[Otherwise, this is the twin prime conjecture! Even if you come to the International Congress of Mathematicians, you should get special treatment! 】

【Are you here too? Fortunately, I am a graduate student at Princeton University, so I can just go and see it if I want. 】

[Wori, are there any masters? 】

[I am a primary school student. Send me your Princeton student ID card. I advise you not to be ignorant. 】

[Gan, I really want to go, but unfortunately I have to stay up late tomorrow to watch the live broadcast. 】

Netizens expressed great envy for those who were able to go to the scene to see it. After all, who doesn’t want to go?

Maybe, this will be a time to witness history. When the time comes, take a photo and put it on the textbook, and you can still discover yourself from it?

Of course, there are people with such ideas now all over the world, but unfortunately, Princeton University can only provide a maximum of a thousand places, and a considerable number of them belong to top mathematicians.

If there are more, the space in the lecture hall will not be enough.

In the past, their annual mathematics conference only had a few hundred people, but the number of participants this time was basically second only to the International Congress of Mathematicians.

This is the influence of the twin prime conjecture!

In this way, the time finally came to January 8th, at 9:30 in the morning.

In the largest lecture hall at Princeton University, although not all the participants came, the seats were already half full at this time, with almost more than 500 people. Together with the staff on site, it was truly a lecture hall. It was crowded.

In addition to mathematics scholars or mathematics enthusiasts, there are also quite a few media reporters gathered here. However, what is puzzling is that these reporters are currently gathered in front of the gate and have not entered the lecture hall. It seems to be waiting for something.

At this moment, a car suddenly drove over and stopped at the door.

The back door opened, and a young figure walked down from above.

Then, everyone saw the reporters surrounding them.

People suddenly realized that these reporters were waiting for today's protagonist.

That talented young man who seemed to appear out of nowhere, Xiao Yi!

Chapter 103 Young Genius

"Mr. Xiao Yi, what do you think of today's report?"

"Do you think your proof is successful?"

"I would like to know what sparked your interest in studying the twin prime conjecture? Has anyone helped you in this process?"

Reporters from various media all raised their microphones and asked Xiao Yi.

Faced with this situation, Xiao Yi felt helpless for a while.

When he came out of the hotel just now, he had already noticed a large number of reporters gathered downstairs.

Fortunately, the organizing committee of the annual mathematics conference had anticipated this situation, so they prepared a car for him and brought him here directly from the hotel.

What he didn't expect was that after arriving here, there were a lot of reporters waiting for him.

He briefly recognized it, well...

There are reporters from Princeton, reporters from other media in New Jersey, and some well-known media in the United States or internationally.

For example, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and even the European News TV station who interviewed him at the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics are also there.

Fortunately, staff quickly came to his rescue and he was able to get out of the encirclement.

In this way, he walked all the way to the door of the lecture hall. After climbing the steps, he suddenly turned around and said to these reporters: "Thank you for the attention of the major media. I will simply answer a few questions."

"First of all, I would like to thank Princeton University and the organizing committee of this conference for their support in allowing me to hold a special report on the twin prime conjecture. This is my honor."

"As for whether my proof is successful, you should not ask me this question, but leave it to the mathematical community. My opinion is not important."

"Of course -" Xiao Yi smiled confidently at this time: "I am very confident about this matter."

As soon as he said this, there was a burst of applause.

The mathematics scholars or enthusiasts who were watching around him all applauded his confidence.

"Finally, if anyone has provided me with help during my study of the twin prime conjecture, I think I need to express my gratitude to Professor Gerd Faltings. It was he who suggested that I study Elliott- Halberstam’s conjecture, and in the process, also provided great help for my subsequent research on the twin prime conjecture.”

"Professor Faltings is indeed an experienced senior..."

Following Xiao Yi's narration, people realized that there was such a thing. He was indeed Professor Faltings!

"I think you will have to treat me to a few meals after you go back."

Behind the door of the lecture hall, listening to Xiao Yi's words, Schulz said quietly to Faltings next to him.

Faltings' eyes twitched, and then he said with a dark face: "Please, please... If I had known, I wouldn't have told you about that matter."

Otherwise, if others knew the truth, his character would be in jeopardy.

At this time, Xiao Yi also finished talking to the reporters. The reporters let him go with satisfaction. As soon as he came in, he saw Schultz and Faltings, and shouted happily: "Professor Schultz, and Professor Faltings."

"You are here too."

Schultz glanced at Faltings next to him, then smiled and said to Xiao Yi: "Yes, after all, we agreed that as long as you come, we will come too."

Faltings also said to Xiao Yi with a normal expression at this time: "I didn't expect you to really come up with the twin prime conjecture. The paper is very The level of the papers is better than the two papers on the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture. "

Xiao Yi nodded and smiled: "Thank you for your advice to me."

Schultz tried not to laugh, but Faltings looked a little embarrassed and said: "No need to thank me, everything is your ability."

Then he turned around first: "Okay, let's not stand here anymore, you should go backstage to prepare early, I am looking forward to your performance in the lecture later, and I wish you success. "


Xiao Yi nodded.

Finally, they said no more. After Schultz and Faltings entered the lecture hall, as bigwigs in the mathematics community, they also walked to the front of the hall under the guidance of the staff. The position specially prepared for them.

As a reporter, Xiao Yi also went to the backstage under the guidance of the staff.


As time approached 10 o'clock, more and more people came to the lecture hall. Although there were more than a thousand people, it was not as crowded as the sea of ​​people, but at a glance, there were many amazing people.

The people sitting in the front were all big names in the mathematics world, and the people sitting in the back were mathematics enthusiasts or students.

The question they talked about most at this time was.

"Do you think he can succeed?"

The most common answer to this question was: "I think he can."

Some young people even held small signs in their hands, with words like "Solve the Twin Prime Conjecture" and "GOD XIAO" written on them.

In short, the atmosphere on the scene was very high.


At the same time, in the backstage of the lecture hall.

Deligne, Bombieri, and Professor Sanak and other Princeton big names were here.

"Your lecture will start soon, how do you feel now?"

Deligne sat next to Xiao Yi and said with a smile.

"Well... it's okay." Xiao Yi replied. After preparing for so long, he had a very good idea of ​​how this lecture should proceed.

Deligne nodded, "That's good."

"Well... there are less than five minutes left, and we have to go back to the lecture hall first."

Looking at the time, Deligne also stood up and patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder: "It's up to you."

Bombieri also encouraged: "This is your second gift to the mathematics world. Come on, kid."

Xiao Yi smiled and nodded.

Soon, the big guys left here, leaving Xiao Yi alone.

Until a moment later, the staff said to him: "Professor Xiao, you can go on stage."

Professor Xiao?

Xiao Yi was stunned, looked at the staff, and then smiled and said: "Okay, but I'm not a professor yet."

The staff was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, looking embarrassed.

After all, no one who could give a report in this lecture hall before was not a professor.

However, Xiao Yi didn't say much, tidied his clothes, and then he walked out of the backstage.


Footsteps appeared at the door of the lecture hall, which had already quieted down, and more than a thousand pairs of eyes looked over.

Then, the figure they had been waiting for appeared.

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