Just like this, the person in charge of the Dragon Gate Conference, Tang Wenfei, is a rare person from a large sect. His attitude is not aggressive, but he has a naturally condescending aura. In the whole conference, he only took the initiative to say a word or two to Xu Ziqing and Su Xinlue.

Therefore, people in the small world, except for those with single spiritual roots, mostly entered the medium-sized sect, and a few entered the small sect. Then, the major sects mentioned by Teacher Diao Zimo are all medium-sized and small sects, which is a matter of course.

It was also Xu Ziqing who got to know Yun Lie by chance and had such insight. If he really went alone, not to mention that he might have a life to survive this, but all kinds of big world news, he can only know a thing or two from Su Xin's mouth, but he can't be as clear as now.

Diao Zimo and Luo Hou were still waiting for someone to answer, Xu Ziqing thought for a while and then asked, "Why don't you two consider the sect where Senior Tang is located?"

Logically, the various methods Tang Wenfei showed should be very eye-catching.

Diao Zimo paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "Don't hide it from fellow Daoist Xu. The reason why Diao chose the Clear Sky Sect is because several seniors in my Thunder Fire Sect entered this sect many years ago. If I go, there will be It is somewhat convenient to take care of seniors from the same sect." After he finished speaking, he glanced at Luo Hao and said, "I invited Brother Luo before because I saw him frankly and with extraordinary aptitude, so I can be friends with him. Now I invite Brother Luo. When you came to Daoist Xu, you also made this plan."

"I don't know Xu Daoyou... what do you think?"

Diao Zimo's thoughts couldn't be easier to understand.

Now that the foundation has been established, in the big world, it is natural to have a helping hand. One looks at character, the other looks at talent, and the third looks at connections.

Luo Hao didn't have any personality or talent to say that no one in the family has been able to enter the big world for many years, but it can be said that there is not much concern. If they get along well, they can become Diao Zimo's network.

As for Xu Ziqing, the first two are also impeccable, as for the connections... it comes from behind him.

Diao Zimo had already noticed, and there were four people left in the Sanctuary Alliance, all of them extraordinary and impeccable conduct. Although Xu Ziqing is a member of the foreign alliance, he is on good terms with Su Xin, and Zhuo Hanyan has already established the foundation, while the remaining Ran Xingjian is already close to establishing the foundation, and in the remaining months, it will not be difficult to establish the foundation. These four people are familiar with each other, and if they come to the big world, they will most likely enter the same sect. And the exercises they practice are all different, and since they are sects like the Clear Sky Sect, they can accommodate all of them.

At that time, they will be able to have six people to advance and retreat together, and even have the talent of two single spiritual roots and four double spiritual roots, why is it that the Clear Sky Sect will not accept them?

It's a pity that although Diao Zimo had a good idea, he also believed that it was a win-win solution. However, Xu Ziqing pondered for a moment, shook his head and refused: "Since fellow Daoist Diao is so frank, I will not deceive. I used to be just a loose cultivator with low qualifications, but I accidentally met a good friend from the big world. This friend left me behind. Last wish, he wanted me to enter the Wuling Xianmen where he was alive, so the daoist friend is kind, so I can only..." He paused, "I hope the daoist friend will forgive me."

Diao Zimo and Luo Hao both thought that this would be the case, and they were a little stunned. Immediately, Diao Zimo suddenly lost his voice: "The cough that Daoyou Xu said was Wuling... Xianmen?"

Xu Ziqing nodded: "It is Wuling Xianmen." But he was a little puzzled, "What?"

At this time, Diao Zimo's expression became a bit complicated, and he said, "Dao Mou's teacher once said, but in the great world, all the sects with the word 'immortal' in them are all sects who have been immortals. Fellow Daoist Xu Being able to know people in that class of sects is indeed a blessing."

Although he was somewhat envious, he would not be rude to mention the death of that person.

Xu Ziqing was also a little surprised, he didn't know there was such an allusion.

Immediately, he transmitted a voice to Yun Lie and asked, "Brother Yun, is this really the case?"

Yun Lie said: "It is true, but it is not comprehensive."

Xu Ziqing was even more surprised.


The so-called immortals have obtained the natural laws of heaven and earth, comprehend infinite wonderful meanings, separated from the mortal body, achieved the immortal body, lifted the sky and soared, and have the power of endless supernatural powers. It's a legendary character.

In the small world, Jindan Zhenren is already the top, but in the big world, there are traces of immortals... What a majestic and outrageous giant that can have disciples become immortals!

Xu Ziqing was still in a trance, when he heard Yun Lie say again: "The monks have become a generation in ten thousand years, and every generation has disciples who become immortals. Only the sect can bring the word 'immortal'. If no one has become an immortal for three consecutive generations, it must be Remove the word 'immortal'; after three generations, no one will become an immortal, and then a rank will fall."

Therefore, the competition for resources in the big world is actually thousands of times more intense than that in the small world!

Xu Ziqing understood the unfinished words of Yun Lie. I was surprised before, but now I think about it, but I am not afraid. Since you have decided to cultivate immortals, you naturally want to become immortals. If no one can become immortals, why do you talk about immortality? He really is not strong enough, and he needs to work harder.

After calming down, Xu Ziqing was able to calmly ask: "Brother Yun, if Wuling Xianmen can get this name, it must have been immortals from generation to generation. But since no one in the six generations has become immortals, they will lose their rank, so if they want to rise up. What are the requirements for a grade?"

Saying this, he only felt that his friend in the ring swept his consciousness lightly, which made him feel a little chilly.

I heard Yun Lie say: "If the second-rank sect wants to be promoted to the first-rank, unless three consecutive generations have become immortals, then the rank can be improved by this."

Three people become immortals every 10,000 years. Even if there are so many geniuses in the big world, it is extremely difficult to achieve this number... Xu Ziqing secretly sighed, thinking only that he will become more diligent in his cultivation in the future.

The two voices instantly

Afterwards, Xu Ziqing looked at Diao Zimo and the two of them again, and said with a gentle smile, "Daoist friend Diao has a lot of knowledge, I'm not as good as me."

Diao Zimo sighed: "Since Daoyou Xu has such ambitions, Diao must first wish you a 'successful success'. If you think that Daoist friend is so talented, it shouldn't be difficult to enter that fairy gate."

Xu Ziqing saw that although he and Luo Hou had envy on their faces, they were both broad-minded people, and they felt a little bit more in their hearts, so she couldn't help but say: "Since the Wuling Xianmen is so powerful, why don't you two go too? Try your luck? I thought that the two of them have extraordinary qualifications, and if you want to get started, it may not be impossible."

He already regards Wuling Immortal Sect as his future master sect, and naturally wishes that there are more talents and more heroes who may become immortals. From his point of view, even if Diao Zimo is not Shan Linggen, they are also high-level talents, but they are a little worse than themselves. Moreover, the two of them have excellent temperaments, which are much better than those who are innately talented and have impetuous moods.

Diao Zimo smiled: "Diao Mou thanked Xu Daoyou for his kindness first. There are countless geniuses and evil spirits in the fairy gate. The monks with dual spiritual roots like me are like fireflies under the moon, with a faint light. I'm afraid they won't be able to enter. "

Xu Ziqing frowned slightly when he heard him being so arrogant: "Daoyou Diao also went through many dangers and difficulties to successfully build the foundation, but now that the foundation has been established, why is it timid? dàng, step by step thorns, don't you have to fall over!"

Luo Huo over there was also relieved: "Xu Daoyou is right, Brother Diao Xian, what can you and I do? If it is successful, it will be very good, if not, it will not be too late for you and me to join the Clear Sky Sect. !"

Diao Zimo's face changed, and finally he gave a high five: "Well, I'm afraid of making someone come here!"

Chapter 99

Ever since he had a deep conversation with Diao Zimo and Luo Hu, Xu Ziqing and the two of them would sit and discuss each other from time to time.

In the following three months, the remaining monks who did not choose spiritual roots also tried to build foundations. Except for two people whose foundations were unstable and failed, more than ten others were successful.

At the same time, Su Xin also happened to build the foundation in the last five days. Because he has experienced a lot of things in the world and is in a good mood, in addition to being a little unstable, he has also succeeded. As a result, the four members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance have all succeeded in building foundations, and they are truly envious of many members of the sect family.

Zhuo Hanyan and Ran Xingjian were introduced by Xu Ziqing, and had some friendships with Diao and Luo, secretly forming an alliance that was not stable but involved. If they come to the big world in the future, most of these people will also help each other and pull each other.

However, due to Su Xin's busy retreat, and Xu Ziqing's announcement that he was going to enter the Wuling Immortal Gate, Zhuo and Ran were grateful to Xu Ziqing for helping him heal, but in the end they couldn't really be as close as a door to him.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

In the early morning of this day, an extremely loud and clear howl suddenly came from outside the mansion, as if it was struck by gold and jade.

But for all the monks in the dòng, when they heard this clear howl, their hearts moved, and they came out of the dòng in an instant.

I saw a cloud floating suddenly from the horizon, the whole body was pure white, extremely light, and it was constantly approaching.

When it came to the front, the cultivators could see clearly that it was not a cloud, but a huge luan bird, with a body length of three feet, and its wings opened another three feet. Its feathers are like snow, but there is a golden crown on top of its head, which is printed with its pair of golden eyes, making it more and more dazzling.

That is the spirit bird Bailuan, a very famous spirit shòu in the world!

At this time, the monks saw again that there was a person sitting on Bai Luan's back.

He was wearing a white brocade robe, the sleeves and the corners of his clothes were like flowing clouds, dancing in the wind. And he was also extremely handsome, with eyes like stars and a smile on his lips. He was the real Jin Dan who was familiar with him, Tang Wenfei, Senior Tang.

I just heard Tang Wenfei say: "Anyone who builds a foundation will go to my spiritual bird; those who have not built a foundation will go into my sleeve."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sleeves of his robes were swept away, and there were a few less people in front of the monks.

All those who choose to enter with spiritual roots, except for Xu Ziqing and Su Xin, who have two single spiritual roots, have not established foundations. Even Xu Zitang, whose heart is stoic, reserved and arrogant, only has a cultivation level that is close to the tenth level of Qi Refining.

The foundation-building cultivators watched Tang Yunfei's movements quite well. Although they could clearly see the trajectory of his sleeve sweeping, after a closer look, they all felt a little dizzy. Immediately, they were all horrified, and immediately averted their eyes. At this time, the cultivators knew that the realm was not reached, and even after seeing the true appearance of the technique, they were not allowed to practice.

So they didn't think much about it, and they resorted to various means to jump on the back of the spirit bird.

When the monks stood still, the spirit bird moved its wings slightly and walked leisurely. Its posture is like flowing water, its action is self-generated, and it is carried calmly and elegantly.

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