The impatient cultivator briefly explored the cultivation of this spiritual bird, and it turned out to be a fourth-order spiritual shòu, comparable to the cultivation of the foundation! And this kind of spirit has long been wise, and even can speak human language, but even so, it is only the mount under the body of the Jindan cultivator. After finding out, the cultivator immediately calmed down, daring not to be arrogant at all.

Bai Luan flew very fast, and in just a few breaths, he had already crossed the vast Tenglong Mountains and came to an extremely empty and wild field behind it.

The white fog here is obscuring, obscuring human eyes, and in the white fog there is the sound of water, which seems to be far and near, and cannot be heard clearly. This is very unusual for the monks who have already established the foundation.

Outside the white fog, many people are already waiting here. There are not only the sect masters and elders of various sects, but also the patriarchs and elders of many aristocratic families, as well as many cultivators of the foundation-building stage who are still young enough to cultivate. In addition, there are monks who are not in the sect family, but anyone who intends to leap to the Dragon Gate, their cultivation is all in the Foundation Establishment period.

Bai Luan circled three times in the air, slowly falling down as everyone looked up, standing on the top of a hill.

Tang Wenfei sat upright on Bailuan's back, not wanting to come down and talk to the monks. However, he flicked his sleeves and released a few talented monks from his sleeves.

When these monks landed, they still stood firm, and then they all went to their respective sects and aristocratic families.

Xu Zitang glanced slightly, then walked towards her brother, and the one who had sneakily followed Xu Ziqing also quickly found the direction of the Infinite Sect.

Seeing Tang Wenfei's actions, the foundation-building cultivators who were originally on Bai Luan's back were also very obedient. They all said goodbye to him, and soon they all came down by themselves.

Xu Ziqing, Su Xin and others went straight to the direction of the cultivators of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

The leader of the Sanctuary Alliance and his wife, Huo Tong, are standing side by side. Seeing that the four of them have successfully established their foundations, they can't help showing joy. Huo Tong, on the other hand, stared at Su Xin, and when he saw him walking quickly, he hugged him into his arms, his vocal cords choked: "You stinky boy!"

Su Xin naturally heard the worry and joy in the teacher's voice, and he smiled: "Master, don't worry, I'm a disciple taught by you and the master, how can I be wrong?"

Huo Tong heard it, laughed a few words, and let him go.

Su Xin winked at Xu Ziqing, Xu Ziqing only found it funny, and then returned a smile.

Zhuo Hanyan and Ran Xingjian also went back to their masters with excitement in their eyes.

For a while, there was a warm feeling in the Sanctuary Alliance, but someone on the other side snorted coldly. Xu Ziqing looked, but saw the immeasurable sect, and suddenly knew it. Looking at the leader of the Loose Cultivation Alliance again, he is still the old god, so he just pretends that he has never heard the hum, and completely ignores it. Xu Ziqing thought to himself, sure enough, the leader of the Loose Cultivation Alliance has the bearing of a sect leader. Immediately thought about it, this is the truth. The Sanctuary Alliance has already defeated the Infinite Sect, so why should they put the Leaping Clown in their eyes?

No matter what the Infinite Sect is angry with, it cannot do much. The gatekeeper is looking down from the back of the spirit bird, and no one dares to do anything.

After seeing everyone's greetings, the leader of the Loose Cultivation Alliance began to talk about business: "I am very relieved that the four of you can build a foundation. When you go to the big world in the future, you have to watch and help each other."

All four naturally answered "yes".

Then I heard the alliance leader say again: "Since you want to go to the big world, you need to know that the people in the big world will definitely be far better than me, you should not be blindly arrogant and easily arguing with others, but you should not feel inferior and self-pity, and let others. Bullying. Immortal cultivators like me, fighting for life against the sky and seeking the right way, we need to be more cautious, so that we can have a long-term immortal journey."

This is a good word from Jinyu, and the four of them responded: "Yes, the leader of the alliance."

After saying this, the leader of the alliance gave up his body, and his eyebrows eased: "I will not say more if I warn you that you know yourself, but if you want to go to the big world, you should also help the junior brothers and sisters in the alliance."

He pushed the two boys and one girl who seemed to be only thirteen or fourteen years old to the front, and said: "These three people are all high-level talents with double spiritual roots, so I want Han Yan, Xingjian and Xing'er three of you. Bring it into the big world, invest in the teacher's door together, and cultivate well."

The three children were also very obedient, and they all walked up to one person and waited for orders.

Su Xin and the others will not refuse, since they have good talents and good qualities, of course, it is better to enter the big world earlier. They will do their best to take good care of them.

After speaking to these three, the alliance leader turned around again and looked at Xu Ziqing: "Xu Xiaoyou's help, the old man has not yet thanked you."

Xu Ziqing hurriedly said, "I received the grace of being accommodated by the Loose Cultivation Alliance, but it is a small return, so I should not be grateful."

The leader's eyes moved slightly, and there was a sigh in his heart.

Although their scattered cultivator alliance took care of Xu Ziqing, they didn't take much care of him. They didn't expect him to be a rare Shanmu Linggen, which was a bit of a miscalculation. Now that he doesn't have a deep relationship with the Sanctuary Alliance, and he has helped Zhuo Hanyan, it is not considered that he owes the Sanxiu Alliance a relationship. Fortunately, Su Xin has a good relationship with him, and the two are somewhat affectionate. Therefore, he certainly couldn't ask Xu Ziqing to bring a disciple into the great world to take care of him, so as not to damage this kind of love.

The alliance leader didn't say much, Xu Ziqing also smiled and glanced aside.

But this time, he saw an acquaintance.

I saw the head of the Xu family, Xu Zhengtian, and several elders standing in an open space, surrounded by more than a dozen children. Among them, in addition to Xu Zifeng, there were two foundation-building cultivators, and they were all with one person. They wanted to bring people to the big world. . The rest of the disciples' cultivation bases are not bad, and they are all above the sixth level of Qi Refining. It can be seen that although the Xu family has endured hardships, they have not been injured because they sought help in time.

Xu Ziqing recognized it slightly, but was slightly surprised.

Beside the white-faced and bearded cultivator, he was followed by a man wearing a goose skirt.

The charming woman is very lively and lovely. It was actually Xu Zishu. In terms of seniority, it should be Xu Ziqing's cousin.

When Xu Ziqing was in the Baicao Garden, this woman climbed up Xu Ziluo. Now that many years have passed, she does not know what method she has used, and she clearly has the third level of Qi Refinement, so that the Foundation Establishment cultivator can take her with her.

After thinking for a while, Xu Ziqing turned to look beside another Foundation Establishment cultivator, who was also a beautiful woman. This goddess is a little arrogant and somewhat pungent, and her cultivation is at the fifth level of Qi refining.

Speaking of this woman, Xu Ziqing cannot forget it. Xu Ziqing was injured for the first time in his life, and it was this Xu Ziluo who took the shot and nearly lost his life.

Fortunately...fortunately, his friend made the move.

Xu Ziqing's gaze couldn't help but fall five or six steps away from Xu Ziluo.

There stood a man of not low stature, and his cultivation base was only at the fifth level of Qi Refining. His appearance is a little simple and honest, his qualifications are somewhat ordinary, but he is sincere and sincere, and his character is extremely rare.

It was Zhuang Wei.

But at this time, Zhuang Weizheng looked at Xu Ziluo silently, and his eyes were quite sad.

Xu Ziqing had long known that Zhuang Wei admired Xu Ziluo, and Xu Ziluo and other charismatic women seemed to be the same as before, and had no good feelings for Zhuang Wei. Zhuang Wei couldn't get what he wanted, and the woman he admired was going to the big world again.

Sighing slightly, Xu Ziqing stepped over.

Zhuang Wei was kind to him. Back then, his status was humble. This person never despised him in the slightest, but was willing to marry him. Now, although Xu Ziqing has established a foundation, he still regards him as a friend.

Naturally... I couldn't bear to see him unhappy.

Chapter 100 Big World

Zhuang Wei silently looked at the woman he cared about. She has always been qiáng, and her temperament is also very pungent. He should be happy for her if she can get along with the cultivator of the foundation and get a chance to enter the big world.

However, it is still hard to hide the sadness in my heart.

It's not that he didn't know the temperament of Miss Ziluo, but he had all kinds of things in his heart when he was young. Not to mention the great life-saving grace, just talking about the relationship that year was a warmth that he could never forget in the bottom of his heart.

Later, Zhuang Wei joined the Xu family and worked hard to cultivate, which was also to help Miss Ziluo. It is a pity that when Miss Ziluo entered the sect family, not only did her temperament change, but she had already forgotten about him. During his childhood, he was alone in his heart. Zhuang Wei was disappointed, but he was still willing to take care of her everywhere.

It's just that after Miss Ziluo went to the big world, Zhuang Wei's ability was weak, and he couldn't get in through the door, and he wanted to meet again in this life. If he wants to do his best for her, he can't anymore...

Thinking of this, Zhuang Wei became more and more discouraged.

At this moment, there was a clear and moist voice, which was very familiar.

"Brother Zhuang, do you still remember old friends?"

Zhuang Wei was shocked, he couldn't help turning his head, but saw a young man in a green shirt walking slowly, with a gentle temperament and a full smile. He was shocked, and then he was overjoyed: "But, is it brother Ziqing?"

Although he has many friends, he feels that there are only a few of them. Among them, Xu Ziqing, who is a few years younger than him, is one of them. Xu Ziqing was destined to enter the secret realm. He was very happy for him at first, but later he heard that he had fallen into the secret realm, which made him sad for many years, and it was difficult to let go. Although Xu Ziqing is no longer the little boy now, his appearance has not changed much, and he naturally recognized it at a glance.

Xu Ziqing was also quite happy. Zhuang Wei was his first friend after he arrived in this different world. He was able to recognize him after many years.

He turned around and walked to Zhuang Wei and smiled at him: "It's me, long time no see, I'm very happy to see you well, Brother Zhuang."

At this moment, Zhuang Wei noticed the change in Xu Ziqing's aura. Isn't that kind of aura like an abyss... He was surprised and said, "Brother Ziqing, you... No, now I should change my name to Senior Xu."

Xu Ziqing hurriedly said: "In those days, when you and I had different identities, you were willing to recognize me as a virtuous brother. Could it be that I am only a little advanced, so I want to be your senior? Brother Zhuang, in your heart, I am this Wait for the shameless!"

When Zhuang Wei heard the words, he didn't say much. When he saw Xu Ziqing, he didn't feel awe. He was only happy and kind, so he let go of the shackles of his identity and said, "If you can have such a cultivation base, I'm afraid you have suffered a lot." He remembered the bad news he had heard, and some thoughts turned around in his heart. , already understand a bit. Immediately sighed, "I can see you alive in front of my eyes, I..." The unfinished words were no longer spoken.

Xu Ziqing thinks about the past, and then looks at the present, and some emotions are born in his heart.

But he didn't forget his purpose, he said: "I have already built the foundation, and when the Ascension Dragon Gate opens, I will go to the big world. It's just that I am very unfamiliar in the big world, so I want a good friend to help me. Are you willing to help my brother?"

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