But since we are fighting against the enemy together, he naturally has to respond: "Brother Ziqing said that it is really amazing to be able to make a spiritual tool inferior to a magic weapon!"

The two of them sang together, and Li Cai was so angry that he was so angry that he was so angry: "You dare to play tricks when you are about to die, look at me, Langya Huan - smash! smash! smash!"

The Worshiping Moon Ding instantly turned into a white light, until Li Cai retracted his palm, and at the same time, two rings burst out in front and back, blue in the front and red in the back, water and fire combined, and it was brilliant as soon as it was released!

Two rings in the air became as big as wheels in the blink of an eye, one was full of fire, and the other was rippling with water waves, the red ring hit Xu Ziqing directly, to restrain his wood qi, while the blue ring was aimed at Su Xin, To put out his fire! And they are extremely heavy, weighing a thousand pounds. If they are smashed hard, with the hardness of the spiritual tool, they will definitely be smashed to death or injury!

Su Xin's expression changed, the aura on this Langya ring was even brighter than that of the Moon Worship Cauldron!

The endless water and fire rushing in frantically, with overwhelming pressure, firmly suppressed Xu Ziqing and Su Xin. This pair of red and blue double rings is at least a mid-grade spiritual weapon, plus it has dual attributes. Difficult to manipulate. But Li Cai, with the help of his ancestors, made this Langya ring into his own magic weapon. Even if his current cultivation base is not enough, he can still use seven or eight points of its ability!

This time, Su Xin and Xu Ziqing were in danger.

Su Xin's long sword is covered with Qingyan Treasure Fire. This fire is not something that ordinary water can douse, but it can't be used as a spiritual weapon. The quality of his long sword is a little worse, and he was repeatedly hit by Langhuan. , it is rare to be able to support him without hurting himself, but even so, the long sword has gradually formed a fissure.

As for Xu Ziqing, his chūn rain sword technique created an illusion of boundless drizzle, but the fire started a prairie fire, and the flames soared into the sky, so that the rain was already steamed before it fell.

He danced the sword more eagerly, and the chūn rain became more and more lingering and delicate. The sky was covered with mist, and the sky and the earth were endless. One after another was burned by the fire, and the rain fell again and again, which consumed a large amount of true energy in Xu Ziqing's dantian!

Over there, Li Cai watched Su Xin and Xu Ziqing slumped on the left and right, and couldn't help laughing wildly: "When your flying swords are broken and your true essence is exhausted, I will capture you alive and bring you to the Bliss Peak to present to the ancestors! With a long laugh, he grabbed a handful of elixir and stuffed it into the mouth, "I have the elixir that my ancestors contrived, and there is a steady stream of true essence. How can you wild cultivators compare to me!"

The surrounding disciples were also surprised by Li Cai's fierce flames.

Li Cai is so arrogant because of the support of the ancestors of Nascent Soul, and the spiritual pills and countless spiritual tools in his hands are also enviable.

There are disciples in the inner door whispering.

Someone said, "These two boys offend Li Cai, and I'm afraid they will be arrested and made into a cauldron. If the spirit in the body is sucked away, it will be very difficult to enter the country in the future!"

Someone sighed: "It's a pity, I see their cultivation true essence is pure, it seems that they are all geniuses with single spiritual roots, such talent, if they have enough training, they may not be able to achieve a great power!"

Some people were surprised: "But today's punishment is not ordinary, does he really allow Li Cai to bully new disciples like this?"

Some people also said: "After all, there is an ancestor of Yuanying behind Li Cai. Although Senior Yun is listed in the top five of the Tianlong list, the Tianlong list is only a peerless talent list in the Jindan period. Under the threat of the ancestor of Yuanying, he will give Li Just a little face is normal."

"No!" Someone suddenly said, "That young man in a green shirt is Senior Yun's junior brother!"

At this time, many people said: "If this is the case, even if it is just for face, Senior Yun will not expose this matter!"

There were different opinions for a while, and the inner disciples who came to find the cauldron and the concubines were watching, and even the concubines in their arms forgot.

Xu Ziqing's chūn rain swordsmanship was finally suppressed to the extreme.

It is a pity that his sword practice time is short, and he has only practiced one move of the chūn rain swordsmanship, so it is difficult to use it. To be able to fight to this point is because his attributes are very compatible with "Four Seasons Sword Art".

Under the control of Li Cai, Lang Yahuan became even more arrogant.

The chūn rain in the sky can't even fall, it has already been completely destroyed by the fire, and the red ring that weighs thousands of pounds is also more quickly and violently smashed down, and a string of crisp sounds are transmitted to the human ear, as if it is transmitted to the heart. The internal organs, passed into the sea of ​​consciousness, made the people in the predicament even more nervous, and also generated more pressure.

Xu Ziqing really felt a lot of pressure.

Yahuan felt heavier and heavier, and the flame aura it emitted was also closer to him.

At this time, every time Xu Ziqing swings his sword, it takes a lot of strength. His arm seems to weigh 10,000 kilograms, and it is extremely difficult to lift it every time.

The chūn rain sword technique has been used to the extreme by him under such compulsion, so it is also extremely soft.

This was the realm he had reached, and it was also a level that created a kind of stagnation when he was extremely soft.

Xu Ziqing knew very well that after being soft, it should be the power to break through.

Just as the chūn rain has fallen, and the seeds have absorbed enough moisture, they must immediately break free from their shackles, push away countless mudstones, and break out of the ground!

This is a feeling of freedom and explosion that was suddenly released after extreme depression. It cleared away all the previous anguish, and suddenly became elated.

But even though Xu Ziqing experienced life and death several times, he could not understand this feeling.

Of course, it is impossible to match the profound meaning of swordsmanship with one's own state of mind, and it is impossible to practice it.

But now, Xu Ziqing

Suddenly have a different feeling.

Because Xu Ziqing now has a very depressed feeling, and he is even more angry with Li, and has lost his peaceful mood of being kind to others in the past.

Isn't the suppression of the chūn rain swordsmanship by the strong fire on the Yahuan just like the suppression of seeds by earth and stone?

He wants to break through the confinement of Yahuan and help his friend Su Xin, isn't it just like the seeds want to break through the soil and run towards the vast surface of the earth!

Therefore, at a certain moment, Xu Ziqing, who had been pushed to the extreme, actually had the same mood as that vain attempt to break through!

Soft to the extreme, about to explode!

When the artistic conception brought by the chūn rain swordsmanship has been melted away, the seeds will also germinate!

At this point, Xu Ziqing felt that a powerful force was rushing and flowing in the right arm holding the sword, and quickly concentrated in the right palm, as if it was about to burst out immediately——

The wood grows because of the chūn rain, and the green grass breaks the ground.

Xu Ziqing, with the spirit of Yimu, combined with his own single-mud attribute, and finally realized the sword art suitable for him from the rain sword technique.

The first type: cute words.

Xu Ziqing said warmly: "Wild fires start a prairie, the rain has fallen, the young shoots have broken through the ground, and the grass is everywhere."

It is "the wildfire can't burn out, the chūn wind chuī is born again".

In the next moment, Xu Ziqing's sword stance changed, and a huge force went straight out along the steel-wood sword!

His swordsmanship has undergone tremendous changes, from infinite lingering to an instant explosion——

In an instant, the almost non-existent chūn rain artistic conception disappeared without a trace, and what remained was a vast land.

Wildfires swept across the land, leaving the land barren and lifeless.

However, the wildfire burns out, the boundless green grass emerges, the earth is green in a blink of an eye, and all things return to chūn!

With the sword move of Meng Zi Jue, the flame on the ring of Ya was flickered by the sword light, and then quickly dimmed. The ten thousand jins of gravity was also smashed by the strong explosive sword force!

Yahuan's shackles have been opened!

Xu Ziqing stood with his sword down, Li Cai and Yahuan were connected by heart and soul, and when Yahuan was defeated, he couldn't help but choked in his chest, almost bleeding from the corners of his lips.

Langhuan was uncontrolled and fell to the ground. At this moment, the flying sword in Su Xin's hand finally reached the end of its lifespan and turned into pieces.

Before Su Xin could feel distressed, Li Cai was shocked and shouted angrily, "Help me stop them!"

The two masters of Huayuan period who were hesitant to communicate with Yun Lie heard that, they didn't care much, turned around and flew back, and went straight to Li Cai.

However, at this moment, a stern man in black also appeared beside Xu Ziqing.

Chapter 126 Yun Wet Chest VS Second Senior Brother

Yun Lie's expression was indifferent, and he flicked his finger: "Under the order of the black dragon, those who do not obey the precepts of the sect will be captured."

As soon as he finished speaking, a coercive black token stood up and released a black light in the air. Rush in the direction of Li Cai!

When the two masters of the Yuan Dynasty saw this, they didn't care what happened to Xu Ziqing, they all shouted in unison, "Stop!" They immediately rushed over, trying to stop Li Cai from being captured.

But how can the cultivation of the two of them be compared with Yun Lie?

The black dragon decrees in the hands of the chief criminal are all high-grade spiritual weapons, and they are even more irresistible after being inspired by Yun Lie's true essence. entangled.

Li Cai shouted bitterly: "I am the grandson of the great ancestor of Bliss, who would dare to take me!"

Yun Lie turned a deaf ear, and the masters of the Yuan Dynasty had to bite the bullet and attack Yun Lie instead.

However, the black-clothed criminal said again: "If you obstruct law enforcement, you should also be arrested."

Seeing Yun Lie pointing at the same point, Heilong Ling suddenly separated into two phantoms, which also turned into a solid dragon, trapping the two masters of the Yuan Dynasty.

The two masters couldn't resist at all, they felt that the surging power of binding surrounded the whole body, and stepped into the footsteps of Li Cai. But at this time, they breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter which one of them is, they don't want to really face Yun Lie. Yun Lie has broken through the most difficult level of killing ruthless swordsmanship, and it is almost a certainty that he will be promoted to Nascent Soul in the future. And the ancestor of Nascent Soul behind Li Cai is also something they can't afford to offend. They are trapped now, and they are indeed lacking in strength, but they don't need to be in a dilemma!

It was only a matter of breath, and the eyes of everyone present flashed. The three people who were so arrogant just now were already subdued by Yun Lie, which made them admire and marvel at Yun Lie's decisiveness.

But at this moment, an angry shout suddenly came from the sky: "Shuzi dare!"

After this loud shout, a heavy punch slammed down from the mid-air demon, like a falling star, with infinite power!

The power of that punch came straight from the clouds.

Yun Lie raised his eyes slightly, and with a flash of golden light in his eyes, there was an invisible sword intent that stabbed out rapidly, colliding with the heavy fist that condensed great power!

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