Then they all drank together.

Xiao Yi came back to his senses, what else could he say in the face of such a situation?

Naturally, we can only drink it together.

Then, people came up to him one after another and said, "Congratulations."

In the end, everyone was almost gone, and only the three people who were looking for him, Teru Zhexuan, Professor Sarnak, and Professor Loela were left.

"This..." Xiao Yi finally asked: "But doesn't the Kohl Award have requirements on the identity of the winner?"

Professor Loera smiled and said: "Even if you are not a member of our AMS, if you can publish a paper in an American journal, it will be enough."

"The two papers you submitted to the "Annals of Mathematics"."

Sanak also nodded: "Moreover, your two papers have been officially published. Our first volume this year has also been printed, and your copy has been sent to China."

"Well... when I came here just now, I should have picked up one for you."

Sanak patted his head and said, "How about you go to the office with me later to get a copy?"

"And by the way..." The dignified winner of the Wolf Prize in Mathematics chuckled, "Let's discuss submitting your paper to our "Annals of Mathematics"?"

When Professor Loela next to him heard this, he immediately pushed Sarnak aside and said, "Xiao Yi has already submitted two articles to you before, so this time you should consider our Journal of the American Mathematical Society." Right? I am also the editor-in-chief of our journal. As long as you submit it to us, I can arrange for it to be published immediately! "

"Professor Loela, I recommended you to Xiao Yi, how can you compete with me? You must be reasonable!" Sanak immediately expressed angrily.

"Hey, if it were another paper, I certainly wouldn't compete with you, but this is the proof of the twin prime conjecture."

Loela was very apologetic, but she did not change her attitude at all because of Sanak's anger.

"I misjudged you!" Sanak was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

However, just as the two of them were arguing, suddenly another old professor secretly walked up to Xiao Yi and said to him: "Xiao Yi, do you want to consider our "Acta Mathematica"? I am "Acta Mathematica" Editor-in-Chief Edgar Barton, if you submit your article to us, we won’t require any publishing fees.”

"Barton, what do you want to do, old guy?"

However, before Xiao Yi could say anything, the old professor was already seen by Sarnak and Loela, and the two people immediately pulled Barton away again.

What followed was a melee between the three editors-in-chief of the three top journals in mathematics.

The only thing missing is the editor-in-chief of "New Advances in Mathematics", so that we can gather together the four top journals.

"Tsk, is this the power of the twin prime conjecture? I've learned a lot."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Terence Tao couldn't help but sigh.

Xiao Yi looked ashamed, and even wanted to go up and shout: "Don't fight me anymore."

"Okay, why don't we take advantage of this time to continue talking about the topic we just talked about?"

Zhang Yitang next to him suggested at this time.

"I agree." Maynard nodded. As for the war between the editors...

They couldn't get involved anyway.

So a few people immediately made a decision, then found a seat nearby and began to discuss matters about future cooperation.

Just when Xiao Yi and Terence Tao were discussing cooperation matters, word spread quickly that he won the Cole Algebra Prize, which immediately caused quite a stir in the entire mathematics community.

Of course, the same is true outside of mathematics.

After all, during this period of time, the proof of the twin prime conjecture is the biggest news, and is being discussed enthusiastically all over the world.

And now that such a piece of news has been revealed, the major media outlets have naturally become even more excited about it and have begun to publish relevant news.

For example, on China's Weibo, only the first three hot searches were news related to Xiao Yi's proof of the twin prime number conjecture, but now, the fourth hot search has become #小伊Wins the Cole Algebra Award#, And the popularity is still rising, and it will probably soon push #aperfectreport# out of the third place.

When I clicked in, I saw that it was still the Central News Agency that released this news.

[The American Mathematical Society has just announced the winner of this year's Cole Algebra Award. The winner is Xiao Yi. The reason for the award is: in recognition of his important achievements in establishing a connection between far-Abelian geometry and number theory. Conservative theory, and using this method to prove the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture.

The Cole Algebra Prize represents the renamed winner who has made extremely outstanding achievements in the field of algebra in the past six years. It was...]

Netizens who saw this news immediately went crazy.

Did this come too suddenly?

Less than an hour ago, I announced that I had proved the twin prime conjecture. How long had it passed before I announced that I had won the prize? ?

Don't be so exaggerated!

【ah? ah? ah? 】

[I really like what netizens said: Huh? 】

【Hey! Any other big news? So awesome? 】

[Oh my god, this is the Cole Algebra Award. Although it is not the top award, those who can win this award must have produced the top results in algebra. The previous winners They are all big guys, like Peter Schulz who also won this award! 】

[Just kidding, the previous award recipients were all big guys, it sounds like the current winner, Xiao Shen, is no longer a big boss. 】

[Perhaps the current winner should be a giant? Just relying on the twin prime number conjecture that Xiao Shen has figured out at such a young age, anyone can guess what will happen in 10 years? 】

[I bet that Xiao Shen will be able to prove the Riemann Hypothesis in ten years! 】

[By the way, why is it the Cole Algebra Prize and not the Cole Number Theory Prize? I remember, doesn’t the Kohl Prize also have a number theory prize? 】

[Because the Cole Prize, whether it is the number theory prize or the algebra prize, is awarded every three years. Last year, the number theory prize was awarded, and the winner was James Maynard. This year it is the turn of the Cole Algebra Prize. Anyway, Xiao Shen’s The result also just happened to win the Algebra Award. etale algebraic clusters are self-contained, which is definitely the best achievement in the field of algebra. 】

[Brother, I’m not a math major and I don’t know anything about algebra. How awesome is he? 】

[Well, if you don’t study mathematics, then you should know about Science magazine, right? At the end of last year, "Science" announced the top ten important results in the scientific community in 2020. Xiao Shen's etale algebraic variety automorphism and Elliott-Halberstam conjecture were among them, ranking 9th. 】

[Holy shit, Xiao Shen’s achievements were really selected as one of the top ten important achievements last year? I saw this being said online, and it actually came true! 】

【That's not the case? There’s still a share this year! Proof of the twin prime conjecture, if I don’t rank in the top 3 this year, I will eat a ton. 】

[Perhaps Xiao Shen will solve some heavyweight problems again this year, and then squeeze out his twin prime number conjecture? 】

[This... is not impossible. 】

On the Internet, netizens expressed their shock.

In reality, those units or institutions related to Xiao Yi naturally also rushed to celebrate.

For example, Huaguo University of Science and Technology, after learning that Xiao Yi’s lecture was a success, they immediately hung red banners at the school gate and various places on campus, which read: [Congratulations to the 2020 freshmen of our school. Student Xiao Yi successfully proved the twin prime number conjecture, a world-class mathematical problem. 】

As for these red banners, they had naturally prepared them a long time ago. When Xiao Yi first left school, HKUST had already started looking for someone to make these red banners, and now they finally came in handy.

And now the sudden Cole Algebra Award caught them off guard again, so they quickly contacted people to make a batch [Congratulations to Xiao Yi, a freshman in our school in 2020, for winning the Cole Algebra Award, an international mathematics award].

Then these red banners were hung together with the red banners of the twin prime number conjecture, as if they were going to blind the eyes of all the students in the school.

This is their Xiao Shen!

As students from the same school as Xiao Yi, they all felt embarrassed.

It's just that... every time they heard the teacher asking them to learn from Xiao Yi, they cursed in their hearts: How the hell can they learn this?

Chapter 109 The Best Speaker

Three days passed quickly.

Although people say that the Internet forgets quickly, it is obvious that the twin prime conjecture has not been forgotten so quickly. The corresponding title is still on the hot search list of many platforms even now, even though the ranking has dropped. It goes on, but people still pay attention to it.

Of course, the world is still functioning normally.

For example, at the Princeton Annual Mathematics Conference, after the first day ended, the agenda for the following meetings continued normally, and it was already the last day.

Inevitably, after Xiao Yi's report, other reports seemed a bit bleak. Not many people paid attention to it. Most of the participants were still unable to calm down because of the proof of the twin prime conjecture. Come down.

Of course, perhaps for those reporters, their mood was not so peaceful.

Just like that, the closing ceremony of this annual mathematics conference has arrived.

Peter Sarnak, as the chairman of the organizing committee of this conference, is delivering a speech for the closing ceremony.

"...There is no doubt that this annual Princeton Mathematics Conference is extremely successful."

"I am very happy to witness a landmark result at this conference and have it recognized by the mathematics community. "

"The end of the twin prime conjecture announces that we have achieved another huge breakthrough in number theory."

"From another perspective, this also means that no matter how difficult the problem is, we should always believe that it will eventually be solved. It is nothing more than time."

"For example, the Riemann Hypothesis, Hodge Hypothesis, etc., although even now, we are still far away from proving them."

"But for mathematics, no matter how long it takes, it is worth the wait."

"That is, our human bodies cannot last that long."

"But at least when we pass away and see those mathematicians in the sky, we can also tell them these answers."

"So, I still want to express my gratitude to Xiao Yi here. He allowed me to see the birth of the twin prime theorem before I died."

"For scholars like us, the more truths we can witness in this life, the more worthwhile it is, isn't it?"

Peter Sarnak said with a smile.

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