all benefit from it.

"Brother Xiao, your two papers are too awesome, right?"

In the dormitory, Song Ziyang was browsing the articles on Zhihu, and then exclaimed.

"According to incomplete statistics, at least more than 40 mathematicians can complete their projects through your theory, and more than 100 people said that their projects can make great progress with the help of the self-conservation theory of etale algebraic clusters. In addition, more scholars said that your theory has inspired them and made them have some ideas about the direction of the next project."

"Oh my god, is it true? Send me the link!"

Next to him, Ye Cheng shouted immediately after hearing Song Ziyang's words.

Xiao Yi shrugged and said, "Don't say anything. I have received at least 100 emails from other mathematicians in my mailbox these days."

"Mustard?" Song Ziyang's eyes widened immediately.

"Show me, show me." Ye Cheng rushed to Xiao Yi's side and wanted to see his mailbox.

Song Ziyang and Luo Qiao were also very curious and came over.

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