"As for whether Xiao Yi's proof is correct, for now, the mathematical community is still unable to reach a conclusion."

"After all, the paper was just released yesterday, so it is impossible for the results to be available today. The Elliott-Halberstam conjecture he proved also took a long time to complete the verification."

"However, what I can reveal to you is that both myself, Professor Goldstone, Professor Zhang Yitang, etc., all maintain a positive view on this paper."

"In addition, I also received news that Professor Deligne of Princeton University had previously invited Xiao Yi to attend their annual Princeton Mathematics Conference. Now they have planned to host a special event for Xiao Yi when the annual conference is held next month. Prepare a report on the twin prime number conjecture. If you are interested, you can attend. "

Upon hearing the news, the young students present immediately became excited. After all, they and Princeton University are both in New Jersey, so it is quite convenient to go there.

"Thank you, Professor! I will definitely go there then!" the student who asked the question said gratefully. They really didn't expect Professor Ivanets to bring them such good news.

When the time comes, he will book this report meeting!

Ivanets smiled and nodded. Looking at the excited expressions of these young people, he sincerely hoped that this report would make them more interested in mathematics.

After all, interest is the best teacher.

The class bell rang at this time.

"Okay, kids, let's get to class!"

Chapter 101 Princeton Twin Prime Conjecture Special Lecture [

Ten thousand updates completed]

Ten thousand updates completed]

[Xiao Yi, hello!

My name is Peter Sarnak. First of all, congratulations on your two papers "Automorphism of algebraic varieties under etale's fundamental group" and "Far Abelian Geometry and Elliott-Halberstam Conjecture", which have been officially approved by the review committee. Copyright We have received the transfer agreement, and they will be officially published in January next year. To be honest, our editorial department is very curious about how many citations your paper can bring, maybe just Your paper can increase the impact factor of "Yearbook of Mathematics" by about 0.1.

In addition, I would also like to congratulate you on your major breakthrough in the twin prime conjecture. I have also read your paper, which is very exciting. Although there is no final conclusion in the mathematical world, I already believe that you have truly solved the twin prime conjecture. Guess this century-old problem in mathematics, people say that number theory is a game of genius. Now I think this is exactly what you are talking about? (I’ll tell you secretly that recently, our researchers at the Institute for Advanced Study were privately betting on whether your proof was correct. As a result, all of us bet on your success, so this bet can only be done).

Of course, I would also like to take this opportunity to express my hope that you will continue to consider our "Annals of Mathematics" when you are preparing to submit your manuscript. It has published the proof of Fermat's last theorem, Green-Tao theorem, and Zhang Yitang's first work on twins. The breakthrough proof of the prime number conjecture and so on, so I think the thorough proof of the twin prime number conjecture is also very suitable for the "Annals of Mathematics", isn't it?

Okay, what I said above is what I said to you in a personal capacity. In fact, this time I am contacting you as the chairman of the organizing committee of the 2020 Annual Mathematics Conference of Princeton University. Professor Pierre Deligne has He told me that he had invited you to attend our annual meeting when he was at the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics, so this time I also extend a formal invitation to you.

In addition, considering the proof of the twin prime number conjecture that you just released, the mathematical community generally maintains a positive view of your proof, so after our discussion, we finally decided to hold a report on the twin prime number conjecture specifically for you. , the entire mathematical community is looking forward to you explaining the proof process in more detail at this lecture, especially the "parity check classification sieve" you proposed in your paper. Maybe this will be another algebraic variety equivalent to etale A new theory of autokinesis.

According to the arrangement, this annual mathematics conference will be officially held on January 8, 2021. Normally our annual conference is held for 3 days, but this time because of your twin prime conjecture, we will extend it to 4 days. And the first day is your special report.

The twin prime conjecture is really a very important problem, and the entire mathematical community is looking forward to your success! 】

After reading this email from Professor Peter Sarnak, which was quite long, Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Princeton's annual mathematics conference?"

When he mentioned this matter, he thought of the original scene.

Max Planck Institute of Mathematics, office at night, a scene of a seventeen-year-old boy surrounded by four Philippine Prize winners.

Then the young man agreed to a certain request under coercion and inducement.

The amount of help.

After a while, he shook his head and shook the unpleasant picture out of his mind.

Of course, he was looking forward to seeing Schultz and Faltings again, especially Faltings. He had asked him to study the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture first, and he had indeed conquered it for himself. The twin prime conjecture was a huge help.

When the time comes to meet, be sure to express your gratitude in person.


Xiao Yi obviously didn't know that Faltings used the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture to divert his attention because he couldn't give specific suggestions and didn't think he should study the twin prime conjecture.

"But, speaking of which, Princeton actually arranged a special lecture for me. Well... there is still a month left, and I have to prepare well."

"Brother Xiao, what email are you reading again? Who sent it now?"

Ye Cheng's voice came.

"Oh, it's Professor Peter Sarnak of Princeton University." Xiao Yi said.

"That Wolf Prize in Mathematics big shot?" Ye Cheng, who was playing PUBG on his mobile phone, came up immediately: "What is he asking you to do?"

"Here, take a look for yourself." Xiao Yi said.

"So long? Let me see..." Ye Cheng took a look: "Wow, Princeton Institute for Advanced Study? They all believe that your proof is correct!"

"Big guts! Don't you believe it?" Song Ziyang also came over.

As for Luo Qiao, he just glanced at it from a distance, and when he saw that it was all in English, he gave up.

Don't talk to people who are good at English.

Ye Cheng: "Of course I believe it, don't say anything bad here, I am loyal to my brother Xiao."

Song Ziyang rolled his eyes, and then continued to look down: "Oh my god, they actually invited you, brother Xiao, to submit to them. It gives me a feeling that the Mathematical Annals have become cheap?"

"Xiao Song, I don't think you understand!" Ye Cheng raised his head and patted Song Ziyang's shoulder: "This is the proof of the twin prime conjecture. Our brother Xiao submitted it to their "Mathematical Annals" to give them face."

"Yes, yes, Cheng'er is right." Song Ziyang pulled the corner of his mouth, licking is still good.


What Ye Cheng said makes some sense. The proof of the twin prime conjecture is indeed giving face to the journal to which it is submitted.

"What's the next long paragraph about?"

The two continued to read, and after reading, they fell silent, then turned around and said, "Forget it, let's continue playing games."

As a result, Luo Qiao, who didn't come closer to read, became curious: "What's the next paragraph about? Why did you suddenly stop talking?"

"Are you sure you want to know?" The two looked at Luo Qiao strangely.

"Why not..." Luo Qiao suddenly realized something, and then quickly shook his head, "Forget it, I don't want to listen, don't talk about it."

"It's too late, what's written below is that Princeton University invited our brother Xiao to attend their annual mathematics conference, and even set aside a day for our brother Xiao to give them a special report on the twin prime conjecture. The entire mathematics community is looking forward to it."

Luo Qiao immediately put on a painful mask: "Ah, don't read it, don't read it, I've been hit by dimensionality reduction again!!!"

Looking at the three roommates playing tricks, Xiao Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Shaking his head, he then replied to Professor Peter Sarnak with an email, saying that he would go to attend the meeting at that time.

After replying to the message, the three roommates behind him started playing games.

After Ye Cheng landed again, he rushed towards another enemy with his fists: "Little bastard, let's fight!"

The enemy was not afraid either, and wrestled with him. As a result, Ye Cheng lost again.

"Hahaha, little bastard, do you know who I am?"

The enemy shouted: "I won the championship in Southeast Asia in 1974 when I first fought free fighting..."

Ye Cheng was stunned: "I'm awesome, steal my lines! Brothers, help me get revenge, beat him up!"

Song Ziyang and Luo Qiao had picked up their guns and joined the battlefield, shooting the man in two shots.

"I told you to steal my lines! I told you to steal my lines!"

After being pulled up by Song Ziyang, Ye Cheng began to whip the corpse for revenge.

Seeing them having so much fun, Xiao Yi, who thought it was time for him to relax, immediately shouted, "Add me!"

The report on the twin prime conjecture will be held at the Princeton Annual Mathematics Conference. Once the news came out, it once again caused a stir in the entire mathematics community.

Moreover, even people outside the mathematics community, not those in the mathematics community, have shown great concern for this report.

After all, this is the twin prime conjecture!

Although the Goldbach conjecture is the most shining pearl in the crown of number theory, the significance of the twin prime conjecture is no less than that of the Goldbach conjecture.

Whether they are mathematicians, simple mathematics enthusiasts, or those journalists who have nothing to do with mathematics but are very concerned, they are all looking forward to the final outcome of the twin prime conjecture.

Whether it will be promoted to a theorem or still just a conjecture, everything will depend on this report.

Although there is still a month left, quite a few people have begun to feel impatient.

Just like that, in the midst of everyone's anticipation, time has come to January 2021.

[New January, please vote for me! ! Now is the double period, one vote is equal to two votes! ]

Chapter 102 Before the lecture

January 3, 2021.

"Professor, I'm here to ask for leave, and also to apply for exemption from the mathematical analysis exam."

In Liu Bin's office, Xiao Yi walked in and said to Liu Bin.

Looking at Xiao Yi in front of him, Liu Bin took the exemption application form he handed over and asked with a smile: "Are you leaving the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded.

The Princeton Mathematics Annual Conference was officially held on January 8th. At the same time, January 8th was also his special report on the twin prime conjecture. As the speaker, he naturally had to go there a few days in advance to prepare.

"Are you confident?"

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