The real yuan was used quickly and entered quickly. After a short while, Xu Ziqing only felt a loud noise in his head, and he was suddenly dizzy and stinging!

Purple Mansion is open!

More purple energy suddenly flowed out, instantly turning into a howling dragon and rushing out.

The real essence in the body suddenly took time, and Xu Ziqing's face was pale, already trembling slightly! However, he endured the stinging pain, calmed his mind, ran the exercises quickly, and replenished his true essence again and again.

Then the consciousness was released, turned into a smoke dragon, and collided head-on in the consciousness of the descending heaven that day!

Outside, a giant purple dragon ascended, facing the consciousness of the Tao of Heaven.

One hit!

The monks watching the foundation building were all shocked and blurted out.

"So fast!"

"Actually matched with the consciousness of Heavenly Dao at one time!"

"Does this human nature match the way of wood so well!"

"Is it possible that Shan Linggen can get along so easily? I can't wait..."

Su Xin's heart was fluctuating, and she had many more experiences than others.

Wood can make a fire, and today he has benefited a lot from watching Xu Ziqing build a foundation.

The smoke dragon's blow coincided with the way of wood, and the dragon's mouth suddenly opened wide, inhaling the consciousness of heaven.

Immediately turned around and returned to dòng, it only took a few breaths of time.

Xu Ziqing sat quietly, her complexion gradually improving.

Zifu Yanlong leaned back, just as he opened his eyes, his eyes narrowed!

Soon, the purple smoke dragon turned into a long purple awn, and went straight into his eyebrows, and in a blink of an eye, it had turned into the purple mansion.

Xu Ziqing only felt a cool feeling descending from the Zi Mansion, and his body suddenly became cold and sober. At the same time, the mystical consciousness of countless ways of wood lingered in his purple mansion, and when it merged with his consciousness, it instantly turned into a sea of ​​consciousness, hidden at the bottom of the purple mansion, with little stars, boundless and boundless.

The purple mansion opened, the sea of ​​consciousness was completed, and the consciousness and the flesh and blood echoed and connected with each other.

Xu Ziqing's eyes swept across, only to feel that the corners of the palace were completely visible, and then swept outside the palace, people, animals, flowers and birds within ten miles had a panoramic view, as if they were right in front of them.

This is divine knowledge!

After looking at it, a purple light flew out of the Heavenly Spirit very quickly and went straight to the Heavenly Dao.

Since then, Xu Ziqing has become a foundation-building cultivator, and the way he fits is already under investigation of the Dao of Heaven.

At this time, Xu Ziqing's five senses and six senses are extremely clear, which is more than hundreds of times better than when he was in the Qi refining period. His spirit and spirit are far superior to those of a Qi-refining cultivator, and even his physical body seems to be a few points lighter than before, and he almost feels like a fairy.

He knew in his heart that this was because he had the consciousness of Heavenly Dao to wash away the mundane energy in his body when he built the foundation. Although he is not an immortal body now, he still has a Dao body. After that, when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth enters the body, it will be much easier, and it will be much easier to remove impurities from the body due to various reasons.

The foundation has been established, but the realm is not completely stable.

Xu Ziqing felt a little different at this time, and then started the "Wanmu Seed Heart Dafa" again.

Now that he has completed the ten chapters of the Qi Refining Scroll, it is time to practice the contents contained in the Foundation Building Scroll.

The first step is to calm down and consolidate the cultivation base.

Gather the scattered Heavenly Dao consciousness in the dòng that has not yet entered the Zifu with Yanlong, and transform it into the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and there must be no omission...

Xu Ziqing closed his eyes and entered meditation, and followed the instructions of the exercise.

Once this realm is consolidated, it will be three days and three nights.

When Xu Ziqing opened his eyes again, the light in his eyes was extremely dazzling.

After a long time, he let out a deep breath and blinked slightly. After that, his expression was restrained, and he did not show the many differences as before.

After years of hard work, he finally succeeded in building the foundation. Rao is Xu Ziqing's mood has calmed down, and he can't help but bring some smiles on his face.

Then he settled down and sank his consciousness into the storage ring for the first time.

Under the consciousness, all the scenes in the storage ring are extremely clear.

I saw that the inside of the storage ring was an endless black, and countless spirit grasses, shòu pills, and other sundries were floating in it, looming, but when the mind moved, it also moved.

Divine Consciousness crossed this storage place and went to the core. The speed of divine consciousness was extremely fast, and after a while, he noticed a light, which was a stone platform.

And on this stone platform sat a stern man in white clothes and black hair, with a straight back, a cold breath, and a sharp edge like a sword.

As soon as the consciousness arrived, the man suddenly opened his eyes, and the two golden beams disappeared in a flash.

"Xu Ziqing?"

Xu Ziqing smiled, and the divine sense had already passed into the gentle thoughts: "Fortunately, I have not lived up to the teachings of the king, Brother Yun, I have completed the foundation, can you see it?"

The man in white nodded slightly: "It's good that you are diligent in your practice."

Xu Ziqing had a smile in his eyes, since he had already reported the good news, he no longer bothered his friends, and was about to withdraw his consciousness in an instant. Then he waved his hand to lift the restriction, and immediately inhaled a breath of fresh aura.

At this time, when he walked out of the palace and watched the scenery of Tenglong Peak outside the palace, he felt a different kind of invigoration than before.

The things that can be perceived during the Qi refining period and the things that can be perceived by the foundation building can be said to be different from heaven and earth.

Xu Ziqing watched for a while, and was about to return when he heard someone calling him.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, can you talk about it?"

Xu Ziqing lowered his head and saw a mouth below, Yufeng walked out alone


The man was wearing a purple bottomed robe with wide sleeves, thin eyebrows and thin lips, and was also a foundation-building cultivator.

Xu Ziqing recognized him as Diao Zimo of the Thunder Fire faction. Then he smiled gently: "It turns out to be fellow Daoist Diao, it's just that respect is worse than obedience." After he said that, he turned around a little, came to Diao Zimo's side, and followed him into the dòng.

There was already one person in Diao Zimo's residence, and he was very familiar.

Xu Ziqing was slightly startled when he saw it.

I saw the man clasped his fists and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu, please take a seat."

Xu Ziqing also bowed his hands as a salute: "Friend Luo, please."

It turned out that this man was a nine-footed man, with a tiger back and a bear waist, and his imposing aura was extremely high.

He and Diao Zimo were the opponents in the same match, and their cultivation base was evenly matched, but Diao Zimo was armed with the Thunder Technique, so Luo Hu was already defeated before he could do much.

According to the logic, Luo Hou was defeated by Diao Zimo, so he didn't forge Liangzi, and he was somewhat unhappy in his heart. I don't want the two to build foundations at the same time, and now they are in contact with each other.

It can be seen that both of them are open-minded and do not judge heroes based on victory or defeat, but they are worthy of praise.

Xu Ziqing sat opposite Luo Hu, Diao Zimo paused, then sat on the side.

Although this Diao Zimo looked a little indifferent, but when they got along with each other, they seemed to be quite happy. As soon as he was seated, he opened his mouth and said, "I saw Daoist Xu's foundation building so smoothly before. I both admired it and wanted to get acquainted. When I saw Daoist leaving the customs today, I hurriedly disturbed him. Fellow Daoists, don't blame me."

The same is true for Luo Hou. He carried a wine jar and poured another wine glass for Xu Ziqing, pushed it over, and raised the glass together with Diao Zimo: "A thin glass of wine to show sincerity."

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing was naturally uncomfortable, so he raised his glass with a smile: "You two are polite, it's not worth it."

Diao Zimo said, "Happy!" He added, "Since I have invited fellow Daoists to come, I won't talk nonsense. You and I are now foundation-building cultivators, and in a few days, we will leap to the Dragon Gate and enter the Great Hall of Fame. The world. I wonder if Xu Daoyou cares about the future?"

Chapter 98

When Xu Ziqing heard the words, he was somewhat clear in his heart.

He smiled and said, "Not long after I built the foundation, I have some thoughts, which are not worth mentioning. But the two fellow Daoists should have a plan in their hearts?"

Diao Zimo and Luo Hao looked at each other, and Diao Zimo spoke first: "I can't even talk about it, but there are many sects in the big world, and some of them really yearn for it."

Xu Ziqing became interested and asked, "I don't know which sects they are?"

Diao Zimo then said: "I have heard from the teacher that a cultivator like me who practices Thunder Technique, if you want to have a place in the big world, you should either join the Ten Thousand Thunder Sect, or invest in a skill that can accommodate all kinds of family skills. The main door of the law can have some future."

Xu Ziqing listened to what he said, and knew that the words were not finished, so he turned his head slightly to show that he was listening.

Diao Zimo continued: "Because there are very few people who practice Lei Fa, the Wanlei Sect is only a small sect, and it is not as rich in resources as those giants, which is not desirable. As for those sects that can accommodate the heads of many families, there is probably Jinghua. Sect, Clear Sky Sect, Duanqing Sect, Danxiamen, etc. Among them, Clear Sky Sect and Duanqing Sect both have Leifa schools, so they should be able to give it a try.”

Luo Hao also nodded: "I only heard that people in the Sect of Depression need to cut off the seven emotions and six desires, and the practice is the method of forgetting love and lust, but I don't like it."

When the two of them said this, the implication was that they all felt that the Clear Sky Sect was very good, and it was worthy of entry.

When Xu Ziqing heard the words, he divided his consciousness into a strand and put it into the storage ring.

He asked, "Have Brother Yun heard of the five sects including Ten Thousand Lei Sect?"

Yun Lie replied: "Wan Lei Sect has been around for millions of years. At first, it was a giant of the immortal way, and then gradually declined, so that now it only has the title of seventh-rank, and it has become a small sect. Clear Sky Sect and Duanqing Sect are ranked fifth-rank. , Jinghuazong and Danxiamen are both of the sixth grade, and both are medium-sized sects."

Xu Ziqing was speechless when he heard it.

Diao Zimo is a master disciple of Thunder Fire Sect, and what his teacher said is the most precious news passed down in this sect. But in this way, the first-class sects in this small world actually only have some understanding of the medium and small sects in the big world. It can be seen that the difference between big and small worlds is almost like the distance between heaven and earth.

In fact, all people in the small world who can enter the big world are the best in the world. In the big world, they are also the characters that many small and medium-sized sects try to win over. After all, most of the talented disciples in the big world have heard the reputation of large sects, and they enter it vigorously, and occasionally leak some, only to be acquired by medium-sized sects, and then to leak some medium-sized sects, only then can it be the turn of small sects. And such opportunities are often few and far between.

But for large-scale sects, there are countless talents. Although the talents in the small world are good, they also intend to attract them, but they will not be too demanding, and they will not be as eager for talents as medium-sized and small sects.

Among the large sects near the gates of the Dragon Gate, most of the people who often send Jindan real people to sit in the small world are also medium-sized sects. Large-scale sects are extremely rare, and they are not too competitive with the lower sects in this regard, so it is rare to have a gatekeeper's turn. And it is worth to be drawn by the gatekeepers in the large sects, but only Shan Linggen.

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