"Holy shit! This is the way to solve this problem?"

"Xiao Shen, you are simply my god!"

"This is the part that gives me the biggest headache in the whole thesis. I have to defend it in half a month. I always feel that the defense committee will definitely point out that my writing here is too rough, and it will be you!"

Xiao Yi smiled, waved his hand and said, "It's nothing. In fact, this part of your original article also solved the problem, but it's just like you said, it's a bit too rough."

Wen Chenghua nodded repeatedly, then pulled Guo Xiaoming next to him and said, "Let's go! Go back to my dormitory first, I want to change this part!"

Guo Xiaoming, who had just witnessed everything that happened in front of him and was thinking about another good material to share on Weibo, quickly shouted: "Wait! I haven't taken a photo with Xiao Shen yet!"

Wen Chenghua reacted immediately and smiled sheepishly at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi naturally did not refuse, and took a photo with the two of them, and then Wen Chenghua pulled Guo Xiaoming away from him, who was still reluctant to leave.

Xiao Yi also learned in the end that Guo Xiaoming was also a blogger on Weibo with hundreds of thousands of fans.

He took out his mobile phone and searched, and then found Duan Xiaoming's previous blog posts, which were all his photos.

"I'll go and take the photo of Mustard Handsome?"

Decisively like it, then save it and repost it to your own space.

Caption: [See if I’m a dick or not? 】

The result showed that someone commented after ten seconds.

Song Ziyang: [Look! gkd, can can need. 】

Xiao Yi's face suddenly darkened, this little bitch, it must be late at night in China, and he's still not sleeping!

Then he quickly deleted it and reposted it: [See if I’m handsome or not. 】

At this moment, a voice came from the side.

"It turns out that our young genius is also an enthusiastic person."

He followed the sound and saw two people walking towards him with a smile.

He was immediately surprised and said: "Professor Tao, and Professor Maynard."

These two people are Terence Tao and James Maynard.

Probably because he saw the scene where he and Wen Chenghua communicated just now.

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "Professor Tao is a good old man in mathematics, right?"

Tao Zhexuan does have a reputation as a "good guy" in the mathematics community. Basically, as long as you go to him for help or advice, he will not refuse.

In addition, after Zhang Yitang published his paper on twin prime numbers, Terence Tao launched a project called polymath to prevent scholars in mathematics from arguing over smaller prime number gaps, allowing everyone to collaborate to find smaller prime numbers. number.

Obviously, these fully reflect Tao Zhexuan's image of a good guy.

Finally, Tao Zhexuan also walked up to Xiao Yi, took a good look at him, and finally made a comment: "You are handsomer than me, which is really a pity."

James Maynard next to him said: "I think I am more handsome."

Xiao Yi immediately couldn't laugh or cry.

At this time, Tao Zhexuan stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, this is our official meeting. I have wanted to see you for a long time."

Xiao Yi also stretched out his hand and shook hands with this genius known as the Mozart of Mathematics.

"I have also admired Professor Tao for a long time."

"That's really my luck." Terence Tao nodded.

He did not waste any nonsense and directly explained the purpose of his visit: "Well... Actually, I came to you this time for one thing. Recently, James and I are studying the x^2+1 prime number problem. If we use the parity check classification sieve , we think it has a lot of potential to help us solve this problem.”

"But for now, there are still many problems, so I would like to invite you to join our research group. What do you think?"

"X^2+1 prime number problem?" Xiao Yi began to think about it, "This problem is no less difficult than the twin prime number conjecture."

Because among positive integers, there are fewer numbers in the form of x^2+1 than numbers in the form of p+2. For example, the number of x^2+1 is [3, 5, 9, 17, 33...] , and the number p+2 is [4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15...]. The former will quickly become larger with the growth rate of the exponential explosion, while the latter will add 2 when it encounters a prime number, so The frequency of occurrence of the former is getting lower and lower, and the probability of occurrence of prime numbers is getting lower and lower, and the difficulty of proving it will be lower.

"That's what I said, but..." Terence Tao said with a smile: "You have also proved the twin prime conjecture. Why not challenge this problem?"

"Hmm..." Xiao Yi rubbed his chin, and finally nodded and said, "Okay, I'm convinced by you now. It just so happens that I've been thinking about what topic to study next."


Tao Zhexuan immediately high-fived each other with Maynard next to him, and then the two of them high-fived Xiao Yi again.

At this moment, a voice came from the side, "It seems I'm late."

They looked over and saw Zhang Yitang walking over.

"professor Zhang?"

The three of them were stunned.

Zhang Yitang said helplessly: "Originally, I wanted to invite Xiao Yi to join my research group, which is the research on the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture, but now it seems that I am too late."

However, after Xiao Yi heard Zhang Yitang's topic, he said: "Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture?"

"Yes." Zhang Yitang nodded.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and then said: "Professor Zhang, to tell you the truth, I am indeed somewhat interested in this issue. If you are willing, I will still be happy to join your project."

"Really? That's great!" Zhang Yitang was immediately pleasantly surprised.

"Huh? Xiao Yi, why are you interested in the zero-point conjecture?" Tao Zhexuan next to him asked curiously.

Xiao Yi explained: "Because the zero point conjecture is closely related to the twin prime number conjecture that I proved, and the parity check classification sieve. Decades ago, Brown once proved that if the Siegel zero point exists, the twin prime number conjecture will It must be true, and if the Siegel zero point does not exist, then the twin prime conjecture is still a conjecture. "

"Last year, Granville proved another situation, saying that if the Siegel zero point exists, then the general upper bound of the sieve method screening interval is optimal. What I am very curious about is, if after proving the Siegel zero point, What would happen to this problem if the Geer zero point did not exist?

"I'm very interested."

After hearing Xiao Yi's explanation, they all showed their original expressions.

Indeed, the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture has a profound relationship with both the twin prime conjecture and the sieve method. It is only natural that Xiao Yi would be interested in this matter.

And most of their mathematicians are like this. They study whatever problem they are interested in.

What is their purpose?

That was probably just to satisfy this interest.

Now that they have made a decision, they plan to discuss the next cooperation matters.

But at this moment, they suddenly noticed that the atmosphere around them seemed to be getting a little excited.

At this time, they saw a group of mathematicians coming over and said to Xiao Yi: "Xiao Yi! Congratulations on winning the Cole Algebra Prize!"

Xiao Yi was stunned: "Huh?"

Please give me a monthly pass! !

Chapter 108 The impact of winning the award

Cole Prize in Algebra.

It is an award established by the American Mathematical Society (AMS). It is mainly awarded to mathematicians who have made significant achievements in algebra.

Of course, this award is not completely international, which means that its winners are subject to certain restrictions in terms of identity. They are either members of the American Mathematical Society or authors of outstanding articles published in American journals.

However, the American Mathematical Society can be regarded as a relatively international mathematics research group. Its scale is also very large, basically second only to the International Mathematical Union. There are quite a few mathematicians from all over the world in this association.

In addition, AMS-LaTeX, a very famous paper formatting tool under its name, was developed by the American Mathematical Society, making it convenient for every science scholar in the world.

There is also the "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society", one of the four top journals in the field of mathematics, which is also a journal under the name of this society.

However, for Xiao Yi at this moment, when he heard so many people in front of him telling him that he had won the Cole Algebra Prize, he still felt a little unresponsive.

Why did this happen so suddenly?

Professor Sarnak stood in front of him at this time and sent congratulations to him.

Xiao Yi immediately asked: "Professor Sarnak, when did this happen? I didn't know about it before?"

Sanak laughed and said: "Just now, the official website of AMS announced this matter. This year's Cole Algebra Award winner is you!"

Then he pulled the person next to him in front of Xiao Yi and said, "This is the current vice chairman of AMS, Professor Jesus Loera."

"He can vouch for that to you."

Professor Loela also smiled and said to Xiao Yi: "Yes, Xiao, I can definitely testify. In fact, I just received a call from our chairman informing me of the result."

"Generally speaking, we will announce the winner of the Cole Prize some time in advance. Last year, you successfully used the etale algebraic variety automorphic theory to complete the proof of the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture, and passed the "Mathematics" After review by the review committee organized by the Yearbook, we have decided to award this award to you.”

"It's just that after that, we learned that you had announced the proof of the twin prime conjecture, so after some discussion, we decided to see if you could bring us more surprises, so there has been no announced."

"And the gratifying thing is that today, this surprise is indeed delivered to us."

"On behalf of AMS, I'd like to congratulate you on making such a major breakthrough for our mathematical community."

Then, Loela raised the red wine glass in her hand and gestured to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was still surprised by the sudden news, and subconsciously raised the milk in his hand.

After he came back to his senses, Loela had already touched him with a smile, and didn't care whether he drank wine or milk.


Everyone who gathered around raised their glasses and shouted together: "cheers!"

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