Xu Ziqing only felt that his eyes were dark and bright again, and when he raised his eyes again, he saw a majestic palace.

According to his previous vision, he should feel very majestic, but because he has seen many more majestic buildings in the inner door, when he looks at this palace again, he feels a little less tolerant.

There are three big characters written on the hall, which is "shangshitang". There are courtyards and many tall houses behind it, and they should be their residences.

The puppet black eagle hovered high in the sky, and the fierce pressure spread across the entire mountain in an instant, causing the people in the hall to feel it, and after a while, many figures appeared in front of him.

Xu Ziqing observed that most of these cultivators were similar to his cultivation level, and there were a few who could not see through them, but they did not give him a sense of threat.

Yun Lie sat on the back of the black eagle, his breath was cold, and his expression was cold. Even if the terrifying sword pressure only overflowed a little, it still made the cultivators below look pale and sweaty.

After the monks saw the black vulture, they all leaned over and saluted, and said in unison, "I have seen the chief criminal!"

Then they heard the astonishingly powerful man in black speak: "I'm the forty-nine seat of Xingfeng, and I will supervise the recruitment of disciples this time." ."

In addition to the many elders, stewards and other people who hold power in the outer sect, there is another person in control, who is called the "master of the hall". In fact, he is the sect master of the outer sect, and has the power to appoint and dismiss the people in the outer sect.

However, even for the sect master of the outer sect, the status and treatment are only the same as those of the inner sect disciples.

Among the cultivators, a slightly fat cultivator stepped on the flying sword and came to a place slightly shorter than the black eagle.

Yun Lie lowered his eyes: "When will the door be opened?"

Jia Yangping said respectfully, "It's the right time in the morning."

Yun Jie nodded slightly: "It's the end of the 19th century, you can go to Wuxintang."

Naturally, Jia Yangping responded "yes" again, and went back to greet the many elders and stewards, who used various magic tools, huddled around, and flew towards the other end.

Yun Lie controls the black vulture, quietly flying in the vicinity, not crowded with many people from the outer door, but it seems to have a sense of "independence".

When Xu Ziqing saw his senior brother's power just now, he felt very indescribable.

But before thinking too much, the group had already arrived in front of the Hall of Enlightenment.

Chapter 121 Demon Seed

Due to the admission of disciples today, the front of Wuxin Hall was very empty, except for two rows of warriors standing proudly, which seemed quite majestic. Just at the beginning of the morning, a thick yīn shadow floated from the sky, and cast it in front of the Wuxin Hall. A little bit of aura was shining brightly, and there was a fresh air, which made it more and more lonely and refined.

It turned out that there were more than a dozen high-ranking people in charge of the outer sect who came, and they put away the instruments and landed on the ground.

In such a bizarre scene, the two rows of warriors seemed to have never seen half of them.

The black eagle, the puppet hovering high, did not come down, but hovered quietly, fluttering its wings occasionally, very calm.

Xu Ziqing sat on the back of the black vulture, looking down from a high place, he suddenly made a "huh" in his mouth, and immediately asked, "Senior Brother Yun, are those the warriors of the outer door?"

Yun Lie replied, "Yes."

Xu Ziqing became more and more curious, and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

In the original jade slip, in addition to the inner sect, the important matters of the outer sect were also clearly explained. I thought it was because many inner sect disciples knew the difference between the inner sect and the inner sect. In the end, this outer gate also belongs to Wuling Xianmen, and it is also indispensable.

This outer sect is actually a place to handle the chores of Wuling Xianmen, and also to inspect the responsibilities of outer sect disciples.

But the most important thing is Baigongling.

The people on Baigongling Mountain are all skilled workers. The garment workers are better at weaving robes, the agricultural workers are better at serving the spiritual fields, the craftsmen are better at refining many simple instruments and so on, and the skillful workers are better at crafting ingenious tools... all kinds of things. After the work is finished, all the good resources obtained should be sent to the inner door for those disciples who are dedicated to cultivation.

Not all disciples from the outer sect can enter the inner sect, and some are still lacking in aptitude after all their efforts. Entering the Baigongling is the most common place to go.

And often the inner disciples have to choose slaves, and it is also among them.

For those who are not allowed to become disciples of the inner sect, if one or two people from the inner sect serve him as slaves, it is better than spending time in the outer sect. In addition to those who are hardworking, there are also many people who are seeking good things and tricks to enter Baigongling first, and then try their best to conspire with inner disciples. And the immortal journey is difficult, and the inner disciples of the left and right need some people to take care of the affairs. The sect does not shy away from this method. As long as the person is loyal enough and has been tested, he can give him a chance.

However, there are also many disciples who don't like to slander and flatter people, so the skillful craftsmen of Baigong and the craftsmen have worked together to refine a kind of servant, that is, "Lishi".

This kind of warrior has no consciousness of its own, and is the most obedient, similar to a puppet of an organ, very clever. It is further divided into grades, namely huáng scarlet warriors, silver armored warriors, and gold armored warriors. The higher the class, the longer the lifespan and the more amazing the power. If it is said that a huáng fighter is only equivalent to the cultivation of a congenital warrior, then the silver armor is comparable to the foundation, and the golden armor is even closer to the golden core!

Such wondrous things attracted the attention of the sect master at the beginning of their manufacture. They promoted the status of the maker exceptionally, and pulled them into the inner door. They belonged to the peak of refining, and were only refined for the disciples who had made outstanding contributions to the inner door. silver armor

, Golden Armored Warriors. However, the skilled craftsmen and craftsmen who stayed at the outer gate were limited by the materials and heat, and according to the sect’s regulations, they could only refine huáng towel fighters.

The two rows of warriors in front of the Wuxin Hall below are wrapped in scarves, so they are the warriors of scarves.

Jia Yangping, the head of the head office, is not the first to preside over the recruitment of disciples. He also knows that the judges who came to supervise will not come down with them, but just support them from above.

He had done all the etiquette before, and now he has to arrange all the things that follow. Because he was familiar with it earlier, he is now more orderly. After giving a few words, he stood upright in front of the Hall of Enlightenment.

Jia Yangping transported his True Yuan, and suddenly a silver bridge sprang out from his sleeves. It rose in the wind and turned into a sky bridge very quickly. It was erected and stretched far into the distance.

The silver bridge is not very spacious, and it can only accommodate two people walking at the same time, but the silver bridge is extremely high and extremely long.

And under the silver bridge, I don't know when it also turned into a vast sea, which is extremely true.

Xu Ziqing was slightly surprised, even with his current eyesight, he looked like real sea water, and asked, "Senior Brother Yun, is that an illusion?"

Yun Ling nodded slightly: "The Silver Bridge of Wenxin, there is a formation engraved on it, and people below the Jindan period cannot see through it. People who go to the bridge will be imprisoned, leaving only the mortal body."

Xu Ziqing understood a little, since he said "asking the heart", he must also mean to torture his heart. He thought about it, if he went to the silver bridge by himself, and couldn't use the real yuan to protect the body, I am afraid that he would have to be a little bit wary. This is indeed an excellent test method.

When Chen Zheng arrived, the rays of light flowed on the silver bridge, and the sea below also set off layers of sea làng, which looked particularly turbulent.

The outer door of Wuling Xianmen opened wide, and after a while, a figure was seen.

I saw that many men and women suddenly appeared on the bridge, and they all crowded on the bridge.

Soon there were a few hurried on the bridge, but the people behind them were not to be outdone, and they were also fighting for the first place.

But on such a narrow bridge, how can you resist such reckless actions? Soon the one at the back crowded the one in front, and there were five or six people who were unsteady under their feet and fell under the bridge!

The sea water looked so fierce, a flower swept the person away, bluffing several people in the back, but those who couldn't see what was in front of them didn't stop, and they collided with each other. , "Hula-la" and many more people went down!

At this time, it finally frightened the people behind. Although the number of people on the bridge continued to increase, no one was willing to go on the bridge. They all stopped and watched, not daring to act rashly.

Xu Ziqing watched it from a distance, but couldn't help frowning, and said, "I lost my calmness just now, but now I have lost my enterprising spirit. This is really..."

Yun Lie's words were indifferent: "You can't pass such a level, you can't enter my Wuling Xianmen."

Xu Ziqing sighed, but did not object.

This is indeed the case, but the sea water under the bridge has some momentum, and the silver bridge is higher and almost that's all, and the rest only needs to walk over the bridge, even if the first level is passed.

If you can't pass such an easy task, how can you pass the next test? Wuling Xianmen is a large-scale sect, even if it is an outer disciple, there is always some threshold.

It took a while before someone walked out first and set foot on the Silver Bridge.

This person is quite thin and does not seem to be very courageous, but he walks very steadily step by step, and his cautious appearance makes people feel pity.

After more than half an hour, he just walked to the middle section of Yinqiao. Although he walked a little over this distance, he never fell down, and he seemed to be getting closer and closer to Wuxintang.

This skinny boy was about to come, and those who were watching behind him were also tentatively moving forward.

This time, everyone was more careful and not as reckless as before.

The queue gradually formed on the silver bridge, and there were some small fights in the middle. For various reasons, many people who came to the bridge fell off the bridge. Anyway, the ones who stayed on the bridge accounted for the majority.

Seeing this, Xu Ziqing frowned slightly.

Suddenly, a strong murderous aura erupted from Yun Lie's body.

Xu Ziqing was startled and looked over immediately.

I saw Yun Lie raised his finger, and with a little tap, a wisp of sword qi burst out from his fingertips!

This strand of sword qi made a "swoosh" sound, and dragged a long white mark, which was in the middle of the eyebrows of a person on the silver bridge.

The man was hit with a bloody dòng immediately, and he fell to the ground. Immediately, two more sword qi passed by, and two more people were pierced between the eyebrows, and they all fell into the sea water under the bridge!

After the three sword qi passed, there was a panic.

Although those who came to apprentice had some preparations, who knew that there would be murders? All of a sudden it was terrifying. Among the many people who had calmed down before, more than half of them stepped on each other because of panic, and they all fell under the bridge. There were still dozens of people who were reluctant to calm down, but they had to stop in the bridge, and didn't dare to take another step.

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