Seeing several people coming over, Xiao Yi could only open his mailbox.

Then the three roommates were blinded by the dense English emails in their mailboxes.

Open an email from anywhere.

"This is... a mathematics professor from MIT?"

Clicked on another one, "Wori! From Princeton University! Another professor. "

"Oh my God, this is from Cambridge University again!"

As they watched, they even pushed Xiao Yi aside and sat directly in front of his computer to browse emails.

All in all, 80% to 90% are from world-renowned universities, and basically the QS rankings of mathematics majors are among the top 50 in the world, covering a variety of countries.

They deeply feel what it means to be treated as a genius.

"Hey, this person only said that his name was Andrei Okunkov, and expressed his gratitude... Oh, it should be another professor. He said that his students completed their graduation thesis with the help of your theory, and Did it also provide some help to the topic he is researching? "

Xiao Yi, who was next to him, was a little surprised when he heard the name, and then said, "Huh? It's Professor Okunkov. He is a Fields Medal winner from Princeton University."

The three people fell silent immediately, okay, now even the Fields Medal winner has appeared, it seems that no one will be surprised if he appears next.

"Xiao Shen, let me interview you. As a mathematical genius, are you really happy?" Luo Qiao's face turned serious, and he used his fist as a microphone and stretched it out in front of Xiao Yi.


Xiao Yi was stunned. After thinking for a long time, he sighed: "As you can probably see, I spend most of my time studying every day, and I have been isolated from any form of entertainment. Basically, I spend most of my time studying every day. I only have math books to keep me company, so..."

The three of them seemed to be able to hear a kind of loneliness belonging to the strong in his tone.

Maybe that's the price?

Just when they wanted to express their comfort, Xiao Yi's tone suddenly changed: "This is so happy!"

"I can accompany myself with mathematics every day and face various mathematical problems. There are also world-class mathematical problems like the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture that I can solve. Why do I feel unhappy?"

The expressions of the three people suddenly became embarrassed.

Depend on!

If I had known earlier I wouldn’t have asked!

What ticks eight world-class math puzzles.

To be honest, they still don’t understand what this Elliott-Halberstam conjecture is.

They and Xiao Yi are basically from two different worlds!

"Okay, class time is coming, get ready to go to class!"

At this time, Xiao Yi looked at the time, then picked up his schoolbag and threw it behind his back.

After so long, he was finally going to take his first class after college.

This class is mathematical analysis, and the teacher is none other than Professor Liu Bin.

When Xiao Yi appeared in the classroom, all the students in the class became excited.

There have been rumors before that Xiao Yi will not be like them and follow the set training plan. After these four years, maybe he will become a graduate student in one or two years.

Therefore, there is a high probability that even if Xiao Yi comes back, he will not go to class with them.

Unexpectedly, he appeared in the classroom today.

So they all said hello: "Hello Xiao Shen!"

Facing the greetings from his classmates, Xiao Yi smiled and nodded towards them, "Good luck with that!"

Then he sat with his three roommates.

For a moment, Ye Cheng and the three of them seemed to be able to feel the envious and jealous looks from their classmates.

Hey, who made them lucky enough to be assigned to Xiao Yi when they were assigned to dormitories?

Chapter 92 Flash of inspiration

Time passed quickly.

When there were only five minutes left before the start of this mathematical analysis class, Liu Bin, as a substitute teacher, also appeared in the classroom.

I simply glanced at the students in the classroom, mainly to see if the number of students matched the impression. Hua Luogeng's class had allocated so many resources, so naturally he didn't want the students to study not seriously enough, or even Absence from class occurs.

However, it seems that there is no shortage of people.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped on the third row, showing a little surprise.

Xiao Yi actually came to his class?

Then he smiled and nodded towards Xiao Yi.

He discovered Xiao Yi and came to HKUST. At first, he only thought that he was a very talented student, but he never expected that not long after this child had just emerged, he would start to stir up troubles in the entire mathematics world.

Now he has become a rising star in the world of mathematics, which makes him deeply moved.

Xiao Yi noticed Liu Bin's gaze, and then nodded to the professor who had provided him with a lot of help.

Of course, he is very grateful to Liu Bin. To a certain extent, it was Liu Bin who officially brought him into the mathematics major. The many books Liu Bin gave him at the beginning enabled him to do research in many directions of mathematics. To such an extent critical.

This is a respectable elder.

Five minutes passed quickly.

As the class bell rang, Liu Bin stood on the podium.

"Today's class begins."

"Let's continue with the sequence limit we talked about in the last class. This class will discuss the existence criteria of the sequence limit."

"First, we have to consider whether a certain sequence has a limit..."

When the class started, every student in the class quieted down and began to listen carefully.

As students in Hua Luogeng's class, they often preview before class, which is also the most basic requirement for being an "elite" among mathematics students.

There are also some students who have finished the whole book.

However, even if they have finished learning, they will still listen to this class carefully. After all, maybe they can get some other insights from the teacher's narration?

However, for Xiao Yi, what is taught in this class is still too simple for him.

Perhaps any idea about the existence criteria of the sequence limit in his mind, if slightly expanded, can be written into an SCI.

However, he still listened carefully, and at the same time, he was thinking about his next goal in his mind-doing two things at the same time, which is not difficult for him now.

The solution to the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture did not satisfy him, because the completion of this problem, and even the [Etale algebraic cluster self-conservation theory], to some extent, are byproducts of his ultimate goal.

And his ultimate goal has never changed.

That is, the [twin prime conjecture].

Probably 99.9% of scholars in the mathematics community have never thought about, nor will they think that the twin prime conjecture is Xiao Yi's ultimate goal.

Perhaps, only Faltings can probably guess this.

After all, he went to Faltings for the twin prime conjecture in Faltings' office at the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics.

The Elliott-Halberstam conjecture also came from Faltings's suggestion.

Now, the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture has become a theorem. With this result, the progress of the twin prime conjecture has reached the number "6".

But what to do next?

Xiao Yi felt that he had touched the last gap of the twin prime conjecture.

And this gap was too far, so he couldn't even find a bridge to cross it, let alone other things.

"Sure enough, my understanding of mathematics is not deep enough."

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Of course, he was not discouraged.

After all, no mathematician had ever studied a method to directly prove the twin prime conjecture under the assumption that the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture was true, and could only advance to within 6.

This fully shows that there are still some difficulties in between.

Shaking his head slightly, he pulled his mind away from the twin prime conjecture and refocused on this class.

"... Then next, I will come up with an example question and talk about it."

At this time, Liu Bin on the stage said.

He had finished the knowledge to be taught in this class and was ready to combine the questions to consolidate the knowledge just taught.

Soon, he wrote a question on the blackboard.

A classic question.

[If lim(n→+∞)xn=a, prove lim(n→+∞)(x1+x2+…+xn)/n=a.]

“Think about this question and see how to solve it.” Liu Bin said.

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