Seeing this, Xu Ziqing was also stunned. Why would Senior Brother Yun kill someone at this time?

Yun Lie did not speak to him at this time, but his expression was icy cold, and his consciousness was revealed, as if he had swept over the people on the bridge again.

The people on the bridge were compelled by this coercion, and they only felt that an extremely cold chill was coming from the bottom of their hearts, as if they had seen through their internal organs. Therefore, the stronger ones can stand still, while the weaker ones are paralyzed and fall to the ground!

However, this coldness came and went quickly, and it dissipated in about two breaths.

Only at this moment did Yun Lie say: "The nails of the devil's gate have ghosts in their hearts, and they will be punished without mercy."

Xu Ziqing suddenly said: "Is it a person from the devil's way?"

Yun Yan nodded slightly.

Xu Ziqing was suffocated, and then asked softly, "Could it be that Senior Brother Yun could find out where he came from?"

Yun Lie shook his head slightly: "Just give the body to the sect."

Xu Ziqing was clear and didn't talk much.

In the small world, the immortals and demons are already enemies, but in the big world, it is much more complicated.

People who cultivate demons can be divided into the way of the righteous and the way of the evil. The former go their own way and are free and unrestrained, so there are often few founders and many people who are free from the world; It is more like a person in the immortal realm, and has a sect attached to it. It's just that the sect of the evil demon is much more sinister than the sect of the immortal way.

Today, the immortal way is powerful, but the demons are not much weaker. However, the immortals are sheltered by mortals, and the demons use mortals as bait and resources. It is natural that the two are opposed.

Over time, there have been many conflicts between the immortals and the demons, and the demons and Taoists often choose demon species and send them to the major sects to be apprentices to seek art, and to install hidden stakes. Because of this, the people in the immortal sect suffered a great loss, and since then, the immortal sects have become more and more strict when selecting their disciples.

Among the responsibilities of Yun Lie's punishment, supervising many external sect managers is the second priority, and killing the devil's nails is the top priority.

Xu Ziqing had seen blood demons kill innocent people indiscriminately and do such evil and treacherous things in the way of evil demons, so when he saw demons being executed, he could not feel any mercy. I just want to know that if these demons are accidentally mixed into the fairy sect, I am afraid it will be very harmful to the sect...

It took three days to screen the first stage of the disciples. For three days, Yun Lie did not slack off, just sitting on the back of the black vulture, always looking around, and finally killed twenty-eight demon species. The Demon Sect sent these many demon species to come, which shows the high status of Wuling Xianmen, which is coveted.

After three days, Wuling Xianmen closed its doors.

The silver bridge was put away, and many foreign monks who had passed the threshold were also arranged by Jia Yangping.

After that, it was busy for five days, and the cultivators were screened according to their age, spiritual roots, cultivation base, understanding, character, etc., leaving a total of 288 cultivators. Among them, there are twelve people who are expected to enter the inner door. They are sent to the observation hall first, and they live with the monks who have passed the three tests in the small world before. They are all prospective inner door disciples.

As for the remaining two hundred and seventy-six people, they were already prospective outer disciples.

Then all the outer sect disciples and the prospective outer sect and quasi inner sect disciples gathered in the Yingxian Hall, waiting for the inner sect to choose. At this time, it was also Yun Lie's second heavy responsibility.

Chapter 122 If that's the case, what kind of immortals are they cultivating?

In the early morning of that day, many people gathered in front of Yingxian Hall one after another.

In the outer sect, except for the people from the Baigong Mountain, the other disciples do not need to wear the same clothes to serve, so they all dress up individually, and some are bright and colorful, but they are all neat and not the slightest rude.

One of Yun Lie and Xu Ziqing was wearing a black shirt and the other was wearing a green shirt. At this time, the two of them were not riding the puppet black eagle like before, but stood side by side. The head of the hall and many of the stewards and elders are not there, but I don't know where they went and what they did.

Xu Ziqing glanced around the crowd, and then settled on a bright red-clothed youth, who was Su Xin who had not seen him for a long time. At this time, he turned his head to talk to Zhuo Hanyan beside him, and then he turned his head as if he noticed something.

The eyes of the two met, Su Xin was startled for a moment, and then it was a sign of joy.

Xu Ziqing looked at him and smiled slightly. When he looked around Su Xin again, he saw Diao Zimo, Luo Hu, Ran Xingjian and others, all of whom seemed to be prospective inner disciples. However, the few children who came with him at the beginning did not see it. They thought that there were some errors in their xinxing or understanding, and they could not get in.

When Su Xin saw Xu Ziqing, he quickly informed Zhuo Hanyan and others, so Xu Ziqing inevitably looked at them and nodded with a smile, just saying hello.

Seeing that everyone was well, Xu Ziqing was relieved a little, and then he didn't look much, and followed Yun Lie's side.

After a while, spirit birds gradually flew in the air.

The spiritual bird stood or sat on it, and many monks with elegant clothes came by the wind, very elegant and unrestrained. They are all overbearing and bullying, and they have a strong cultivation base when they look at them.

Xu Ziqing looked up and noticed some unfathomable auras, but he was with Yun Lie every day, but he knew very well how oppressive Jin Dan real person can feel. Now that I see it, I feel that It seems that no real Jindan has come... but according to the rules, non-jindan real people cannot accept apprentices, so it is not Jindan real people, and why did they come?

When he was puzzled, he suddenly heard someone calling in the air, "Who is Diao Zimo? Come forward!"

That voice seemed to be far and near, but it exploded in the ears of everyone, but it was like thunder, which was very shocking.

Xu Ziqing was surprised.

He never thought that the first person in the inner door to greet him was his acquaintance!

Diao Zimo did not dare to hesitate, when

At that time, he took a step forward: "Junior Diao Zimo, I have seen my senior!"

The man laughed "haha", his voice even louder: "I heard that you have double spiritual roots, thick and thin, and you are a seedling of Lei Fa. Now I am shocked by Leifeng and want to accept you as a registered disciple, are you willing? "

After Diao Zimo had tested his xinxing, he had been waiting at the outer gate to recruit disciples for a long time, and had already figured out the grades of many disciples. I thought most of it was going to go to the inner door to struggle for a while, but now that the master accepted him, he was overjoyed, and immediately said: "Diao Zimo, thank you for your appreciation!"

He also knew very well in his heart that if a cultivator from a small world like him was not mentioned, no one would pay attention. And the person who mentioned him was naturally Du Xiuzhen who had met him once, and he couldn't help but feel a bit of gratitude in his heart.

The man was very satisfied when he saw Diao Zimo behave like this, and then stretched out his hand to grab it, and Diao Zimo involuntarily flew up and sat on top of the spirit bird.

After that, the person didn't stay much, and the spirit bird fluttered to the inner door as soon as its wings fluttered.

As we all know, Thunder Peak is a middle peak, not only the peak owner must be a peerless person above Nascent Soul, but there are many masters of Jindan and Huayuan period on the peak. Even if he is only accepted as a registered disciple, his future prospects are infinite.

Seeing that Diao Zimo was so lucky, many disciples were instantly envious, and many even showed jealous expressions, and they were all tidying up their clothes, and they were all about to move.

Xu Ziqing looked at Su Xin and the others, and saw that their faces were three-pointed with envy and seven-pointed joy, and their eyes were also slightly soft. It seems that these days they have been in a good relationship, and now that Diao Zimo has good luck, it is also good for them. He thought about it again, those small worlds have a good heart, they are not brothers, and they all understand that they should have a "same spirit" relationship, and they care about Xu Ziqing several times more than him, so there is no need to worry too much. .

However, thinking of the love of the Sanxiu Alliance and Su Xin's relationship with him, Xu Ziqing thought about it, but still passed the sound: "Don't go to the peak of bliss."

Besides, Su Xin and others were considering the matter of Diao Zimo's worship in Zhongfeng, but when they suddenly heard this divine voice transmission, they couldn't help but froze for a while.

After hearing that this sound transmission was owned by Xu Ziqing, these people looked at each other, and when they saw the expressions on the other side, they all understood a little. After that, Su Xin looked at Xu Ziqing and nodded to show it.

Xu Ziqing made a point and was relieved.

At this time, there was also a voice transmission in his sea of ​​consciousness: "Don't let go of the consciousness again."

Xu Ziqing was stunned, and looked at Yun Lie in surprise. He knew that this was his brother's voice transmission.

Yun Lie's expression remained unmoved, and his voice sounded in Xu Ziqing's mind: "Your cultivation is still shallow, and your spiritual consciousness can be blocked."

Xu Ziqing's pupils shrank suddenly, then relaxed: "Yes, Senior Brother Yun."

He really didn't think too much about it, but any monk with a cultivation level above the Yuan Dynasty can easily intercept him with a little sense of his consciousness. If the words he and Su Xin transmitted before were cut off for others, it would actually be a slap in the face of Bliss Peak, and it would definitely bring him trouble... It's just that Su Xin and others have to worship the inner door, and Bliss Feng is obviously very inappropriate, if he doesn't remind him, he really can't feel at ease.

Fortunately, the place where he passed the sound transmission just now was only a disciple of the outer sect, and his cultivation was not as good as his.

After that Diao Zimo was taken away, there were still many spirit birds in the air, all of them circling each, as if choosing.

However, no one has been admitted to a certain peak as a disciple or the like. Instead, some people have been regarded as slaves, and they have also been brought into the inner door.

Xu Ziqing noticed that few of those prospective outer disciples were picked away, but more outer disciples were picked, and the remaining more than 10 potential inner disciples were also uninterested.

After another meeting, the spirit bird in the sky leaned down and fell to the side where there were few people.

On the back of the spirit bird, a few monks with full body aura jumped down. At the same time, there were quite a few outer disciples who hurried away as if they were afraid of getting into trouble.

The chill around Yun Lie's body became even colder at this moment.

Xu Ziqing froze, frowning.

It turned out that just a few feet in front of him, there was a beautiful woman with beautiful clothes, who happened to be snuggling into the arms of a very tall looking male cultivator.

The male cultivator put his arms around the woman's waist with one hand, while the other reached into the woman's dress from below to play with it, and the smile on his face looked somewhat unspeakable. On the other hand, the woman turned her head sideways, and there was a trace of love at the corners of her eyes and brows.

This scene... made Xu Ziqing feel a little nauseous.

In the Xianmen sect, how could someone do such, such wicked things in broad daylight?

After taking a deep breath, Xu Ziqing looked at Yun Lie and said in a low voice, "Senior Brother Yun..."

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