
Xiao Yi nodded and answered.

"Twin prime conjecture..." Liu Bin shook his head, feeling emotional.

"I remember you once said that your greatest pleasure in mathematics is to solve various difficult problems, so does the twin prime conjecture meet your requirements?"


Xiao Yi rubbed his chin, then smiled and replied: "Before solving this problem, I might think that if I really proved it, I would definitely get great satisfaction."

"But now a month has passed, I may not be so satisfied."

"Some time ago, I was still thinking about what problem to continue to study next."

Liu Bin smiled: "That's right, just like people will always digest their food after eating, your words... can be understood."

For anyone, if the twin prime conjecture can be solved, even if there is no result afterwards, he can be respected by people for life.

Just like Perelman, who proved the Poincare conjecture, one of the seven major mathematical problems of the millennium, 18 years ago. Although he disappeared from the mathematical world not many years later, his fame is still circulating in the entire mathematical world even today.

Just like a legend in the world.


For a super genius like Xiao Yi, who is only 18 years old this year, solving the twin prime conjecture may not satisfy him.

In the end... Let's not talk about the end, just talk about what level Xiao Yi will reach in 10 years?

Liu Bin doesn't know, but he is quite fortunate that he is not too old, and he can definitely wait for 10 years.

Maybe he can witness the youngest Fields Medal winner in history with his own eyes?

For now, the youngest Fields Medal winner is still Jean-Pierre Searle, who won the Fields Medal at the age of 27. The other youngest winners are already 29 years old, and the more famous mathematical geniuses in modern times, such as Terence Tao, also won it at the age of 31.

In short, Liu Bin is already looking forward to that day. If there is such a day, he would probably go to the International Mathematics Conference at his own expense.

"Okay, let's not talk about those difficult questions first. Let's talk about some questions that are probably simple questions for you."

Liu Bin said.

"Since you want to apply for exemption from the exam, solve the questions on this paper first, so that it will be more convenient for me to submit the materials to the Academic Affairs Office."

Then, he took out a paper from the side and put it in front of Xiao Yi.

"I understand, I understand!"

Xiao Yi nodded with a smile.

He had already gone to see several teachers just now.

According to the training plan set for him at the beginning, he had to complete all undergraduate professional courses within one year and meet the credit requirements.

Although he didn't have to go to class or anything, he had to take the exam.

As a result, now he has to do a big thing, prove the twin prime conjecture, and he has no time to take the exam. What else can he do?

Of course, the college couldn't make things difficult for him. Just kidding, whoever doesn't let Xiao Yi prove the twin prime conjecture now is committing a crime.

So just do the test paper symbolically.

He picked up the pen from the side and took a look at the questions on the paper. There were three questions in total, all of which were competition questions, and they were probably the finale level. There were many elements involved, even not inferior to the prime limit question that Liu Bin had asked in class.

However, it was not a big problem for Xiao Yi.

With the bonus of 17 times thinking efficiency now, he just glanced at it a few times and then started answering.

In the end, it took a total of 10 minutes to solve all three questions.

He even gave two methods for each question.


Xiao Yi handed the paper back.

Liu Bin took a look, then laughed and said: "Are you taking revenge on me for asking you to use two methods when I solved the problem?"

"No way! Don't frame me!" Xiao Yi shouted in injustice, and then whispered: "And I used three methods last time."

Liu Bin pointed at him unhappily, then took the paper, wrote his consent on the exemption application form, signed his name, handed it to him, and then waved his hand and ordered him to leave: "Okay, you can go."

"Okay, thank you professor." Xiao Yi smiled, then turned and left.

But when he just walked to the door, Liu Bin shouted at him again: "Do a good report, I believe you can succeed!"

"Yes! I will." Xiao Yi nodded seriously.

After leaving Professor Liu's office, he went to find other teachers, collected all the exemption application forms, and began to summon the dragon... ahem, go to the Academic Affairs Office to submit the application form, and then, don't worry about the school's affairs.

The next day, he flew to Shangjing, because his flight to the United States on January 5 took off from Shangjing International Airport.

In addition, he also went to the Institute of Mathematics to find an academician named Xun Yong. This time, Academician Xun Yong would go with him to Princeton.

This was also entrusted by Academician Hu Guangde. After all, Xiao Yi was still only a 17-year-old young child. In the eyes of the elders, he naturally needed an elder to accompany him.

And Academician Xun Yong has always had a good relationship with Hu Guangde. In addition, Academician Xun Yong's research areas involve representation theory, Langlands program and automorphic forms, which are quite similar to Xiao Yi's previous achievements, so it is quite appropriate for Academician Xun Yong to work with Xiao Yi.

At noon on January 4, Xiao Yi met Academician Xun Yong in his office.

"See you again, Xiao Yi." Xun Yong said with a smile.

"Academician Xun."

Xiao Yi nodded. He naturally knew Xun Yong. When he gave a report at the Institute of Mathematics, he had communicated with Academician Xun a lot. At that time, Xun Yong looked astonished after reading his report.

Among the beneficiaries of the automorphic theory of etale algebraic clusters, Xun Yong is also one of them.

However... every time he sees Xun Yong, Xiao Yi is also surprised at his youth.

Academician Xun was elected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences in 2019, and he was only 42 years old at the time, which can be regarded as one of the youngest academicians.

It can be said that, like Xiao Yi, this academician Xun is also a first-class mathematical genius. Looking at his resume, he went to Qinghua High School to study in the experimental class before finishing the third year of junior high school, and went to Jiangsu and Zhejiang University before graduating from the third year of high school. In fact, he could have gone to Beijing University and Qinghua, but he stayed in Jiangsu and Zhejiang because he missed home.

From this point of view, he and Xiao Yi also have a lot of common topics.

"It's really surprising. You just solved the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture a few months ago, and it didn't take long for you to solve the twin prime conjecture. Sometimes I think my talent is already very good, but now I see that it's still a lot worse."

Looking at Xiao Yi's young face, Xun Yong couldn't help but say.

Recalling that when he was 17 years old, he already felt very powerful, but compared with the young man in front of him, he was still a lot worse.

Xiao Yi said modestly: "You are too kind. I just did my best, and whether my proof is correct has not yet been recognized by the mathematical community."

Xun Yong laughed: "Your doing your best is the history of the mathematical community for hundreds of years."

"As for the recognition of your proof... I think it will be fine in a few days."

Xiao Yi: "Maybe."

Xun Yong smiled, and then took a stack of A4 paper from the side: "Okay, there is still a lot of time today. Remember the Etale algebraic cluster self-defense theory that I talked to you about last time? I have some new ideas during this period and want to talk to you. In addition, there is the parity check classification sieve that you came up with when studying the twin prime conjecture. I am very interested in this. You should know that I am studying L-functions, which also have many problems related to prime numbers. Let's talk about it later."

Xiao Yi naturally would not refuse this, "Okay!"

Then, they began academic exchanges.

Xiao Yi's genius ideas can bring a lot of inspiration to Xun Yong, and Xun Yong's decades of experience in mathematics can also bring some additional thinking to Xiao Yi.

The significance of academic exchange is reflected here.

Time passed quietly, and they left the office in the evening. After having a midnight snack together, they left separately.

At noon the next day, they went to the airport and embarked on the journey to Princeton.


Finally, the time came to January 7, and there was less than a day left before January 8.

In public opinion around the world, the heat about this matter has begun to brew. On various social media forums, as long as you search casually, you can see that thousands of people are discussing it enthusiastically.

For example, on Weibo in China, a title has already entered the hot search list.

# Twin Prime Conjecture Report #

Clicking in to see, the poster is still the blogger who discovered that Xiao Yi published a paper at IHES, called [Mathematical Events].

[Brothers, I have arrived at Princeton University!

The Princeton Annual Mathematics Conference will be held tomorrow, and Xiao Shen’s special report on the twin prime conjecture will also be officially held tomorrow!

You don't know how difficult it is to attend this conference this year. There are so many people attending. I can only come here because I have an acquaintance at Princeton University. Moreover, people like me who are not invited have to pay for accommodation and everything else. I am so poor during this period.

However, it is worth it to see Xiao Shen's lecture tomorrow! Just consider it as the cost of chasing stars!

Also, I'll tell you the news I just learned. The Princeton Annual Mathematics Conference usually only lasts for three days, but this year is different. They extended it by one day specifically for this twin prime conjecture lecture!

Xiao Shen is so awesome!

I won't say more. I'm going back to the hotel to rest. Tomorrow I will give you a live text broadcast of the situation. Please stay tuned! 】

There are two photos attached below the text, one is the gate of Princeton University, and the other is the badge of the participants of this annual conference.

The netizens who commented below were immediately envious.

[Fuck, you actually went to the scene? Damn, you really deserve to die! 】

[Wozhi, I want to go too! Take me with you! 】

【It was extended for one day just for Xiao Shen? I was wondering why it was held for 4 days this time. It was always 3 days before. Xiao Shen’s treatment is unmatched! 】

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